In Sierra Leone

African Library Project in Sierra Leone

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In Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone gained

independence from the

UK in 1961.

It is slowly improving

its economy since the

civil war that ended in

2001. The country is

rich in minerals,

especially diamonds.

Severe Ebola Outbreak in Sierra Leone in 2014-2015

SL had the highest number of sick people of any country. Schools were

closed and most students lost an entire year. The government provided

some education by radio. ALP’s second container of libraries arrived in fall

2014 and were unable to be delivered immediately as public gatherings

were not allowed (in order to minimize infection). Schools have now re-

opened and all the books have been delivered. Source: NY Times 1/25/15

Main street of Freetown, the capital city

Sports bar, sim card store, mobile bread store, and used shoe vendor –

typical Freetown merchants

Start up businesses usually start on

entrepeneurs’ heads

The dogs of Freetown amid

trash on the streets; Creative

teachers use the trash as

reading resources in the


ALP PartnersReading Initiative Salone (RISE) Network

The Learning Foundation

Society for Knowledge Management

Peace Corps SL

SL National Library Board

Village Link

PEN Sierra Leone

Brighter Life Ministries

RISE Network

Our partner in Sierra Leone, RISE Network, is a collaboration of small literacy organizations

The office of SKM, with internet, library and conference room where RISE

sometimes meets.


Students at Charity High School, who are happy to have an ALP library

In gratitude for her visit, Chris

Bradshaw, ALP Founder, was

presented with two live chickens.

Pictures of the

school’s bathroom,

courtyard, and Chris

standing in front of

the new library

under construction.

Every one was delighted with their

new books.

Chris with her gifts of flowers, water, and chicken with school’s staff.

Islamic Benevolent Senior Secondary School

Sengbeh Pieh Memorial Junior Secondary School

Martha Sesay, age 17, is about to receive a prize for her reading from

the library.

Will you do a book drive so more children

in Sierra Leone have access to books?
