The causes and results of Forest degradation: actors analysis, the case of Vietnam Pham Van Dung, SPERI May 2012

Forest degrade actors analysis case of Vietnam PVDung

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The causes and results of Forest degradation: actors analysis, the case of Vietnam

Pham Van Dung, SPERI

May 2012

Page 2: Forest degrade actors analysis case of Vietnam PVDung

Overview Vietnam forestland management

• Before Independence (1945): not strong state management in mountainous areas, where traditional land and forest ownership prevailed

• 1950s-1985: Collectivisation, land, forest converted to state forest enterprises and cooperatives

• Since 1986: Decollectivisation, more involve local people and different economic sectors in forest protection and development – Land Law 1993: land user’s rights to lease, exchange, inherit, mortgage, and transfer land-use titles

– Decree 02/CP in 1994 on allocation of forestland to local organizations, households and individuals

– Decree 01/CP in 1995 on contracting of land for agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture purposes

– Land Law 2003 recognizing the legal status of communities as land user, also promoting commercialization of forestland

– Forest Protection and Development Law 2004 recognizing legal status of common property

– Decree 200/2004/ND-CP on reorganization, renewal and development of State-owned forestry enterprises

– Joint-Circular 07/ 2011/TTLT-BNNPTNT-BTNMT guiding forest allocation and lease in association with forestland allocation and lease

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1943 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2009

Vietnam forest cover %

Source: http://lesscentr.ru/en/en/presentations/nguyen.pdf

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Forest area 1976-2009

Source: Nguyen Quang Tan and Thomas Sikor, 2011

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Vietnam Forestland by stakeholders in (2010)

Management boards 33%

State forest enterprises 15%

Other economic agents 1%

Armed forces 2%

Households 26%

Communities 2%

Other organizations


People's committee 16%

Source: Decision 1828/QD-BNN-TCLN dated 11 Aug 2011

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Map of Que Phong district and Hanh Dich commune

Case of Que Phong district, Nghe An province

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Case of Que Phong district, Nghe An province (1)

• A poor mountainous district, west of Nghe An province

• 13,540 household, 64,521 persons (2010)

• Natural area: 189,543 ha

• Forest area: 158,506 ha (83.6%)

• Ethnic groups: Thai, Kinh,

Mong, Kho Mu, Tho, Tay,

Chut, each keep traditional culture and close link to forests

Nine-room temple festival

<= Traditional water pumps

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Case of Que Phong district, Nghe An province (2)

• Before 1945: Forestland belonged to Chaudin (local land owners), keep strong local traditions with sacred forests

• 1950s-1980s: collectivisation, forestland controlled by cooperatives and State forest enterprises

Traditional Sangkhan ceremony and

A sacred forest area in Hanh Dich commune =>

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Case of Que Phong district, Nghe An province (3)

• Late 1990s: state forest enterprise offered contracts of forest protection to villagers

• 2002: Land allocation (3,360 ha) to 360 households and 16 local mass organizations in Hanh Dich commune, supported by TEW (Towards Ethnic Women)

Ceremony for granting land certificates

<= A village landscape

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Case of Que Phong district, Nghe An province (4)

• 2003: Herbalist group set up in Hanh Dich commune

• 2007: Hanh Dich communal authority informally allocated herbal forests to herbalist group

• 2011-: lobby for forestland title to community of Pom Om village, Hanh Dich commune as a pilot model

Herbal forest marked on a rock

Sharing herbal knowledge between different ethnic groups =>

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Forest share in Que Phong district (2010)

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Actor analysis (1)

Actor Interests Function Action

Households • Available land for cultivation • Have forest for daily use

• Inter-generation sustainable use of land and forest

• Produce agricultural products • Collect non-timber products

Communities • Keep biodiversity to ensure local livelihoods • Have adequate forestland space to practice traditional culture

• Keep community spirits • Balance interests of households and the whole community

• Solve conflicts according to customary laws • Solve problems between community and outsiders

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Actor analysis (2)

Actor Interests Function Action

Local authorities

• Forestland is well planned and managed • Effective forestland use for socio-economic development for tax revenues

• Balancing interests of different actors

• Land allocation • Manage cadastral profiles • Tax collection

Forest protection boards

• Income from forest services

• Protection of watershed forests

• Plantation, keep forest cover • Offer contracts of forest protection to local people

National parks

• Income from forest services

• Protection of bio-diversity of special-use forests

• Supervise and keep forest resources • Offer contracts of forest protection to local people

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Actor analysis (3)

Actor Interests Function Action

State enterprises

• Profits • Forestry economics • Some assigned social-political responsiblities

• Forest extraction • Timber processing • Plantation

Private companies

• Profits

• Increase products • Advertise to promote market

• Exploit resources to provide products, services • Influence decision makers to favor their interests

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• Existence of large area managed by SFEs, forest protection boards, national parks

• Illegal wood exploitation due to lack of actual forest owners, or actual open access

• Increase of landless and local poor’s shortage of land

• Land disputes due to unclear demarcation

• Not yet flexible application of the term ‘community’ – formally defined as ‘residential community at village level’, so it is difficult to allocate forestland to communities

• Land allocation procedures (e.g. inventory of forest volume) make it impossible to poor communities to access forestland title

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• Questions to the transfer/reallocate forestland under management of communal people’s committee

• Who should be the most suitable forestland users after reallocation? – Competition between wealthy companies and local people

– Profit vs local livelihoods

– Mono-plantation vs biodiversity

• Who should be beneficiaries of forest environmental services (e.g. REDD++)

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• Sharing experiences from pilot models of community forest

• Find possible replication of the pilot models

• Better participation of local people/ community in all steps of forestland allocation, planning & management

• Wider acceptance of local people’s knowledge and results in forest inventory

• Community representatives, NGOs help the public to keep in mind the priority to local livelihoods

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• SPERI (2008), Study on ‘indigenous knowledge of water using for wet rice cultivation of Thai ethnic group in Na Sai village, Hanh Dich commune, Que Phong district, Nghe An province’.

• SPERI (2009), Yearly narrative report on Network for Traditional Herbal Medicine, http://www.speri.org/upload/images/PART%203.%20speri.yearly%20report.jul07-jun08.pdf

• SPERI (2011), Research on ‘Role of Customary Law in Ethnic Minority Community Development’ (unpublished).

• Tan, Nguyen Quang and Thomas Sikor (2011) Forest Land Allocation: An Overview of Policy Framework and Outcomes in ‘Realizing Forest Rights in Vietnam: Addressing Issues in Community Forest Management’, RECOFTC, Bangkok

• http://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/economies/Asia-and-the-Pacific/Vietnam.html

• http://lesscentr.ru/en/en/presentations/nguyen.pdf

• http://quephong.nghean.vn/quephong/default/explorer/folder/56?folder_id=56

• http://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qu%E1%BA%BF_Phong

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