Yashodabai Gumbade lives in a tribal area in Nashik district. She belongs to a poor family who subsist by working as daily wage workers & rearing farm animals. Yashodabai helps her family out with household chores including taking care of her grandchildren.


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Yashodabai Gumbade lives in a tribal area in Nashik district. She belongs to a poor family who subsist by

working as daily wage workers & rearing farm animals. Yashodabai helps her family out with household chores including taking care of her


Yashodabai's vision started deteriorating & her vision became blurred. She was less of a help around

the house.

Yashodabai heard of the MFV supported eye camp where she got her eyes checked. She went to Tulsi Chanrai Eye Hospital to get her cataracts removed.

With her sight restored, Yashodabai can help her family in the house again. She is happy to be contributing to the

family's work again. She is also relieved to be independent once more.

In Pics: Yashodabai helping her family in the household chores