ACNE Pimples, Blackheads, and Whiteheads


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Page 1: Acne

ACNE Pimples, Blackheads,

and Whiteheads

Page 2: Acne

What is ACNE?Acne occurs when the pores of

the skin become clogged, inflamed, and sometimes

infected. The clogged pores can result in blackheads,

whiteheads, or pimples .

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How does it all start?Acne starts in the skin’s sebaceous gland. These glands secrete an oily substance called sebum. The sebum normally travels through a tiny hair follicle from the gland to the skin’s surface. Sometimes the sebum becomes trapped, mixing with dead skin cells and bacteria. This causes clogged pores called comedones which are blackheads that reach the skin surface. Whiteheads are comedones that stay beneath the surface. Small red bumps, pimples, also develops .

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What are pimples?

A pimple is a small swelling in the skin caused by a blockage of a pore. Pimples are caused when the sebaceous glands located at the base of hair follicles become overactive. The most vulnerable parts of the body are face, chest, back and shoulders.

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What are blackheads?Blackheads are little bumps embedded into the pores of our skin. The excess oil gets shut in the pores resulting in a ball of collected oil which when is exposed to air, usually turns yellowish or blackish color. The most likely develop on people with

very oily skin .

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1 )Changes in hormone levels which is ages

between 12-24 such as during puberty, pregnancy

and before menstrual period.

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2 )Increased sebum production

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3) Changes inside the hair follicle

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4 )Bacteria

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5 )Stress

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6 )Certain medicines

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7 )Certain cosmetic products or too much make


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Drink 10 glasses of water a day . If you deprive your body of water, your body will hydrate your skin from fluids within

your body including polluted liquids from your internal organs

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Eat more fruits ! Their high water content will help give your skin more of a glow

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Every 30 minutes apply an ice pack and hold it there for 2 minutes. It will

decrease the swelling and redness and shrink the inflammation and pain

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Pressing and holding a tea bag or a cotton ball with a drop of lemon juice

for 5 minutes. It will reduce the swelling and redness.

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Open pores in face by applying warm water or mild steam. Apply honey for a few minutes. Wash with warm water, then splash cold water to close the

pores .

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Dab some toothpaste, not the gel kind, before going to bed. It will dry up or

atleast shrink the pimple overnight .

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Wash twice daily with mild soap. People with oily skin must use water-based


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Stop drinking soft drinks ! Even though they contain water, the carbonation of water and sugar will dehydrate your


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Stay away from food like french fries, pizza, chocolate..etc. foods that are

oily or greasy can contribute to break outs.

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Wash your skin daily with anti bacterial cleanser to remove excess oil, sweat,

bacteria and make up. It helps to clean the pores.

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You can use pore treatment strips. They help to clean pores and gunk from your


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Change your pillow case atleast once a week. Since your face is on it nightly, your pillow cases can gather together

debris, oil and bacteria leading to blackheads.

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So now you know what is acne and its preventions. As a

woman, your health concerns are unique as your body. How you take care of yourself has a

huge impact on your future, which can affect everything. For this reason is always suggested to keep skin cleaned. Whatever

is you put on your face throughout the day, be sure to take it off before going to sleep !

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OH one more thing: