Lesson plan on Communication General Information: Name of the teacher: Binal Joshi Course Management of nursing services and education Unit Unit 4 Topic Communication Group of students Seven semester students No. of students in group 60 Date Time (1 hour) Venue classroom Previous knowledge of the group Teaching method Lecture cum discussion Audio-Visual Aids Black board, PPT, Video Central Objective : After completion of the class students will be able to gain knowledge and understanding about Communication Specific objectives: After completion of the topic students will be able to… 1) To introduce the term Communication 2) To define Communication 3) To enlist the steps of Communication 4) To identify Common Barriers to Effective Communication 5) To classify communication 6) To relate communication with language 7) To identify communication system used in hospital. Lesson Plan on Communication Page 1


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Page 1: Communication

Lesson plan on Communication

General Information:

Name of the teacher: Binal Joshi

Course Management of nursing services and educationUnit Unit 4

Topic Communication

Group of students Seven semester students

No. of students in group 60


Time (1 hour)

Venue classroom

Previous knowledge of the group

Teaching method Lecture cum discussion

Audio-Visual Aids Black board, PPT, Video

Central Objective : After completion of the class students will be able to gain knowledge and understanding about Communication

Specific objectives: After completion of the topic students will be able to…

1) To introduce the term Communication2) To define Communication3) To enlist the steps of Communication4) To identify Common Barriers to Effective Communication5) To classify communication6) To relate communication with language7) To identify communication system used in hospital.

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Sr. No.


Content Time(Min.)

Teaching-Learning activities


1. To introduce the term Communication


Communication (from Latin commūnicāre, meaning "to share" is the act of conveying intended meaning from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs and semiotic rules.

Robert Kreitner defined, “Communication process is a chain made up of identifiable links. The chain includes sender, encoding, message, receiver, decoding, and feedback.”In the opinion of S. K. Kapur, “The communication process is the method by which the sender transfers information and understanding to the receiver.”According to Bovee, Thill and Schatzman, “The communication process consists of six phases linking sender and receiver.”

7 The teacher introduces the term with the transmission of one sentence from first student to last student.

What is “communication”

2. To define Communication

 Communication process is the set of some sequential steps involved in transferring message as well as feedback. The process requires a sender who transmits message through a channel to the receiver. Then the receiver decodes the message and sends back some type of signal or feedback.

5 Teacher explains definition by using the black board

Define communication

3. To enlist the steps of


The communication process refers to the steps through

8 Teacher explains verbally steps of

Enlist the steps of

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which communication takes place between the sender and the receiver. This process starts with conceptualizing an idea or message by the sender and ends with the feedback from the receiver. In details, communication process consists of the following eight steps:

1. Developing idea by the sender: In the first step, the communicator develops or conceptualizes an idea to be sent. It is also known as the planning stage since in this stage the communicator plans the subject matter of communication.

2. Encoding: Encoding means converting or translation the idea into a perceivable form that can be communicated to others.

3. Developing the message: After encoding the sender gets a message that can be transmitted to the receiver. The message can be oral, written, symbolic or nonverbal. For example, when people talk, speech is the message; when people write a letter, the words and sentences are the message; when people cries, the crying is the message.

4. Selecting the medium: Medium is the channel or means of transmitting the message to the receiver. Once the sender has encoded his into a message, the next step is to select a suitable medium for transmitting it to the receiver. The medium of communication can be speaking, writing, signaling, gesturing etc.

communication by showing PPT

communication process

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5. Transmission of message: In this step, the sender actually transmits the message through chosen medium. In the communication cycle, the tasks of the sender end with the transmission of the message.

6. Receiving the message by receiver: This stage simply involves the reception of sender’s message by the receiver. The message can be received in the form of hearing, seeing, feeling and so on.

7. Decoding: Decoding is the receiver’s interpretation of the sender’s message. Here the receiver converts the message into thoughts and tries to analyze and understand it. Effective communication can occur only when both the sender and the receiver assign the same or similar meanings to the message.

8. Feedback: The final step of communication process is feedback. Feedback means receiver’s response to sender’s message. It increases the effectiveness of communication. It ensures that the receiver has correctly understood the message. Feedback is the essence of two-way communication.

4. To identify Common Barriers to Effective Communication


1. The use of jargon. Over-complicated, unfamiliar and/or technical terms.

2. Emotional barriers and taboos. Some people may find it difficult to express their emotions and

10 Teacher explains barriers of the communication by showing the video

What are the barriers of communication?

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some topics may be completely 'off-limits' or taboo.

3. Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver.

4. Differences in perception and viewpoint.5. Physical disabilities such as hearing problems

or speech difficulties.6. Physical barriers to non-verbal

communication. Not being able to see the non-verbal cues, gestures, posture and general body language can make communication less effective.

7. Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents.

8. Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false assumptions or stereotyping.  People often hear what they expect to hear rather than what is actually said and jump to incorrect conclusions.

9. Cultural differences.  The norms of social interaction vary greatly in different cultures, as do the way in which emotions are expressed. For example, the concept of personal space varies between cultures and between different social settings.

