Allergies and Allergens: Detecting the Culprit

Allergies and allergens

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Allergies and Allergens: Detecting the Culprit

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Allergy Symptoms Guide

The following symptoms are among the most common: coughing, wheezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and dermatitis. How a person experiences the symptoms depends on the allergen and his exposure.

For instance, an individual may experience difficulty in breathing if he inhales pollen or skin rashes if he applies a certain type of lotion that contains some of the chemicals he is allergic to, or nausea and vomiting if he eats something he is allergic to. Some individuals are more predisposed to developing an allergy because of family history. This is referred to as atopic allergy. Inherited allergy is more prone to develop in boys than girls and in babies who are born light weight. The intensity of the reaction varies from mild to severe.

There are cases that are life threatening. Anaphylactic reaction is also known as anaphylaxis. Anaphylactic reactions need immediate medical attention.

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Sulfite Allergy Guide

Some food may be enhanced or preserved by adding sulfur-based compounds. These compounds occur and are collectively known as sulfites. An estimate of one out of a hundred people sensitive to these compounds has been given by the FDA Sulfite sensitivity develops at any time of life. The exact cause for this is still unknown even today.

Sulfite reactivity in sensitive individuals may range from mild to severe. The use of sulfites on certain produce was banned in 1986 by the FDA. Sulfites used in the manufacture of food MUST be listed on the product label. A variety of cooked and processed food have added sulfites in their ingredients. Fresh food no longer contain sulfites. Naturally occurring sulfites may be found in the process of making beer and wine.

Food containing, or which may contain, sulfites should be avoided to prevent reactions to sulfite. Habitually reading food labels should be practiced by sulfite sensitive individuals. In a restaurant, ask the chef or waiter if sulfites have been used before or during food preparation.

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Symptoms of Milk Allergy

In order to avoid allergic reactions, those who have milk allergy must rigorously avoid any contact with products that contain milk. It is tough to avoid these types on food because there are a number of products in the market that contain trace amounts of milk. Food allergies are sometimes mistaken as food intolerance. Individuals who are suffering from milk intolerance may experience constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal cramps, and bloating.

Always be mindful of the ingredients by checking food labels. It is also wise to read food labels when shopping for food. Sometimes, manufacturers change the ingredients and add trigger food to the new recipe.

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Cigarette Smoke Explained

Moreover, allergic complications such as sinusitis and bronchitis can occur. In fact, the risk of these complications increases during an exposure to secondhand smoke. Smoking is harmful to everybody. Smoking may aggravate the condition of individuals who are suffering from allergies.

Cigarette smoke includes many toxic chemicals and irritants. A number of toxic chemicals and irritants are present in a cigarette smoke. People with cigarette smoke allergy are highly sensitive to cigarette smoke compared to others. Research studies have proven that allergies can be aggravated by smoking.

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Pollen Allergies Facts

These round or oval pollen grains used by plants for reproduction purposes are so microscopically small and cannot be seen by the naked eye. While other plant species use cross-pollination, some use the pollen from its own flowers to fertilize itself. Others must be cross-pollinated by other plants of the same type.

In order for cross-pollination to take place, the pollen must be transported from one flower to another of the same species so that fertilization will take place and seeds will form. For certain flowering plants, insects play a big role in transporting pollen. For some, the wind is the only means of transport. Allergic reactions are not usually caused by plants with showy flowers but rather by plain – looking types like trees, grasses, and weeds. In order for pollen produced by these plants to be suitable for air transport, they must be dry, lightweight, and small.

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More Info?

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