The year 2013 is a re- markable year in the his- tory of the Summit. Ten years back the first edition of Vibrant Gujarat took place and successfully re- established Gujarat as an investment destination on the national and global business maps. Every next edition has brought trans- formational change in the event concept, which in turn, led to successful posi- tioning of Gujarat as “The Preferred Investment Des- tination”, “The Growth Engine of India” and “The Global Business Hub”. Starting from the fifth edi- tion, the Summit encom- passes various areas of development agenda of the state. Focus on busi- ness, networking and sum- mit to summit promotional activities has gradually transited to focus on knowledge based exchanges and round the year promotion. Development is the primary focus of the concept of the sixth edition of Vibrant Guja- rat Summit. The key areas of development identified include Inno- vation, Sustainability, Skill Development and Knowledge sector. These major areas have been enweaved into various activities and events organized under the aegis of Vibrant Gujarat 2013 Summit. In the run up to the Vibrant Gujarat 2013 Summit, various events, like seminars, conventions, panel discussions, lecture series, exhibi- tions, regional meets and other innovative forums for discussions, brainstorming sessions and interactions have been organized. The main summit will include thematic seminars in such booming sectors as Ports, Renewable Energy, Technology Solutions for Envi- ronmental Sustainability, Financial Services, Transportation, etc. Various knowledge events will take place before the main Sum- mit; they will include panel discussions on Rurbanization, Youth Development and Good Governance; discussion forums on Sus- tainability, CSR and Innovation. Technology and Innovation Sym- posiums, Young Entrepreneurs Meet and International Conference for Academic Institutions will also be conducted. Various country/state specific seminars are being planned during the Summit. It is an enormous opportunity for international dele- gates and delegates from the Indian states to showcase their busi- ness propositions, participate in knowledge sessions, attend the Global Trade Show and, of course, get the first hand information on the economic and business developments in Gujarat. The Sum- mit is aimed at bringing together business leaders, investors, cor- porations, thought leaders, policy and opinion makers; the Summit serves as a perfect platform to understand and explore business opportunities in the State of Gujarat. We, at the Government of Gujarat, are committed to make our state a globally preferred place to live in and to do business. We welcome you to be a part of this growth journey. We wel- come you to Vibrant Gujarat 2013. From The Desk Vibrant Gujarat 2013 Industrial Extension Bureau Gujarat Fact File Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors Sum- mit 2013 will be spread over 1 lakh square meter of exhi- bition space Japan and Canada are the partner coun- tries for Vibrant Guja- rat Global Investors Summit 2013 VG 2013 will witness participation from vari- ous countries across the globe along with sev- eral Indian states Inside this issue: Gujarat Updates 2 International Dele- gations 4 Focal Point 5 Partners in Growth 7 Events Calendar 8 Shri. A K Joti, IAS Chief Secretary Government of Gujarat November-December 2012 Issue 15

Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013: Report on Philosophy and Executtion Concept

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Page 1: Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013: Report on Philosophy and Executtion Concept

The year 2013 is a re-markable year in the his-tory of the Summit. Ten years back the first edition of Vibrant Gujarat took place and successfully re-established Gujarat as an investment destination on the national and global business maps. Every next edition has brought trans-

formational change in the event concept, which in turn, led to successful posi-tioning of Gujarat as “The Preferred Investment Des-tination”, “The Growth Engine of India” and “The Global Business Hub”.

Starting from the fifth edi-

tion, the Summit encom-

passes various areas of

development agenda of

the state. Focus on busi-

ness, networking and sum-

mit to summit promotional

activities has gradually transited to focus on knowledge based

exchanges and round the year promotion. Development is the

primary focus of the concept of the sixth edition of Vibrant Guja-

rat Summit. The key areas of development identified include Inno-

vation, Sustainability, Skill Development and Knowledge sector.

These major areas have been enweaved into various activities

and events organized under the aegis of Vibrant Gujarat 2013


In the run up to the Vibrant Gujarat 2013 Summit, various events, like seminars, conventions, panel discussions, lecture series, exhibi-tions, regional meets and other innovative forums for discussions,

brainstorming sessions and interactions have been organized.

