Nonprofit CRM Connecting with Your Donors, Volunteers & Constituents Presented by Kevin LaManna & Cassie Dennis of SocialRaise 10.9.2014 [email protected] | 312.973.1112

SocialRaise Webinar on Nonprofit CRM using Salesforce.com

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Part of the free webinar series for nonprofits from SocialRaise, this is an introduction to how nonprofits can power their mission using "CRM"--Customer Relationship Management or Constituent Relationship Management--people database software that is focused on collecting, managing and using the information about the relevant people and activities connected to your nonprofit: volunteers, donors, sponsors, clients, supporters and more to raise money, deliver services and manage volunteers. Salesforce.com, the worldwide leader in CRM has committed to making nonprofits successful by granting $15k worth of the software available to each eligible nonprofit. This webinar presentation describes the value of a nonprofit CRM system, how to prepare for the organization for the project, the specifics of the value of Salesforce's nonprofit versions and how to get started. Speakers are SocialRaise Principal, Kevin LaManna, and Director of Sales & Marketing (and CRM/Data Geek) Cassie Dennis. SocialRaise is a Chicago-based digital agency who helps clients create brand awareness, communicate their messages and deliver results in this technology-driven world. Clients range from some of the smallest non-profits to the Fortune 500, though many have a focus on doing good while doing well.

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  • 1. Nonprofit CRM Connecting with Your Donors, Volunteers & Constituents Presented by Kevin LaManna & Cassie Dennis of SocialRaise 10.9.2014 [email protected] | 312.973.1112
  • 2. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Agenda Who is SocialRaise? What is CRM & what value can it offer a Nonprofit? Why choose Salesforce.com? What do you need to get started? What do you need to be successful? What can you get from CRM? Questions? Wrap-up
  • 3. Before we start with CRM, allow us 2 minutes to tell you who we are.
  • 4. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Who is SocialRaise? We are a Chicago-based digital agency who helps clients create brand awareness, communicate their messages and deliver results in this technology-driven world. Clients range from some of the smallest non- profits to the Fortune 500, though many have a focus on doing good while doing well.
  • 5. Director of Sales/ Marketing and CRM data geek. www.linkedin.com/in/catherinedennis/ Principal at SocialRaise www.linkedin.com/in/kevinlamanna/ Professional Treat Eater. www.linkedin.com/in/joshthedog/ 1770 W. Berteau Ave. Suite 206 Chicago, IL 60613 Were a small but mighty team of 14 people. On todays call, heres whats involved
  • 6. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Within the past few months, weve Centralized communication resources and enabled SitStayRead to scale and grow with Salesforce CRM Partnered to develop over a dozen projects for Yamaha including the Disklavier Education Network (DEN) allowing students to audition to colleges from anywhere in the world. Enabled a $13mil Capital Campaign to build a community center in Iowa for one of the nations largest nonprofits Envisioned and built communication platform for the Museum of Science & Industry (one of the largest museums in the world!)in one weekend. Created a strategic plan that helped take a young nonprofit which makes music education accessible for kids with disabilities to the next level and expand their services. Custom solution package for Chicago Chamber Choir resulting in $5k immediately and infrastructure for future campaigns Created online support networks with fundraising capabilities and tactics for rare disease communities.
  • 7. Ok Now onto the world of Nonprofit CRM.
  • 8. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 What is CRM? Customer Relationship Management or Constituent Relationship Management Long a staple in the business-to-business sales world They are databases created to hold information about people relevant to your organization Their activities transactions, time, communications, participation How those people are connected to you directly or indirectly Typically, in nonprofits you see silod systems: Donor Management System Volunteer Database/Spreadsheets Program Package Mailing Lists living in an Email Distribution System Drive your entire organization
  • 9. Manage Your Day
  • 10. Communicate across your team
  • 11. Quickly Make it Yours
  • 12. Understand who is doing what
  • 13. Collect information & donations online - Seamlessly
  • 14. Run events successfully
  • 15. Understand how you are doing
  • 16. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 What is CRM? A place to hold information about people important to your mission: Donors Volunteers Corporate or Institutional Grantors Program Participants/Clients/Constituents Staff Allies/Partners Vendors How they relate to organization: Activitiesdonations, participation in an event, volunteer time, etc. Connection with other peopleemployers, teammates, spouses, etc.
  • 17. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 What Can a CRM Do for You? For a nonprofit, enable you to get a 360 degree of all the ways someone is connected to you: Enable you to communicate and solicit responses intelligently better targeting messages Identify unique characteristics of your donors and volunteers to use in attracting more just like them Measure and manage your results not just development campaigns, but all aspects of your communications Enable automation and reduce the need for manual intervention: Automate standard processes and reports if technology can do it and eliminate the need for staff/volunteer time, save them for what only people can do Reduce the risk of duplications or things being forgotten because the system is held together by chewing gum and duct tape
  • 18. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 What Can Saleforce.com CRM for Nonprofits Do for You? Salesforce Foundation is committed to Nonprofits/ NGOs: 10 Enterprise level licenses are free to any eligible nonprofit a $15,000 a year value Listen to nonprofit clients have continued to update their award winning software to work the way nonprofits work most recently launched newest upgrade of their NonProfit Starter Package (NPSPS) plus added functions for largest nonprofits (NGO Connect) Have made the software accessible so others can create complementary add-on applications which integrate directly into the CRM (donation processing; volunteer management; etc.) Support users with a worldwide community (Power of Us Hub) and dedicated staff
  • 19. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 What Can Saleforce.com CRM for Nonprofits Do for You? Create a complete picture of funders, campaigns and supporters Streamline event planning and execution Recruit, track and manage all your volunteers Collect all connections/interactions to create informed conversations with your people Manage programs and services delivery Insure you are compliant with grantor processes from application to reporting on usage Measure impact and report in real-time on any aspect of your organizations work, from fundraising to program effectiveness Be connected from wherever you need to be in the field on your smartphone; at home on your tablet/laptop; or, on the computer in your office (Salesforce1)
  • 20. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 How do you get started? Go to the Get started section of the Salesforce Foundations site: http://www.salesforcefoundation.org/get-started-nonprofit/ Youll see opportunity to take a readiness survey (more on readiness shortly) and info on the differences between the Nonprofit Starter Pack and NGO Connect Choose the free trial version of the flavor that makes sense for you During your 30-day free trial, you must complete the Power of Us application (recommend you do it when you sign-up for the trial) Once approved, the choices you made for your free trial licenses become your permanent licenses
  • 21. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 What does it take to be successful: Readiness Six questions: Implementation, Vision and Plan Strong Executive Sponsorship Internal Aptitude Commitment to Continued Learning Implementation Resources Data Migration and Integrity
  • 22. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Readiness: Implementation, Vision & Plan This is a commitment and more than just automating your current processes this will encompass and change your entire organization An opportunity to look at what you want to accomplish and not be tied to how it is done today A chance to make your organization truly scalable by removing the need to manually intervene in every process Youll need to pull together an internal team of official leaders, unofficial leaders and folks who truly understand the nitty gritty of each department (especially the data) Have a plan for the transition
  • 23. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Readiness: Strong Executive Sponsorship Your ED must be committed to supporting change Getting buy-in from Department Heads can smooth the bumps (and there will be bumps) Selling the concept internally at all levels will make transition work best
  • 24. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Readiness: Internal Aptitude Salesforce defines this as someone who already knows the product and how to use Instead, think about who on your staff (at any level) is comfortable with technology and likes to learn. Who is that go to person when a current system breaks? Not necessarily someone with a leadership or even a technical title That person can learn the Salesforce specifics - lots of materials available and your implementation partner can help
  • 25. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Readiness: Commitment to Continued Learning There will be a learning curve and it will take time to transition Lots of training materials available from Salesforce and the Power of Us community Great implementation partner (ok, wed like that to be us ) with customized specific materials for you Some people will facilitate some will try to block progress Software and systems get upgraded/new functionality added Will need commitment to keeping skills fresh New staff/volunteers that interact with the system will need training Changes may necessitate some new processes to be introduced to clients/participants (for example, online registration for a program, instead of paper form)
  • 26. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Readiness: Implementation Resources Work with a partner who understands both: Salesforce AND Nonprofits Build your internal team to include subject matter experts folks who understand: Business processes Your data Keep lines of communication open both
  • 27. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Readiness: Data Migration and Integrity This takes some prep and is worth the effort No ones data is perfect The work up front will pay off with better information and reports about what is happening with your people and their activities Garbage in, garbage out The staff who know your data best is not usually the manager or director its the administrative person Use your knowledgeable resources
  • 28. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206| [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Warning There will be tears! Change is hard Keep your sense of humor There is good news once completed
  • 29. What can you get from a Salesforce CRM? A mission-critical system to power your nonprofit 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112
  • 30. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206| [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Configured to Fit Your Needs: Faster than custom software to create a customized CRM for you system is configured and therefore able to be easily updated when new releases come out Add fields, workflow and add-on capabilities (apps) to meet specific functions unique to your organization (for example, call center software)
  • 31. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206| [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Understand Individual: Shes an active volunteer Over 5 years of work with organization Almost 185 total hours volunteered An irregular, but active donor She falls into the category of LYBUNT (Last Year But Not This Year) Create, collect and track information specific to your organization Last training class; etc.
