Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement: Make Your Life Going Best The fast-paced life has brought lots of ifs and buts. Money, fame and power has occupied everyone's mind and soul but the one major thing that is neglected is health. As the saying goes, 'Health is wealth', people have forgotten the deep insights of this phrase. Life has become more exhaustive and challenging every day. With so much to look around, tiredness, anxiety, stress is what surrounding the people of today. Chronic Fatigue: very common

Bio identical hormone replacement: make your life going best

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Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement: Make Your Life Going Best

The fast-paced life has brought lots of ifs and buts. Money, fame and power has occupied ev-eryone's mind and soul but the one major thing that is neglected is health. As the saying goes, 'Health is wealth', people have forgotten the deep insights of this phrase. Life has become more exhaustive and challenging every day. With so much to look around, tiredness, anxiety, stress is what surrounding the people of today.

Chronic Fatigue: very common

You might get confused by reading the above-mentioned heading but read it again and you will understand. Every third individual is suffering from stress, lack of sleep, body pain but still take it lightly. These symptoms are common among individuals of every age but they are not aware of what it actually is. They take it as a normal body behaviour because of their busy lives. How-ever, this is not the case. Adrenal fatigue or Chronic fatigue is what is termed for such body ill -ness. In addition, the syndrome affects in various ways to different people.

Page 2: Bio identical hormone replacement: make your life going best

Cortisol is an essential stress hormone to the body, which is generated by the adrenal glands. It helps the body to fight the stressors such as infection and inflammation. It also helps in regulating the glucose levels and supports the liver in the detoxification process of the body.

Any kind of human emotion can stimulate an adrenal hormonal cascade within the body that triggers the release of cortisol. Production of cortisol by the adrenal glands helps in dealing with



Adrenal Fatigue/ Chronic Fatigue- Treatment and symptoms:


• Increased harshness of allergies

• Mood swings

• low energy levels

• Depression

• Anxiety

• Insomnia

• Trouble getting up in the morning

• Decreased ability to manage the stress

Page 3: Bio identical hormone replacement: make your life going best

• Drop in the productivity and focus level

• Muscle weakness

• Lowered sex drive

• Weight gain

• Low body temperature


Once you have gone through the above, you might suspect that you are suffering from adrenal fatigue/ chronic fatigue or you are stressed. Do not panic! Various cures and measures can be very useful in lessening the symptoms and prevent regression.

Adrenal diet: Improved diet can noticeably help in adrenal nourishment. Coffee and other caf-feinated products should be not be consumed, Intake of vitamin C rich foods, oats and vegeta-bles that are mineral rich should be eaten.

Healthy living style: Change in certain daily lifestyle habits is essential to get rid of adrenal fa-tigue or chronic fatigue. Try eating regularly by not skipping meals, sleeping timely and getting up early, working-out regularly.

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Bio- Identical Hormone Replacement: This treatment comprises of identify-ing any hormonal deficiencies in the body and acknowledging it directly. Bio-

identical hormones are molecularly alike to the natural hormones produced in the body. These hormones are derived from the plant-source wild yam and are compounded into a delivery sys -tem to make sure active ingredients are engrossed successfully. BHRT starts with the consulta-tion from a certified professional. After this blood, urine and saliva samples are tested to ana-lyse the hormones level. Any high or low levels of hormones indicate that a balancing of hor-mones is required. Once the results are identified, bio- identical hormones are given. The process is very simple and effective.

For More Information Visit Here:-

Address: 81 Showground Road, Castle Hill, Sydney, NSW, 2154, Australia

Web: http://www.sivannahealth.com.au/ayurvedic-nutrition.html

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 02-9659 7181