Facilitator: Lynda Gerty, Director of Engagement December 5, 2012 The Abundant Not-for-Profit Tweet about today’s session: @vantagepnt #abundantnfp

The Abundant Not-for-Profit

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Lynda Gerty, Director of Engagement at Vantage Point, explores how a People Lens culture allows you to attract, meaningfully engage and integrate the abundance of talent available in the community into your own organization. This webinar will challenge scarcity thinking in our sector and illustrate how you can engage people in management-level, high-accountability volunteer roles; increase human resources exponentially, within your current budget; build a high-performing, integrated workforce of salaried employees, board members and volunteers; and create an abundant not-for-profit organization. To view the full one-hour webinar, including audio, visit: https://charityvillage.com/elearning/webinars/past-webinars/the-abundant-not-for-profit.aspx.

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Lynda Gerty, Director of Engagement

December 5, 2012

The Abundant Not-for-Profit

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“every community mindfully engages passionate citizens.”

- Our Vision

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The Abundant Not-for-Profit

Today’s session:

• Abundant Talent

• Debunking the Myths

• People Lens Defined

• Checklists, Resources, Templates

• Taking Action

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Debunk the Myths

Volunteers are less accountable

Salaried employees do a better job

People are primarily motivated by money

Asking people to offer their skills is taking advantage

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People Lens Defined

People Lens is a way to attract, meaningfully engage and integrate the abundance of talent available.

It is a much overlooked path to organizational sustainability.

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A People Lens

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Culture Strong organizations have cultures that value people first. People Lens organizations also have a culture that values: • TALENT. ALL the talent available • Treating salaried employees, board members & volunteers as equal contributors – one integrated team

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Culture Checklist

Do you have? A recruitment & onboarding process for ALL people with culture, values &

beliefs clearly stated?

A culture of accountability for ALL people?

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Planning Strong organizations are constantly planning strategically towards annual goals & mission delivery.

People Lens organizations also:

• Create a People Plan • Plan how to acquire all the people and skills required to do the work

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Planning Checklist

Do you have?

A people plan that is presented to the board alongside the strategic plan & budget each year?

Succession plans for key salaried employees and volunteers?

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Governance Strong organizations have boards that understand and are striving for great governance.

Boards of People Lens organizations also: • Demonstrate that people are their #1 resource (before money) • Know how to wear 2 separate hats:

1. Governance 2. Operational

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Governance Checklist

Do you have? Board & organization key performance indicators related to talent engagement?

Separate role descriptions for board members’ governance and operational roles?

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Processes Strong organizations focus on solid processes for employees and volunteers.

People Lens organizations create processes whereby: • Salaried employees and all

volunteers (including board members) are working as an integrated team

• ALL roles are created with equal expectations of accountability

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Processes Checklist

Do you have? Well defined recruitment process for

salaried employees & volunteers focused on getting top talent?

Role descriptions & letters of agreement for all your active volunteers?

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Strong organizations have leaders who focus on leading others , rather than “doing” all the work.

In People Lens organizations, leaders also excel at:

• Connecting • Convening • Delegating

…with highly skilled individuals

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Leadership Checklist

Do you have? Volunteer engagement stated as a

role requirement for all employees & board members?

Required competencies for employees related to ability to engage & lead highly skilled volunteers?

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Putting it into action

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“Ultimately, this is about building civil society. It’s a way to engage all those people who want to be a meaningful part of building our collective solutions.” - Patti Morris, Executive Director, Wellspring Calgary

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Resources & templates

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It is possible to create an abundant organization by engaging passionate people in a meaningful way to fast track your mission.

Try this: Consider one person you have met that you would like to involve

Or create one role that you haven’t before thought of as voluntary

Be open to the Possibility

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1. The Abundant Not-for-Profit: January 2013 Register for updates

2. Subscribe to our blog: www.thevantagepoint.ca/blog

3. Share your story Email me at [email protected]

Want to know more?

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Thank you!

Lynda Gerty, Director of Engagement

Vantage Point 604.875.9144 1183 Melville Street Vancouver, B.C. V6E 2X5 [email protected]

@vantagepnt facebook.com/vantagepnt
