Why do Women Crave Chocolate?

Why Do Women Crave Chocolate?

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Why do Women Crave Chocolate?

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Most women crave chocolate at some point. Certain types of chocolate can be health-promoting in moderation, but we typically don’t crave it because of a chocolate deficiency…

So why do want it so bad at times?

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chocolate cravings seem especially tied to hormone changes Like Menstruation

and Pregnancy.

the magnesium in chocolate, as well as its ability to

affect neurotransmitters, may be a large part of the reason.

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Women having chocolate cravings may also be culturally

conditioned. The trend of craving chocolate is most pronounced in the U.S., and men reported the craving much less than women.

This might stem from the fact that chocolate is largely marketed to women as a way to deal with

negative emotions or to “get away from it all.”

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Magnesium in Chocolate

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• Chocolate is the only top-ten magnesium food that is known for its ability to promote neurotransmitter activity and dopamine production.

• This combination makes it especially desirable during hormone imbalance.

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• Since experts estimate that 80% of us are deficient in magnesium, it is important to find ways to increase magnesium levels in the body, but unfortunately, chocolate may not be a great way to do this.

• Depletion of soil magnesium has led to a reduction of dietary magnesium and due to gut issues, many people may struggle to absorb magnesium through the digestive system.

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Chocolate and the Brain

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• Perhaps the most likely reason that we crave chocolate and enjoy eating it so much is the way chocolate affects the brain.

• The basic fact that chocolate tastes good and we enjoy eating it means that the body releases dopamine during chocolate consumption.

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• Chocolate also increases serotonin in the brain, a neurotransmitter responsible for better mood, sleep, and reduction of anxiety.

• Women have a natural decrease in serotonin in the brain in the week before menstruation, so this may partially explain the specific craving for chocolate during this time.

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Antioxidants in Chocolate

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• Chocolate does contain decent amounts of antioxidants that are said to be anti-aging and promote healthy blood flow and blood pressure.

• The problem? We would need to consume huge amounts of chocolate to get enough antioxidants to see the benefit, and there are few true studies on the antioxidant potential of chocolate.

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The Problem with Chocolate

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Now for the bad news… Chocolate is high in sugar, calories and (often) unhealthy fats while providing

relatively little nutritional value.

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Most of us don’t realize while we are boosting our PMSing serotonin levels with chocolate that we are also

contributing to child slave labor.

It is ironic and sad that the treats that are loved and consumed by women and children in the United States are produced with forced child labor and child slavery. 

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So What’s a Girl to Do?

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• Chocolate is on the healthy end of the treat spectrum and I do enjoy it in moderation. 

• I usually stick to homemade chocolate or Equal Exchange  (a verified child labor free brand).

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TO Learn more about the pros and cons of chocolate,

Click Here.

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