The main summit will include thematic seminars in such booming

sectors as Ports, Renewable Energy, Technology Solutions for Envi-ronmental Sustainability, Financial Services, Transportation, etc. Various knowledge events will take place before the main Sum-mit; they will include panel discussions on Rurbanization, Youth Development and Good Governance; discussion forums on Sus-tainability, CSR and Innovation. Technology and Innovation Sym-posiums, Young Entrepreneurs Meet and International Conference for Academic Institutions will also be conducted. Various country/state specific seminars are being planned during the Summit. It is an enormous opportunity for international dele-

gates and delegates from the Indian states to showcase their busi-ness propositions, participate in knowledge sessions, attend the Global Trade Show and, of course, get the first hand information on the economic and business developments in Gujarat. The Sum-mit is aimed at bringing together business leaders, investors, cor-porations, thought leaders, policy and opinion makers; the Summit serves as a perfect platform to understand and explore business opportunities in the State of Gujarat. We, at the Government of Gujarat, are committed to make our state a globally preferred place to live in and to do business. We welcome you to be a part of this growth journey. We wel-come you to Vibrant Gujarat 2013.

From The Desk

Vibrant Gujarat 2013 I nd u s t r ia l Ex te n s io n Bu reau Gu j a ra t

Fact File

Vibrant Gujarat

Global Investors Sum-

mit 2013 will be

spread over 1 lakh

square meter of exhi-

bition space

Japan and Canada

are the partner coun-

tries for Vibrant Guja-

rat Global Investors

Summit 2013

VG 2013 will witness

participation from vari-

ous countries across the

globe along with sev-

eral Indian states

Inside this issue:

Gujarat Updates 2

International Dele-



Focal Point 5

Partners in Growth 7

Events Calendar 8

Shri. A K Joti, IAS

Chief Secretary

Government of Gujarat

November-December 2012

Issue 15

Page 2: Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013: Report on Philosophy and Executtion Concept

Maruti buys more land in Gujarat December 18, 2012

Gujarat Updates Page 2

Maruti bought an additional 500 acres of land in Gujarat. The new land is about 18

kilometers away from the previous 640 acres of land in Mehsana.

Maruti, through its new plant intends to take its total manufacturing capacity to 2

million units by 2015-16. The new facility in Gujarat will be a complete vehicle

manufacturing facility.

Can‟t ignore Gujarat if you want stronger ties with India: Britain December 07, 2012

Delivering a lecture at “The UK and India: Myths, Reality and

Prospects”, British High Commissioner in India James Bevan cited

the recent decision of Britain to re-engage with Gujarat on trade

and easing travel advisory on Jammu and Kashmir to show that

his country likes to have a robust partnership with the country.

“If you want to build a stronger relationship with India, as we do,

you can‟t ignore Gujarat. And if you want to deal with any Indian

state, you need to deal with the government of that state,” he


U.S. business body lauds Hon‟ble Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri. Narendra Modi November 27, 2012

The US-India Business Council (USIBC) has said that an executive mission from America

will participate in the January 11-13 „Vibrant Gujarat 2013 Summit‟ at Mahatma

Mandir, Gandhinagar.

“Under Hon‟ble Chief Minister Shri. Narendra Modi‟s leadership, the state of Gujarat

has emerged as one of the most attractive investment destinations for American busi-

nesses seeking a predictable regulatory environment, a highly skilled technical and

multilingual workforce, and established basic, yet critical infrastructure,” USIBC said.

Page 3: Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013: Report on Philosophy and Executtion Concept

Gujarat Updates Page 3

IOC plans a new 15 million tonne refinery in Gujarat

Indian Oil Corporation, the nation‟s largest oil firm which already has a 13.7 million

tones refinery at Koyali in Gujarat is planning to build a new 15 million tonne refinery

in Gujarat as part of its plans. It will almost double its refining capacity. The company

said, it is planning the mega unit in Gujarat due to easy availability of land.

The refinery on the Gujarat coast is to come up by the 13th Five Year Plan. IOC plans

to expand its Koyali refinery to 18 million tonnes while also raising capacity of

Mathura refinery to 11 million tonnes from current 8 million tonnes.

According to IOC Director (Refineries) R K Ghosh the company has commissioned Engi-

neers India Limited to do a configuration and location study which is likely to come-in

by year-end after which the company will commission a detailed feasibility report


General Motors to expand its Halol plant in Gujarat

November 17, 2012

US car maker General Motors would shortly have 1.10 lakh units annual commissioned

capacity at its Halol plant in Gujarat, up from its present installed annual capacity of

85,000 units. The company is planning to roll out the new eight seater MPV from its

Gujarat plant in the next couple of months.

