Minister Dr. Akinwumi Adesina Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development #TheJonathanReport


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Dr. Akinwumi Adesina


Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development


Table of Content


Ending Corruption in the Fertilizer and Seed Sectors

Key Achievements

Dry season rice farming transforms northern Nigeria

Increase of integrated rice mills

Achievements in Agricultural Land Resource



• Agricultural policy under President Jonathan has focused on assuring food security, reducing expenditure of foreign exchange on food imports, diversifying the economy, generating foreign trade and creating jobs.

• Significant steps to move towards a self-sufficient and sustainable agriculture economy.

• These revitalization efforts mean increased investment in the food, agricultural and agribusiness sector and a reduced dependence on imports.

• Nigeria is now a net exporter of food.


Photo Credit: publicaffairs.gov.ng

Ending Corruption in the Fertilizer and Seed Sectors

• Four decades of corruption in fertilizer and seed distribution ended with direct access by farmers, thereby saving the government over N25 billion in 2012 alone

• Over 250,000 farmers and youths in Northern states now profitably engaged in farming.

• First ever database of farmers has been developed with over 6 million farmers registered and now being updated/monitored annually.

• Private sector seed and fertilizer companies now sell directly to farmers. Over N15 Billion of seeds have been sold via e-wallet system.


• Dry season production through irrigation kick-started inn 10 Northern states – Kebbi, Zamfara, Sokoto, Katsina, Kano, Jigawa, Gombe, Nigeria, Kogi and Bauchi – resulting in an output of 1.07 million metric tonnes.

• Combined production of Dry Season and Main Season paddy now 1.79 million metric tonnes.

• Nigeria is on the road to being self-sufficient in rice production

• Production has expanded for high quality Cassava flour to substitute imported wheat in the baking industry.


Key Achievements


• Nigeria is first African country to develop e-Wallet for input delivery to farmers, eliminating sharp practices by middlemen.


• Federal Government policies have led to the establishment of 13 new rice mills by private investors in Nigeria.



• There is further boost for non-oil export as China has ordered 3.2 million metric tonnes of dried Cassava chips for ethanol production

• Nigeria’s food import bill reduced from N1.1 trillion in 2011 to N648 billion in the following year, placing the country firmly on the path to food self-sufficiency.

• Over 8 million metric tonnes of food were added to domestic supply in 2012, about 70% above projection.

• There was a decline in wheat imports to Nigeria from an all-time high of 4,051,000 MT in 2010 to 3,700,000 MT in 2012


Key Achievements

• The FG recently launched a self-employment initiative under the Youth Employment in Agriculture Programme (YEAP) called Nagropreneurprogramme.

• This scheme, designed to encourage youths to go into commercial agriculture as entrepreneurs, plans to develop over 750,000 young Nagropreneur by the end of 2015.


Key Achievements

• The Federal Government launched Staple Crop Processing Zones to support investments in the entire agricultural value chain.

• At present, there are significant private investment commitments from agribusiness ventures such as: Flour Mills of Nigeria, the Dangote Group, Syngenta, Indorama, AGCO, and BelstarCapital.


Key Achievements

• In 2012, 2.2 million metric tonnes of cassava chips were exported, exceeding the target by over 100%

• While the 40% substitution of cassava for wheat has been achieved through research and collaboration with the IITA and Federal Institute for Industrial Research.


Key Achievements

• President Jonathan has launched the Dry Season Farm Support Programme to encourage dry season farming with N14bn, representing an increase of 56% over the 2013 season.

• Over 600,000 farmers registered, representing an increase of 125% over 2013.


Key Achievements

• Growth enhancement scheme (GES) and electronic wallets (e-wallets) reach millions and revolutionize farmers’ access to farm inputs


Key Achievements

Dry season rice farming transforms northern Nigeria

• Farmers in ten leading rice producing states of Kebbi, Sokoto, Zamfara, Katsina, Kano, Jigawa, Bauchi, Gombe, Niger and Kogi, received free 50kg of seeds, two bags of 15-15-15 NPK and one bag of Urea were given to a total of 267,491rice farmers.


• The dry season accelerate rice production drive will produce 1,070,364 MT of paddy, enough to keep 20 integrated mills running till the main season of 2015 crop harvest.

• Taken with the main season production, the total paddy production for 2012/2013 season is estimated at 1,760,364 MT


Dry season rice farming transforms northern Nigeria

Increase of integrated rice mills

• Government initiated a major policy reform, by increasing tariff on imported brown rice and milled rice and raise incentives for domestic milling of locally produced paddy rice.

• The policy has paid off with impressive results. In the first year alone, 14 private sector rice mills have sprung up with a total capacity of 240,000 MT.

• . International grade local rice has hit the market, including Ashi rice, Mikaprice, Umza rice, Ebony rice and several others.


Over $8 billion of Private Investment Commitments Leveraged


The non-oil exports continue to

experience significant year-on

year growth, with agriculture

accounting for 75% of the total

nonoil export revenue. The

leadership of the President in

driving this is remarkable.

Achievements in Agricultural Land Resource

• A Soil survey study was embarked upon to generate useful soil data necessary to determine crop capacities and suitability.

• The sum of NGN 3,800,000,000 (USD 23,419,400) was budgeted out of which NGN 1,400,000,000 (USD 8,628,200) has been released, leaving an outstanding balance of NGN 1,200,000,000 (USD 7,395,600)

• Equipped five NARIS labs, 3 zonal labs and two FECOLART labs

• Procured, processed and geo-referenced raw satellite imagery.

• Produced Digital Elevation Model (DEM)

• Completed TM and contours overlay on imagery and released it to consultants for field activities
