Fish counters

Fish Counters - John Armstrong, Marine Scotland Science

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Page 1: Fish Counters - John Armstrong, Marine Scotland Science

Fish counters

Page 2: Fish Counters - John Armstrong, Marine Scotland Science

Conservation Limits

Page 3: Fish Counters - John Armstrong, Marine Scotland Science

Conservation Limits


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Conservation Limits

• Good estimate of numbers of fish in target river

• Derivation of exploitation rate to apply to other rivers

Page 5: Fish Counters - John Armstrong, Marine Scotland Science

CRF project

Technical, Logistical, and Economic Considerations for the Development and Implementation of a Scottish Salmon

Counter Network 

By   Douglas Braun, Don McCubbing, Daniel Ramos-Espinoza, Michael Chung, Lloyd Burroughs, Nicholas Burnett, Joseph Thorley, Jason Ladell, Caroline Melville, Barry Chillibeck, and Marylise Lefevre

261 pages

Page 6: Fish Counters - John Armstrong, Marine Scotland Science

Counter CRF

- Technical Constraints and Installation Costs. Assess the technical benefits and limitations, and economic costs of deploying different counter technologies in different environmental settings, including a consideration of engineering requirements.

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Counter CRF

- Automating Counts and Quality Control. Assess the opportunities for automating signal processing and quality control associated with different counter technologies, considering existing processes and protocols where these can be identified.

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Counter CRF

- Operational Costs. Determine the costs of maintaining and validating the various counter options in the range of environmental contexts explored, including the costs of data processing and validation.

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Counter CRF

- Integration of Technological and Economic Considerations to Determine Choice of Counter Technology. Combine data collated from Objectives 1-3 to produce an economic and technical optimization model to inform the choice of counter options in particular environments.

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Strategic Network Design

- Existing counters

- SACs

- Conservation limits

- Broad geographic coverage

- Habitat coverage

- Political (eg two per management unit)

- Availability of resource

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The 17 SACs in Scotland where Atlantic salmon is either the primary reason for designation of the site or is a qualifying feature of the site.

SAC data to follow ……

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SACs together with the locations of the four river systems and fish counters which formed the basis of the exploitation rates used in the stock abundance model

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SACs together with the locations of the twelve fish counters whose data were analysed by Thorley et al (2005).

Criteria for selecting countersSufficient data (at least 10 full years prior to 2002) Counters regularly monitored and serviced.

Note: the Tongland counter (Kirkudbright Dee) was used in the stock assessment analysis but not by Thorley et al

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SACs together with the locations of the 18 fish counters originally considered by Thorley et al (2005) (●) and 4 subsequently installed (●) .

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Next steps

- Sign-off the CRF project and publish

- Produce basic scenarios for ideal scientific coverage

- Consider finance

- Consult local interest groups

- Plan installation options