www.hertsdirect.org Jim McManus, OCDS, CPsychol, CSci, AFBPsS ,FFPH, FRSPH Director of Public Health, Hertfordshire County Council What works in Public Health Approaches to Community Safety: Some reports from the Lab 3 rd December 2014

What works in Public Health Approaches to Community Safety: early reports

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This presentation was given at the National Local Government Association Safer Communities Conference in London on 3rd December 2014 and

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Page 1: What works in Public Health Approaches to Community Safety: early reports


Jim McManus, OCDS, CPsychol, CSci, AFBPsS ,FFPH, FRSPH

Director of Public Health, Hertfordshire County Council

What works in Public Health

Approaches to Community Safety:

Some reports from the Lab

3rd December 2014

Page 2: What works in Public Health Approaches to Community Safety: early reports



• How we’ve used public health approaches to dealing with community safety issues, eg around preventing violence and abuse

• in the context of ‘what works’ with limited resources for CSPs, how the success of these approaches has been measured (especially where these are financial savings)

• what evidence can be presented to help other areas persuade partners to adopt similar approaches

• your suggestions on how councils can work better with public health colleagues for mutual benefit.

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Step 1

How we’ve used public health approaches to dealing with community safety issues, eg around preventing violence and abuse

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Public Health Approaches

• Analyse population need

• Conceptual framework

• Identify priorities

• Identify effective interventions

• Commission where evidence suggests

• Pilot and test where evidence silent

• Evaluate

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Putting Public Health Principles into action:

Getting to an effective intervention

It’s not just about whether it works per se, but who it works for, in what context and so on

A three dimensional model of intervention, stage of lifecourse, level of intervention and domains of community safety

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Three dimensional approaches to public health

Z Axis : TimeframeShort – long term

Y axis : Level of complexity


Adapted from Dettels et al (2009)In Oxford Textbook of Public Health

X axis : Lifecourse Stage

Pre-conceptionInfancyEarly yearsAdolescenceYoung adulthoodAdulthoodMid lifeOlder adulthoodFurther detail on conceptual models can be found in Healthier

Herts: the public health strategy for Hertfordshire 2013-17http://www.hertsdirect.org/docs/pdf/p/phstrat.pdf

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Three dimensional approaches to public health

Z Axis : TimeframeShort – long termWe often miss!

Y axis : Level of complexity


Adapted from Dettels et al (2009)In Oxford Textbook of Public Health

X axis : Lifecourse Stage

Pre-conceptionInfancyEarly yearsAdolescenceYoung adulthoodAdulthoodMid lifeOlder adulthood

Further detail on conceptual models can be found in Healthier Herts: the public health strategy for Hertfordshire 2013http://www.hertsdirect.org/docs/pdf/p/phstrat.pdf

Z Axis: Intervent



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Three domains approach to community safety

Control and Enforcement

Prevention and Early Intervention

Treatment, care and support

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Applying the three dimensions to each domain

Time Phase

Short -medium Medium - long


Biological, Psychological

Societal, Environmental, Legal

Lifecourse Stage

Pre conception Old Age

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Example : conduct disorder

Control and Enforcement

What here?

Prevention and Early Intervention

Good evidence for Parenting skills

Treatment, care and support


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Conduct disorder and Parenting Skills

Time Phase

A short term intervention suggests reasonable medium term gain

What about the longer term?

Which Layer is this

Essential a behavioural and social (family) intervention

What do other layers do? Eg school?

Which Lifecourse Stage?