5. To classify communication


1. VerbalVerbal communication entails the use of words in delivering the intended message. The two major forms of

15 Teacher verbally explains the types of communication with examples and participation of

Classify the communication

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verbal communication include written and oral communication.A. Written communication includes traditional pen and

paper letters and documents, typed electronic documents, e-mails, text chats, SMS and anything else conveyed through written symbols such as language. This type of communication is indispensable for formal business communications and issuing legal instructions.

B. Oral Communication The other form of verbal communication is the

spoken word, either face-to-face or through phone, voice chat, video conferencing or any other medium. Various forms of informal communications such as the grapevine or informal rumor mill, and formal communications such as lectures, conferences are forms of oral communication. Oral communication finds use in discussions and causal and informal conversations.

The effectiveness of oral conversations depends on the clarity of speech, voice modulation, pitch, volume, speed, and even non-verbal communications such as body language and visual cues.

Verbal communication  makes the process of conveying thoughts easier and faster, and it remains the most successful form of communication. Yet, this makes up only seven


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percent of all human communication!

2. Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication entails communicating

by sending and receiving wordless messages. These messages usually reinforce verbal communication, but they can also convey thoughts and feelings on their own.

A. Physical nonverbal communication, or body language, includes facial expressions, eye contact, body posture, gestures such as a wave, pointed finger and the like, overall body movements, tone of voice, touch, and others.Facial expressions are the most common among all nonverbal communication. For instance, a smile or a frown conveys distinct emotions hard to express through verbal communication. Research estimates that body language, including facial expressions, account for 55 percent of all communication.

B. ParalanguageThe way something is said, rather than what is actually said, is an important component of nonverbal communication. This includes voice quality, intonation, pitch, stress, emotion, tone, and style of speaking, and communicates approval, interest or the lack of it. Research estimates that tone of the voice accounts for 38 percent of all

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communications.Other forms of nonverbal communication usually communicate one’s personality. These include:

Aesthetic communication or creative expressions such as dancing, painting, and the like. Appearance or the style of dressing and grooming, which communicates one’s personality. Space language such as paintings and landscapes communicate social status and taste. Symbols such as religious, status, or ego-building symbols.

C. Visual CommunicationA third type of communication is visual communication through visual aids such as signs, typography, drawing, graphic design, illustration, color and other electronic resources.Visual communication with graphs and charts usually reinforces written communication, and can in many case replace written communication altogether. As the adage goes “a picture is worth a thousand words," such visual communication is more powerful than verbal and nonverbal communication on many occasions. Technological developments have made expressing visual communications much easier than before.A good understanding of the different types of communication and communication styles can help

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you know and deal with people better, clear up misunderstandings and misconceptions, and contribute to the success of the enterprise.

6. To relate communication with language


A. Paralanguage is presented in the tone and voice and in the pacing speech.

B. Inconsistent messages are interpreted by noting facial and voice clues

C. Gestures can indicate process occurring in social interaction

D. Facial expressions are given special attention in receiving interpersonal feeling

E. Bodily postures act as a signal of important features of social relations such as dominance and attraction

F. The extent of interaction is shown by actions to gain closeness or distance

3 Teacher verbally explains the students

Discuss relationship with language and communication

7. To identify communication system used in hospital.


EMPLOYEE2) Sign posts for the patient and general public3) Staff conferences to get suggestions and for

decision making4) Social gathering so improve IPR5) Employee consultation in problem solving6) Sending orders and protocols

7 Teacher explains the student by the use of PPT

What are the communication system used in the hospital.

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7) Handbook to provide general information8) Manuals9) Bulletin boards10)Suggestion systems complaint books11)Hospital magazine12)Annual reports13)Light signaling systems14)Alarm systems in accident prone areas15)Telecommunication system16)Enquire officer and public relation officer\17)Patient information booklet18)Inserts in payrolls and attendance register

1) Assignment to the students : WRITE DOWN THE ASSIGNMENT ON: “Telecommunication system”

Date of Submission :

Bibliography :

1. BT Basavanthappa,”Nursing Administration”, first edition,jaypee brothers,Kundli,2008.2. Deepak k.,”A Comprehensive Textbook On Nursing Management”, first edition, Vinay

Printers,Banglore:2013.3. Mary Lucita,”Nursing Practice and PublicHealth Administration”,Second edition,ELSEVIER,New

Delhi:2007 4. Neelam Kumari,”A textbook Of Management of Nursing Services and Education “,First edition, P V

Books:2011.(as per INC Syllabus)

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5. Neelam Kumari,”A textbook Of Management of Nursing Services and Education “,First edition, P V Books:2011.

6. Patricia Kelly, “Leadership and Management in Nursing” First edition, DELMAR CENGAGE learning,Australia:2008.

7. Swinder Kaur,”A Professional Adjustment ward Management and Trends in Nursing “,Second edition, Lotus publishers, Jalandhar::2011.

8. Shabnam Masih, ”Nursing Managemnet-In Service And Education” first edition, Lotus publishers,Jalandhar::2011.

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