With the inauguration of a press shop at Halol, it is now an integrated manufacturing


The company has phased out few of its models such as the Chevrolet Optra and Aveo.

After phasing out of models like Chevrolet Optra and Aveo and the launch of Chevrolet

Sail U-VA a hatchback, they plan to roll out a new sedan model of Sail by the next


Japanese industrial solutions giant Hitachi is expected to sign a contract with the

Gujarat government next month for setting up of a sea water desalination plant at

Dahej by 2015, which will treat 3.36 lakh tonnes of water every day. The plant

will be developed under Build-Own-Operate-Maintain (BOOM) model.

The project will be executed by a consortium of four partners where apart from

Hitachi, other parties include Hyflux from Singapore, Japan‟s Itochu Corporation

and the Gujarat government. The project will be developed by Indo-Japan joint

investment and largely financed by Japanese government.

The treated water will be sold to Dahej SEZ. Also factories at Delhi-Mumbai Indus-

trial Corridor (DMIC) will purchase desalinated water from this plant.

Hitachi to sign contract to set up desalination plant at Dahej

December 23, 2012

Page 4: Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013: Report on Philosophy and Executtion Concept

International Delegations Page 4

Japan envoy delegation visits Gujarat

The Japan‟s envoy in India Mr. Takeshi Yagi visited Gujarat on 26th November 2012, and met Chief Minister Shri Naren-

dra Modi in Gandhinagar. The issues of economic and industrial partnership were discussed during the meeting.

Mr. Yagi said that a high-level delegation of Japan will visit Gujarat in January 2013 to participate in the Vibrant Gujarat

Summit. He also mentioned that Japan will organize two seminars in February-March 2013 on the subjects of Urban trans-

port and Land and Infrastructure.

He also told Mr. Modi that out of total 19 projects that Japan has planned in India, seven are going to be established in


Page 5: Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013: Report on Philosophy and Executtion Concept

“Gujarat is the industrial and corporate face of the country evincing investors' interests from all over the world.” “Gujarat has

been a preferred investment destination among the domestic and international investors”. “The economic growth indicators of

the state are notable.” “Strong economic credentials are being supported by accelerated yet stable reforms processes, robust

economic fundamentals and focus on infrastructure development.”

One comes across these or similar statements about Gujarat quite often.

This tremendous achievement didn‟t happen overnight. Visionary and strategic approach of Government of Gujarat has made

it possible. The Government has provided and strives to continue providing all-embracing support for development of healthy

business eco-system and conducive business environment in the state. One of the marquee initiatives of the Government of

Gujarat to create a focused platform for investment inflows is institutionalization of a biennial event – Vibrant Gujarat Sum-


For many states of the country the Vibrant Gujarat Summit has become an example of consistent and dedicated approach of

its government to investment promotion and advancement of economic and social development. The Vibrant Gujarat Summit

has become a model for economic success for many states.

2013 is a remarkable year in the history of the Summit. Ten years back the first edition of Vibrant Gujarat took place and

successfully re-established Gujarat as an investment destination on the national and global business maps.

Focus on business, networking and summit to summit promotional activities has gradually transited to focus on knowledge

based exchanges and round the year promotion. The objective of this concept shift is to reinforce the impact of various events

conducted between Summit‟s editions and create a follow-up mechanism that captures outcomes of each event to ensure conti-

nuity and development of focus sectors. It helps envisioning the progress of each focus sector in the state, keeping the stake-

holders constantly updated on the developments in policy and regulatory aspects. It also assures transparency of the state‟s

governance processes and highlights openness of the Government towards new ideas.

Development is the primary focus of the concept of the 6th edition of Vibrant Gujarat Summit. The key areas of development

identified include Innovation, Sustainability, Skill Development and Knowledge sector. These major areas have been en-

weaved into various activities and events organized under the aegis of Vibrant Gujarat 2013 Summit.

Page 5 Focal Point

Vibrant Gujarat Summit: Philosophy and Execution Concept

The idea behind the first edition of Vibrant Gujarat Summit in 2003 was to attract investments in


The philosophy and

concept of the event

has evolved over the

period of 10 years

Every next edition brought transformational change in the event concept, which in turn, led to suc-

cessful positioning of Gujarat as “The Preferred Investment Destination”, “The Growth Engine of

India” and “The Global Business Hub”.

