Template for Table Top Exercise Building: Scenario Brainstorming Lydia Kostopoulos, PhD LKCYBER.COM @LKCYBER

Scenario Brainstorming Template for Table Top Exercises

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Page 1: Scenario Brainstorming Template for Table Top Exercises

Template for Table Top Exercise Building: Scenario Brainstorming

Lydia Kostopoulos, PhDLKCYBER.COM


Page 2: Scenario Brainstorming Template for Table Top Exercises

The purpose of this generic template is to help get the ball rolling with the brainstorming and planning of a Table Top Exercise (TTX) scenario with some useful ideas and questions, as well as provide guidance to help:

Pre-Scenario Building Questions

Getting Started

Goals / Objectives

Vulnerability / Threat

Scenario Actors

Panel Members


• Identify the goals of the scenario and the TTX

• Frame the fundamental components of the scenario

• Create a vision for the TTX

• Understand where the scenario and exercise fits with current needs in addressing gaps

Lydia Kostopoulos, PhD - LKCYBER.COM - @LKCYBER

TTX Brainstorming

Page 3: Scenario Brainstorming Template for Table Top Exercises

Lydia Kostopoulos, PhD - LKCYBER.COM - @LKCYBER

TTX Brainstorming

Goals / Objectives

Vulnerability / Threat

Scenario Actors

Panel Members


Why do I want to conduct a table top exercise? What is my goal? What do I want to accomplish?A seemingly obvious question but it is important to word it out before starting, helpscreate a framework moving forward.

What strategic level gaps do I want to explore? Why?You can put one or several. Prioritize them starting with the most important to the least important.



Page 4: Scenario Brainstorming Template for Table Top Exercises

Lydia Kostopoulos, PhD - LKCYBER.COM - @LKCYBER

TTX Brainstorming

Goals / Objectives

Vulnerability / Threat

Scenario Actors

Panel Members


What threat(s) do I want to incorporate into the scenario?You can put one or several. Prioritize them starting with the most important to the least important.

What vulnerability/weakness do I want to explore?You can put one or several. Prioritize them starting with the most important to the least important.



Page 5: Scenario Brainstorming Template for Table Top Exercises

Lydia Kostopoulos, PhD - LKCYBER.COM - @LKCYBER

TTX Brainstorming

Goals / Objectives

Vulnerability / Threat

Scenario Actors

Panel Members


Which types of aggressor actors do I want to include the scenario?You can put one or several. Prioritize them starting with the most important to the least important.

What friendly targets am I interested in protecting?You can put one or several. Prioritize them starting with the most important to the least important.



Page 6: Scenario Brainstorming Template for Table Top Exercises

Lydia Kostopoulos, PhD - LKCYBER.COM - @LKCYBER

TTX Brainstorming

Goals / Objectives

Vulnerability / Threat

Scenario Actors

Panel Members


The purpose of these questions is to identify the participants of the table top panel and their backgrounds.

What sectors should the participants represent? How will this contribute to the goal of the TTX?Ex: Military, Academia, Private Sector, Law Enforcement, etc.


Private Sector

Law Enforcement



Table Top Exercise: Panel Preparation

*They should be chosen based on how they fit the identified goals of the exercise.

Page 7: Scenario Brainstorming Template for Table Top Exercises

Lydia Kostopoulos, PhD - LKCYBER.COM - @LKCYBER

TTX Brainstorming

Goals / Objectives

Vulnerability / Threat

Scenario Actors

Panel Members

Logistics How long should the table top exercise run for? One hour, two, half a day, a day, three days…

How many people should be included in the panel? Ex: 3? 5? 10?

• How Long? Before the scenario is drafted it is good to have an idea of how long.

Don’t forget the goals!Keep the goals of the exercise in mind and be realistic of time limitations of TTX participants’ schedule.

Table Top Exercise Logistics

• How Many? How many people will be in the panel.

These two come hand in hand when it comes to determining

- Exercise duration - Invite logistics

Page 8: Scenario Brainstorming Template for Table Top Exercises

Lydia Kostopoulos, PhD - LKCYBER.COM - @LKCYBER

TTX Brainstorming

Goals / Objectives

Vulnerability / Threat

Scenario Actors

Panel Members


Will there be observers? If so how many? You can put several but prioritize them starting with the most important to the least important

If there are observers will they participate at some point during the TTX? If there are, what value do the observers’ participation bring to the exercise? When would they participate and how?

Table Top Exercise Logistics

Don’t forget the goals!Keep the goals of the exercise in mind and be realistic of time limitations of TTX participants’ schedule.

Page 9: Scenario Brainstorming Template for Table Top Exercises

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Template for Table Top Exercise Building: Scenario Brainstorming

Lydia Kostopoulos, PhDLKCYBER.COM