Health Management Information System


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Health Management Information System

� S. A. Info Technology provides HMIS solution” AROOGYA “ which

is advanced, Reliable & Authentic information at your finger


� AROOGYA is primarily meant to be Simple, User Friendly,

Comprehensive, Centralized and Easy to use solution at Anytime

and Anywhere.

� AROOGYA software helps in optimizing and enhancing the� AROOGYA software helps in optimizing and enhancing the

quality as well as effectiveness of operating hospital

management with minimum errors.

� AROOGYA provides secure, robust environment for transactions

across all dept of hospital & quick response time to hospital


� AROOGYA provides confidence and trust to the management at

any point of using this solution.

� Registration & Inquiry Mgmt

� Causality & Emergency Mgmt

� Laboratory Management .

� Outside Patient Inform. System

� In-patient Adm-Discharge-Transfer Management

� Hospital Pharmacy

� Hosp. Administration Management

Equipment Management� Outside Patient Inform. System

� Accounts & Finance Mgmt

� Nursing Station

� House Keeping & Laundry

� Audio, Video & Image Capturing Syst.

� Equipment Management

� Certificates

� Medical Records

� Blood Bank

� Medical Records

� Browser based solution, so easy to use at Anytime and Anywhere as

per the convenience.

� Fully integrated and will possess the ability to share and exchange

information across the whole organization in real time.

� This will automate the work flow, manage the storage and retrieval of

information at any time.information at any time.

� Audio, Video & Images can be captured during the surgical procedures

of the patients for their records.

� Other services such as online appointment scheduling, payment

gateways, online claims processing etc.