Starting from the 5th edition, the Summit encompassed various areas of development

State Government is committed to make Gujarat a globally preferred place to live in and do business

Page 6: Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013: Report on Philosophy and Executtion Concept

In the run up to the Vibrant Gujarat 2013 Summit,

various events, like seminars, conventions, panel dis-

cussions, lecture series, exhibitions, regional meets

and other innovative forums for discussions, brain-

storming sessions and interactions are being organ-


The main Summit will include thematic seminars in

booming sectors such as Ports, Renewable Energy;

Technology Solutions for Environmental Sustainability,

Financial Services, Transportation etc. Various knowl-

edge events will take place before the main Summit;

they will include panel discussions on Rurbanization,

Youth Development and Good Governance; discus-

sion forums on Sustainability, Corporate Social Re-

sponsibility and Innovation. Technology and Innova-

tion Symposiums, Young Entrepreneurs Meet and In-

ternational Conference for Academic Institutions will

also be conducted.

Various country/state specific seminars are being planned during the Summit. It is an enormous opportunity for international

and national (from other states) delegates to showcase their business propositions, participate in knowledge sessions, attend

the Global Trade Show and, of course, get the first hand information on the economic and business developments in Gujarat.

The Summit is aimed at bringing together business leaders, investors, corporations, thought leaders, policy and opinion mak-

ers; the Summit is intended to serve as a perfect platform to understand and explore business opportunities in the State of


Government of Gujarat is committed to make the state a globally preferred place to live in and to do business.

Page 6 Focal Point

Page 7: Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013: Report on Philosophy and Executtion Concept

To provide information to the public in general and entrepre-

neurs in particular, regarding opportunities available in the State

of Gujarat for industry, commerce, trade, business openings and

participation therein.

To disseminate information through mass media and to create

and accelerate industrial growth and development

To search, encourage and identify prospective entrepreneurs,

technicians, artisans and investors and to motivate them in estab-

lishing industrial units

To locate and contact prospective entrepreneurs residing in or

outside Gujarat as well as those living abroad and to organize

special campaigns to motivate them to set up industrial units or

participate in any industry in Gujarat.

To assist investors in setting up industries providing necessary

information and knowledge from concept to commissioning -

including letter of intent, preparation of project report, loan ap-

plications to financial institutions, technical know-how, procure-

ment of land, plant and machinery, raw materials, etc.

Aims & Objectives

Partners in Growth Page 7

In order to boost investments and to facilitate investors, Gujarat was one of the first states in India to establish an investment

promotion agency viz. Industrial Extension Bureau (iNDEXTb). The organization was set up to function as a „facilitator‟ in ensur-

ing smooth and hassle-free experience for a prospective investor in Gujarat. The Bureau acts as a single point contact for entre-

preneurs for establishing industrial ventures. In order to cater to varied needs of entrepreneurs, iNDEXTb has established sepa-

rate cells like Investment Promotion Division, International Business Division, Project & Technology Division, IT Division etc. which

are headed by senior officers with experience of both public and private sector. The Bureau acts as a catalyst for the Industries

Department of the Government in propagating industrial promotional policies, attracting industrial investment, organizing mega

events, seminars, industrial fairs etc. iNDEXTb is an ISO 9001-2008 certified organization.

The Governing Body of iNDEXTb is headed by a full time officer from the elite Indian Administrative Services designated as the

Managing Director, Mr. Mukesh Kumar. Other members include renowned persons representing various industry sectors.

From the Desk of Mr. Mukesh Kumar, IAS - Managing Director

Gujarat offers the right mix of ideal conditions for an investor. Favourable policies, proactive governance

and stable business conditions, supported by a robust support infrastructure are the key drivers for invest-

ments in the state. iNDEXTb is committed to provide all necessary support to entrepreneurs from all over the

globe, in assisting their expansion into Gujarat.

Achievements at a glance

Single point of contact facilitating faster compliance

and implementation of projects

The computer centre at iNDEXTb has a competence

in knowledge management with active research and

repository of business information

Relationship management with investors through:

Quick response to investor queries and fo-

cused marketing and promotional activities

Diverse staff with local and international


The bureau has successfully organized State Gov-

ernment‟s flagship event - Vibrant Gujarat, which is

a biennial global investors‟ summit, providing fo-

cused platform for investors from all over the world

iNDEXTb has participated/organized more than

100 knowledge sharing/investment promotion

events as a part of Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013

Key contact: [email protected]

Important Milestone

5th edition of the Vibrant Gujarat Summit, organized by iNDEXTb (held in January 2011) witnessed participation from nearly

