Pharma and healthcare marketing 10 statistics that matter now

10 healthcare marketing statistics that matter now

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We sorted through thousands of game-changing statistics in hundreds of reports to find: the ten numbers that matter most right now.

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Page 1: 10 healthcare marketing statistics that matter now

Pharma and healthcare marketing10 statistics that matter now

Page 2: 10 healthcare marketing statistics that matter now

Overwhelmed by the numbers?I once heard someone joke that 76% of statistics are made up on the spot. Couldn’t be. There are so many of them that there would be no need for fiction. A new game-changing statistic comes out every day. Often contradicting the one from the day, the month, the quarter before that. We sorted through thousands of them in hundreds of reports to find: the ten numbers that matter most right now.

Page 3: 10 healthcare marketing statistics that matter now

Physicians Survey, Business Insights Ltd, 2009

17% The number of physicians who always prefer to be detailed by an in-person sales rep


For healthcare professionals, personal preference is everything. It’s all about delivering the right message, in the right place, at the right time.

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72% The number of physicians who carry smartphones


If you’re not designing for the small screen, you’re not connecting with a huge portion of your HCP audience.

What do they do with those little

computers in their pockets?



Of those docs use their phones to download medical info

Topic they look up: prescription drugs

Manhattan Research, 201011,000 Physicans by Knowledge Networks, 2010http://bit.ly/cpMeec

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28% of visitors to health and wellness websites are 55+


Your ePatients may not look like what you’d think.

That’s an index of 129.

Heather Dougherty, Hitwise, 8/2010

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2.6 mm Number of emails PER QUARTER sent to doctors by Kaiser Permanente members


Participatory medicine doesn’t just make sense, it’s happening. And, on a large scale. Ted Eytan, MD, MPH, Kaiser Permanente, 10/2010

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80% Of nurses direct patients to health-related content online


Healthcare professionals know that patients can get needed information and support online. They recommend healthcare sites they trust.

34% of doctors actually go online with their patients in

the exam room.

Manhattan Research, Taking the Pulse, 2010Manhattan Research, Taking the Pulse Nurses, 2010

“The idea that I can pretend I know everything is just wrong. There is huge power in being

willing to say I don’t know. Let’s look it up together.”

-Danny Sands, MD, MPH

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44% of women will continue to evaluate an Rx after leaving the doctor's office before deciding if they will fill it


The decision to treat isn’t made in the exam room, it’s made with both expert content and social context

GSW Worldwide's Pink Tank and Meredith Research Solutions , 2010

The Social Life of Health Information, Pew Internetand American Life Project, 2009

60% of them look for the experience of

“someone like me”

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8 mm Planned sales calls didn’t happen last year because more docs closed their doors to reps


We need to make sales rep calls more valuable, convenient and flexible AccessMonitor™, a report from global consulting

firm ZS Associates, 5/2010

Rep-accessible docs

20%Rep-Inaccessible docs


Last year, the number of docs who would see most reps dropped significantly and the number who refused to see most reps increased by half. That netted out to 8 million planned sales calls that were nearly impossible to complete.

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98% Adherence rate of patients in a trial of GlowCaps – a pill bottle cap with reminders built in


Challenge for innovators is designing information into the things around us; changing daily behavior with what we build around the pill.

Vitality, 2010

Yeah, that’s versus the

average adherence rate

of 71%.

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2.4 mil Members of iGuard, the world’s largest medication monitoring service and largest patient-centric research platform


Give people access to something valuable and they’ll give you value back.

Dr. Hugo Stephenson, Quintiles, 2010

Are people really engaged? 97%


Retention rate after 18 months

Number of drugs listed on their site for consumer feedback

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53% Of people say that information they found online led them to ask a doctor new questions


Patients are powerful, engaged advocates for their own care. They search on a mission.

The Social Life of Health Information, Pew Internetand American Life Project, 2009

ePharma Consumer v8.0, Manhattan Research

Consumers who visit product sites are nearly 3X more likely than the average US adult to request prescriptions by name from their doctors


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