Parents with chidren up to puberty

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Step 2

in the context of ‘what works’ with limited resources for CSPs, how the success of these approaches has been measured (especially where these are financial savings)

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Good Evidence Maintenance

Intervention for domestic abuse perpetrators and


Promising evidence Recovery using multi-method approaches including

forensic and clinical psychology

Drug Courts (Adults/Family not Juvenile)

Piloting and Testing Drug Intervention on arrest in criminal justice

Thriving Families

In the lab

No idea Novel psychoactive substances

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Good Evidence Early intervention

Stabilisation and therapy

Intervention for domestic abuse perpetrators and


Motivational Interviewing in settings

Cardiff Model

Promising evidence Enforcement areas

Piloting and Testing Licensing approaches

High Strength Alcohol approaches

In the lab

No idea

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The promising buys for alcohol/drugs

• Drug and alcohol recovery linked to employment

• Drug testing on arrest PROVIDED fast referral into service

• Suffolk/Ipswich high strength alcohol

• Street drinking and eastern European outreach

• Cardiff model

• The 56 Dean Street model for “chem sex” issues

• Unlikely to be cost effective

• Drug testing parents

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Hate Crime

Good Evidence Reporting

Sensitive intervention

Promising evidence Resilience work

Anti bullying and other multimodal strategies

Piloting and Testing

Uncertain Media campaigns

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Domestic Abuse

Good Evidence Whole systems approaches

Perpetrator programmes

Promising evidence Addressing Drug and alcohol related issues in victims

and perpetrators

Addressing Mental Health issues in victims and


Piloting and Testing

No Idea

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Offender Health

Good Evidence Stabilisation of mental health problems

Stabilisation of drug and alcohol problems

Promising evidence GP registration and in-reach to probation caseloads

Greater Manchester offender health trainers (mixed)

Piloting and Testing Doing this locally now

Data sharing

“In the lab”

No idea

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BeNCH – Beds, Herts, Luton, Northans and

Cambridgeshire Probation and PCCs

• Health programme as part of the work

• DPH for Hertfordshire Jim McManus Board Sponsor

• Short term aims:

• To ensure every offender has access to a GP. On release from prison, through the resettlement process and use of ‘through the gate’ volunteers.

• Cross-BeNCH mapping exercise of mental health services for offenders within their IOM, custody, probation centres, etc

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BeNCH (2)

• Medium term aims:

• Review and extend the Hertfordshire Health Needs Assessment (HNA) of the Probation caseload to include Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire.

• Ensuring each part of BeNCH has offenders included as a distinct population/theme within the relevant JSNA

• Long term aim:

• Information sharing protocol between health and criminal justice organisations, to manage the risk and protect the public from offenders who are violent/predators or high risk MAPPA cases, by improving information sharing between criminal justice agencies and health organisations where appropriate, whilst respecting confidentiality.

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Step 3

what evidence can be presented to help other areas persuade partners to adopt similar approaches

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The problem with evidence (with thanks to Prof Harry


All possible


Interventions with

evidence of


Interventions with evidence of

effectiveness AND evidence of

cost effectiveness

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Evidence we use...not a rigid system



Systematic Reviews

Critical Appraisals of Evidence by PH Team

Outcomes data –



Outcomes for our drugs services are better than

national average

Return on investment model shows this works

Agency data; A and

E data,

Tracking outcomes from national and other sources

Performance data Service data across systems (E European street


Formal Evaluations Not our first option

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Step 4

your suggestions on how councils can work better with public health colleagues for mutual benefit.

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Key steps

• Define the public health role in community safety carefully and clearly (terms of reference)

• Look to see where public health skills and mindset (epidemiological approaches to crime, evidence appraisal) can apply to

• Find a model which works for you

• Joint projects

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Herts as an example

• Herts has a community safety public health team with 1 of them embedded in community safety unit

• Mutual Board seats where relevant

• Mutual projects

• 3 domains model

• Commissioning and Public Health skills courses

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A word about governance

• Agencies all adopting the three domains model

• Strategic Drugs Board – PH/Police Joint Lead

• Strategic DA Board – Police and ? Joint Lead

• Joint Offender Health Working Group

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Setting out our stall clearly

1. Public Health Role Definitions

1. Offender Health

2. Alcohol Hospital Admissions

3. Domestic Abuse

4. Licensing

2. BeNCH offender health Summary

3. BeNCH Offender Health Project Plan

4. Herts Offender Health Plan

5. Offender Health Delivery Group ToR

Simple SMART

statements of

what we will and

wont do

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