101 countries with over 1,400 foreign delegates and more than 35,000 Indian delegates. More than 70 tie-ups with leading

institutions from across the globe for exchange of knowledge were also forged.

iNDEXTb - The one stop shop to set up industry in Gujarat

Page 8: Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013: Report on Philosophy and Executtion Concept

Events Calendar Page 8

VASTRA 2012 - An International Textile and Apparel Fair

22-25 November 2012

VASTRA – An International Textile and Apparel Fair 2012 (VASTRA 2012) was organ-

ized from 22nd to 25th November, 2012 at EPIP, Sitapura, Jaipur, India by and explore

possibilities of new investment in this sector, Rajasthan State Industrial Development and

Investment Corporation Ltd. (RIICO) and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce

and Industry (FICCI). The objective of the event is to provide market access, exposure to

latest in technologies, trends and fashion, networking for new business partners. Gujarat

was a partner state for this event.

VASTRA 2012, a comprehensive trade fair and conference on Textiles and Apparel

showcased the best and latest in textiles from fibre to fashion - be it technology or the

products. It is designed to highlight business opportunities and provide opportunities for

launching of new product, exploring avenues for new business relations, JVs, strategic

alliances and partnerships worldwide as also new locations for setting up businesses in

India. It will provide a platform for disseminating technology, interaction with experts and

R&D labs for solutions in technology and latest trends.

Deals worth an estimated 58 million USD were struck at Vastra 2012. Over 360 buyers

from 61 countries participated in Vastra 2012, which would now be organised annually.

Vastra 2013 is likely to be held in the second half of next year.


India ITME 2012

02-07 December 2012

India ITME 2012 is the largest and most prestigious Textile Engineering Exhibition in India

and one of the renowned exhibition's in the world showcasing Textile Technology. This is

the only exhibition in India with a live demo of machinery attracting 620 exhibitors and

over one lakh visitors from 42 countries across the globe.

The 9th India International Textile Machinery Exhibition was held from 2nd December to 7th

December 2012 in Mumbai. Since 1980, every 4 years ITME showcases segments such as

Spinning, weaving, processing, garment technology, Textile chemicals & Dyes, Automation,

accessories and components making a complete sector specific event.

Unique facilities offered during the 2012 exhibition included pre-fixed business meetings

on request, product launches, Textile Technology seminar and speaker sessions, showcas-

ing innovation & research projects by universities/institutes, event news letter by WTIN,

UK, special brand promotion opportunity, networking programs and cultural programs.

Gujarat participated in the Exhibition as a Partner State.

Page 9: Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013: Report on Philosophy and Executtion Concept

Events Calendar Page 9

MINING CONCLAVE - Sustainable Mining Cities, Stone Industry

24 December 2012

As part of Vibrant Gujarat 2013 pre-conferences, Gujarat Mineral Development Corpo-

ration, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) in partnership

with iNDEXTb organized the Mining Conclave: Sustainable Mining Cities, Stone Industry

on 24th December, 2012 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

The objective of the Conclave is to promote the opportunities available in value addition

projects on minerals available in the State and the challenges faced by the Mining sector

in Gujarat in the area of sustainable development. Prominent personalities including Pol-

icy makers, Industry experts, Industry leaders as also R & D Institutions across the country

participated in the event.

Technical Sessions on various topics of high importance have been conducted; they in-

cluded „Gujarat Mineral Treasure & Investment Opportunities for Value Addition‟, „Joint

Ventures, Partnership and Experience Sharing‟, „Sustainability through Resource Conserva-

tion‟, „Human Resource requirement and Skill Development‟.


Up-coming Events in December-January 2012

Government of Gujarat


Event Date Venue

DST/ FICCI Animation, 3D and Gaming 29 December 2013 Mahtama Mandir,


IC/ GIDC / ACMA and FGI „Auto Ancilliarisation‟ 3 January 2013 FGI, Gotri-Sevasi

Road, Vadodara

FDCA / FICCI Quality enforcement in Food sector 3 January 2013 Hotel Pride, Ahmeda-


iNDEXTb / SGCCI Sparkle 2013 4-8 January 2013 SIECC, Sarsana, Surat

-- Gujarat : A Global Business Desti-

nation” – Lecture by Dr. Jagdish N


5 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir,


iNDEXTb / FICCI Women Entrepreneurship 5 January 2013

IC & DST / FICCI Electronic System Design & Manu-


5 January 2013 Hotel Courtyard Mar-

riott, Ahmedabad

Page 10: Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013: Report on Philosophy and Executtion Concept