  • 32. Better Understand Individuals
  • 33. Better Understand Individuals
  • 34. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Understand How People Connect
  • 35. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206| [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Automate Management of Grant Process Provide instructions (logical workflow) to insure: Reminders are sent to responsible parties for completing elements on time: Grant Request; Letters of Intent; etc. If grant awarded, regular reports are submitted on time per requirements of the grantor Include approval processes for each element and person who needs to ok before it goes out the door Establish specific reports which can be saved and automatically presented on dashboards or documents for Executive Director and Board Appropriate reports can also be saved for exporting/pasting into documents for grantor
  • 36. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Manage Grant Processes
  • 37. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206| [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Manage Programs & Volunteers
  • 38. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206| [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Manage Programs & Volunteers Track volunteers, their hours, jobs, shifts and participation in programs:
  • 39. Manage Programs & Volunteers From recruitment to job posting to automated reminders of upcoming shifts. Even a personalized page for each volunteer:
  • 40. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206| [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Connects all the dots And records everything Recruit volunteers through a web form (created by system and easily connected to your website) Automatically send an email thanking them and letting them know schedule for orientation class Volunteer attends class and you check off their attendance on rostervolunteer is approved to work in programs and automatically receives an email with link to available jobs/shifts. Volunteer chooses shift that works in their schedule, you receive notification and the volunteer gets confirmation automatically via email. Day before their shift, volunteer receives a reminder email with directions to program location & times Program leader has the list of volunteers and program registrants at their fingertips. Indicates if volunteer showed up on time for their shiftand all the hours roll up to both the program record and the individual contact record. Program Manager and Volunteer Manager oversee activity in their reports/dashboard and can drill into details as needed. Volunteer can track their accumulated hours in their personal web page.
  • 41. Reporting for Analysis & Management: Large number of reports for nonprofits right out of the box and easy to create any other report you need. Personalized dashboards (collections of reports w/graphics) for each person/role:
  • 42. Reporting for Analysis & Management: Exportable and printable for inclusion into other documents/presentations:
  • 43. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206| [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Is everything free? Your first 10 Enterprise licenses are free - many organizations never need more than that if you do, additional licenses are drastically reduced off standard pricing NPSP functionality is free If you choose NGO Connect flavor, the first 2 of those add-on licenses are free initially but appears theyll charge for those eventually There are many add-on/complementary applications (like Volunteers for Salesforce) that have been been developed by the community and made available for free There are others that will cost you some money, for example, payment processors with forms that are native to Salesforce which will charge you to process donations etc.
  • 44. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Questions? Type into the chat feature If you prefer to ask us questions privately, please send us an email or give us a call after the session
  • 45. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Discovery sessions with your organization and doc outlining the approach and process. Configure the system for you, including: Creating web forms Custom fields Workflow Email templates Add-on applications to complete your functional needs Training your teams of users: Managers/Directors Development, Program and Volunteer Management Staff In-house go to team for Salesforce questions about your CRM Provide organizational specific training materials Include your business rules and specifics to help your team migrate as painlessly as possible Partnering with SocialRaise to implement your CRM We create the system you need for your organization:
  • 46. Additional Ways We Help Nonprofits Digital Campaign strategies & tactical plans for fundraising (ongoing or capital campaigns) including: social media; content; SEO; and, supporting technologies Content management system driven websites with strategies to leverage for creating increased awareness, engagement & support Google Grant Management Package Managing your $120,000 a year Google Grant to drive website traffic and awareness for your organization 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112
  • 47. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Additional Ways We Help Nonprofits Home Page Makeover: Limited opportunity in honor of our newest website$100 for a one-hour consultation on your current site with deliverables: Two to three page summary of ideas for quick fixes you can make to your current home page on your site to improve it now plus ideas for how to leverage it better in social media/marketing/fundraising efforts Visual document with an image of an amazing new design concept for your site Free educational opportunities: Blogs and stories on our website Case studies/white papers Upcoming webinars: Connecting with CRM on October 9th Creating Value with Facebooks Paid Advertising on October 29th And more!
  • 48. Wanted to try advertising your programs or soliciting donations with paid advertising on Facebook, but didnt know where to start? Join us for our next webinar on October 29th & learn about Facebook Advertising for Nonprofits at http://socialraise.com/webinars/item/creating-value-with-facebook-s-paid-advertising
  • 49. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 How to reach us: Any questions, please contact us at: 312-973-1112 or if youre in Chicago stop in at 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206. If youd like to email one of the presenters today: Cassie Dennis: [email protected] Kevin LaManna: [email protected]
  • 50. 1770 W. Berteau Ave, Suite 206 | [email protected] | 312.973.1112 Thanks for joining us today!