Events Calendar Page 10


Up-coming Events in December-January 2012

Government of Gujarat


Event Date Venue

GIDC & IC / GIDC and IC Gujarat Specialty Chemicals Con-


8 January 2013 Hotel ISTA, Ahmeda-


The Dyestuffs Manufacturers‟

Association of India

International Convention on Color-


08-09 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir,




National Conference on “Indian

Medical Devices & Plastics Dispos-

09-10 January 2013 AMA, Ahmedabad

FICCI International Conclave on Construc-

tion Chemicals

09-10 January 2013 Ahmedabad

FIEO & Ministry of Commerce &

Industry, GOI

Gujarat Export Competitiveness &


09 January 2013 Gujarat National Law

University, Gandhina-


Gujarat National Law Univer-


Global Maritime Annual Confer-

ence 2013

09-10 January 2013 Gujarat National Law


The Ecological & Toxicological

Association of Dyes & Organic

Pigments Manufacturers

(ETAD), Indian Chemical Coun-

Ecology & Toxicology issues on

Dyes & Pigments

09-10 January 2013 Hotel ISTA, Ahmeda-


PHARMEXCIL Reverse Buyers Sellers Meet


09-10 January 2013 Ahmedabad

iNDEXTb / FICCI, ASMKI Leveraging Opportunities to create

capabilities in defence and home-

land security manufacturing

10 January 2013 Hotel Radisson Blu,


CHEMEXCIL Reverse Buyers Sellers Meet


10 January 2013 Ahmedabad

EEPC India Reverse Buyers Sellers Meet (EEPC


10 January 2013 Ahmedabad

The Plastics Export Promotion


Reverse Buyers Sellers Meet (The

Plastics Export Promotion Council)

11-12 January 2013 Gandhinagar

Page 11: Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013: Report on Philosophy and Executtion Concept

Events Calendar Page 11


Events during Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors Summit 2013

Government of Gujarat


Event Date Venue

Urban Development Depart-

ment / CII

Panel Discussion on Rurbanisa-

tion – Transformative process to

foster sustainable, equitable and

inclusive growth

08 January 2013 J.B.Auditorium, Ahmed-

abad Management Asso-

ciation (AMA), Ahmeda-


Environment & Forest Depart-

ment, Gujarat Pollution Control

Board / CII

Discussion Forum on Sustainabil-

ity - Developing Strategies to

Meet Environmental Challenges

of 2020: Roadmap for Sustain-

08 January 2013 Gujarat Pollution Control

Board Board Room

(GPCB), Gandhinagar

iNDEXTb / CII Young Entrepreneur‟s Meet (YE


08 January 2013 Hotel Grand Cambay,

Thaltej, Ahmedabad

Office of Industries Commis-

sioner / iNDEXTb / CII

Panel discussion on Youth De-


Young Talent – Industry respon-

sive skill development

09 January 2013 Hotel Courtyard Mar-

riott, Ahmedabad

iNDEXTb, Office of Industries

Commissioner / CII

Discussion Forum on Corporate

Social Responsibility - Moving

from Dialogue to Action

09 January 2013 Gujarat National Law

University (GNLU), Gan-


Education Department / iN-


Discussion Forum on Innovation

- What does it take to create an

ecosystem for innovation?

09 January 2013 J.B.Auditorium, Ahmed-

abad Management Asso-

ciation (AMA), Ahmeda-


iNDEXTb / CII International Conference for Aca-

demic Institutions (ICAI 2013)

09-10 January 2013 Pandit Deendayal Petro-

leum University, Gandhi-


iCreate/ iNDEXTb/ Education

Department / CII

Innovation Symposium 09 January 2013 H.T.Parekh Hall, Ahmed-

abad Management Asso-

ciation, Ahmedabad

PS(ARTD) / CII Panel Discussion on Good Gov-

ernance - Good Governance

10 January 2013 Sardar Patel Institute of

Public Administration

(SPIPA), Ahmedabad

iNDEXTb / IIT Gandhinagar / CII Technology Symposium 10 January 2013 H.T.Parekh Hall, Ahmed-

abad Management Asso-

ciation, Ahmedabad

Knowledge Events

Page 12: Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013: Report on Philosophy and Executtion Concept

Events Calendar Page 12


Events during Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors Summit 2013

Government of Gujarat


Event Date Venue

Environment & Forest Depart-

ment / Gujarat Pollution Control

Board / CII

Seminar on Technology Solu-

tions for Environment Sustain-


11 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir, Gan-


Gujarat Maritime Board / CII Seminar on Enhancing Sustain-

ability in Ports and Port-led

development in Gujarat

11 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir, Gan-




Seminar on Green Innovation:

Solar Energy and Smart Grid

11 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir, Gan-


Gujarat Infrastructure Develop-

ment Board / CII

Seminar on Developing inte-

grated, smart, sustainable cities

11 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir, Gan-


Narmada Water Resources Wa-

ter Supply and Kalpsar Depart-

ment / Danish Royal Embassy

Seminar on Green & Efficient

Water Management

11 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir, Gan-


Ahmedabad Municipal Corpo-

ration, Urban Development &

Urban Housing Department

Seminar on Zero Waste – A Vi-

sion for 21st Century Cities

12 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir, Gan-


Education Department Seminar on Higher Education &


12 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir, Gan-


Urban Development & Urban

Housing Department

Seminar on Enablers for Afford-

able Housing: Technology and


12 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir, Gan-


Gujarat International Finance

Tech City / CII

Seminar on Global Financial

Hub: An Imperative for Eco-

nomic Growth

12 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir, Gan-


Urban Development & Urban

Housing Department / CII

Seminar on Land use efficiency

– Urban Development

12 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir, Gan-


Sports, Youth & Cultural Activi-

ties Department / FICCI

Youth Convention – Empower-

ing Youth

12 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir, Gan-


Thematic Seminars

Page 13: Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013: Report on Philosophy and Executtion Concept

Events Calendar Page 13


Events during Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors Summit 2013

Government of Gujarat


Event Date Venue

Office of Industries Commis-

sioner / ACMA, SIAM & CII

Seminar on Gujarat – An

Emerging Transportation Hub

12 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir, Gan-


Office of Industries Commis-

sioner & Gujarat Industrial De-

velopment Corporation / FICCI

SME Convention – Growth

through Competitiveness

12 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir, Gan-


Environment & Forest Depart-

ment / CII

Seminar on Green Rating of


12 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir, Gan-


Thematic Seminars

Government of Gujarat


Event Date Venue

Barclays Bank PLC Two Way Opportunity for FDI

between Gujarat and Africa

11 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir,


PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt.


Doing Business in India: Open

House Session

11-12 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir

iNDEXTb, Income Tax Bar Asso-

ciation / PricewaterhouseCoop-

Doing Business in India – Tax &

Regulatory Perspective

12 January 2013 Mahatma Mandir

Other Seminars

Country/ State Seminars

Various country seminars to showcase business opportunities and highlight avenues for collaboration are being organized under

the aegis of Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013. Representatives from Japan, Canada, the United States of America, United King-

dom, Australia, Belgium, Russia, Rwanda, Netherlands, Thailand and Mozambique will conduct the seminars during 11th and

12th January 2013 at Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar.

To know more about each event, please visit http://www.vibrantgujarat.com/country-seminar-2013.htm

Page 14: Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013: Report on Philosophy and Executtion Concept

About iNDEXTb

iNDEXTb a Government of Gujarat organization is one stop shop for setting up

business in Gujarat. iNDEXTb has several objectives which include providing infor-

mation to the public in general and entrepreneurs regarding opportunities avail-

able in the State of Gujarat for industry, commerce, trade and business openings.

It also takes special steps to organize young qualified persons interested in Indus-

trial activities and development and undertake propogative measures to acceler-

ate industrial development in Gujarat. Organizing, sponsoring, associating and

participating in fairs, exhibitions, celebrations and campaigns for promotion of

industrial development in Gujarat is another specific objective of the organization.

iNDEXTb also publishes literature in the form of papers, case studies, reports,

brochures, pamphlets, periodicals, digests, journals, project profiles or magazines

and distribute to the users, prospective entrepreneurs, artisans and other institu-

tions and to assist other institutions engaged in such activities.

Block No 18

2nd Floor, Udyog Bhavan

Sector 11, Gandhinagar -


Gujarat, India


+91 79 232 50492

+91 79 232 50493

+91 79 232 56592


+91 79 232 50490

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Industrial Extension Bureau

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