Types and categories of food service system

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Page 1: Types and categories of food service system
Page 2: Types and categories of food service system

Types of food service and

Categories of food service


Page 3: Types and categories of food service system

IntroductionA food service system is defined as an

entity composed of several systems designed and functioning together to accomplish specific objectives

Simple definition- “Provision of food and drink ready for consumption away from home”

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AdvantagesEntire food service is “one body” and several subsystems work together for the system to functionEmployees and management work together as a teamProblems are easily locatedCost control and budgeting can be facilitatedMultiple chain-type operations is easier to plan and evaluateTraining programs can be developed for knowing each members performanceEasier to control and monitor activities within the systems

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Categories of Food Service SystemThe systems differ in “Where the food is

prepared” in relation to “where it is served”, the “time span” between preparation and service, the forms of foods purchased, methods of holding prepared foods and “the amount and kind of labor and equipment required”It is classified into 4 types:1. Conventional service2. Ready – prepared service3. Commissary4. Assembly/ Serve

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I. Conventional/ Traditional Food Service

Traditionally usedMenu items are prepared in kitchen and held for short time until serving timeEarlier, it was prepared in the premises hence kitchen included a butcher shop, bakery and vegetable preparation units

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Gradually the modified conventional system has evolved where foods with varying degrees of processing are used, hence customers food is prepared on same siteTypically used by smaller food service operations

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Usually found in restaurants:

Call order/ À la carte

Table d'hôte system

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In a health care facility, the patient service is a complex distribution process and involves:

1. Centralized meal assemblyTime between production, assembly and distribution is minimalTrays are assembled at a central locationTrays are distributed to patient units using carts(heated/ refrigerated)

Advantages:Activity takes place in one locationAllows standardization of portionUniformity in presentationWaste reductionLess time of staff

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2. Decentralized meal assembly

Foods are produced in one location and transported to various locations for assembly at sites near patientsEquipment to maintain proper temp. is provided at each locationTo difficult-to-hold foods, cooking equipment is available in service units

Advantages:Less time neededGroup services are easy

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AdvantagesQuality control is consideredAchievement of individuality and standard of quality is desiredNot dependent on availability of frozen entréesMore adaptable to regional, ethnic and individual preferenceGreater economic flexibility Less freezer storage space and distribution costs

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DisadvantagesConventional system produces an uneven, stressful dayWorkloads vary depending on change of menuSkilled workers are supplemented by non-skilled workers2 shifts of employees are required Scheduling of workers are difficult

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II. Ready – prepared food service system

Menu items are produced and held for servicePacked in bulk, in individual portions or combination containersIts distinct feature is the separation between time of preparation and serviceFood is not for immediate useFoods are prepared on site, however place of preparation is not place of serviceAdopted by in-flight caterers

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Distribution equipment needed by ready prepared operations depends on whether foods are in bulk quantities or individual portions and have 3 main technologies mainly:Cook – chill processCook – freeze processSous-vide (vacuum packing)

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(i) Cook – chill processAcc. To Cusins.J.et.al, “It is a catering

system based on normal preparations and cooking of food followed by rapid chilling, storage in control of low temp. above freezing point and subsequently reheating before consumption”

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Cook - chill processChilled down for final storage (3˚C)(90 mins)

Can be achieved by blast chilling–Blast chillers use conventional refrigeration

techniques (cold air circulation) or cryogenic methods (use of gases to reduce temp.)

Stored for 5 days When not in chilled storage, all handling is carried out

in environmental room For consumption, food is heated 2hrs at 70˚C 10 ˚C- critical safety limit for chilled foods During distribution, if temp. exceeds 5˚C food has to be

consumed within half hrs

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Advantages:• Can be applied to most food stuffs• Can be applied to both individual meal or bulk-meal

production• There is no apparent effect on meal palatability after 3

days although some meat dishes may deteriorate after 4-5 days

Disadvantages:• Additional investment required to meet new standards• Critical and narrow temp. requires high operational

standards• Nutrient and vitamin loss occurs during chilled storage

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(ii) Cook Freeze MethodSpecialized food production and distribution system that allows caters to take advantage of longer life thru’ blast freezers (-18 to -20 ˚C) and store up to 3 - 6 months Blast freezer or cryogenic freezers are required for this purposeIt follows the below steps:PreparationFreezing (blast freezer)Storage (deep freezer -18 ˚C)Transport of frozen itemsRegeneration (convection ovens)

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Advantages:Maximum shelf life of 3 monthsEasily handled in frozen state without any spoilageGreater flexibility in use

Disadvantages:Not all dishes can be frozenRecipes may require modificationsLow temp. storage requires greater energy use

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(iii) Sous – vide (vacuum cooking)

Most recent and innovative approach for dish preservationIncludes vacuum packing of foods in plastic bags that can be raw or semi-cooked Chilled storage is required and shelf life is extended to 21 days hence suited to individual mealsRequires more investment and timeUsed in restaurants and not used in large-scale

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Advantages:Long shelf lifeMeals are produced in advanceCan be mixed with cold storage without risk in

contaminationReduce labor costTexture and flavor is retained Inexpensive regeneration

Disadvantages:Extra cost requiredAll portions in one batch must be identicalCooking time is more

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Advantages:Reduces the “peak and valleys” of workloadsProduction labor cost is reduced Improved quality and quantity controlLack of worry about deliveryDisadvantages:Need for large cold storage and freezer unitsBlast chiller or blast freezer is required

which is expensiveControl of food safety is essentialExtensive changes in recipe is required

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III. Commissary (Central Production Unit)

It is described as a large central production kitchen with centralized food purchasing and delivery of prepared foods to service units located in separate areas for final preparation and servicePrepared using large sophisticated equipmentsAirline caterers, large city schools, chain restaurants etc

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Advantages:Cost of process is lessReduced duplication of laborSophisticated equipment and expert makes work easierQuality can be maintained in all outlets

Disadvantages:Employment of a food microbiologist is required hence costlyChances for theft is moreFluctuations of customers occurFood must be loaded and transported in correct temp. for safety and qualityHigh cost of purchase, maintenance and repair of equipment

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IV. Assembly/ ServePre-prepared foods are purchased from food processing industry and reconstituted in premisesIt can be frozen or boil-in-the bag typeUsed in fast-food industry usually health care institutions, hospitals and restaurantsIn cafeteria style of serving of foods it need to be heated before serving and is done in a service unit using the “ready prepared operation”Usually single-use disposal tableware is used

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Advantages: Built in labor savings Less purchasing time Less pilferage Quick service is possible Equipment and space requirements are

minimalDisadvantage: Higher costs for these prepared food High cost for operating the duplicate

heating equipment Additional freezer space is required Recycling or disposal of tableware must

be of concern

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TYPES OF FOOD SERVICETable service and counter service are the most common formsA hostess/ host is responsible for seating the guestsPrinciples that a waiter must know:Food is served onto guest plate from left If food is pre-plated, then service is thru’

rightSoups are served from rightLadies are always served first and rest are

served clockwiseFresh cutlery and crockery is served thru’

rightSoiled plates are cleared from rightNever reach across a customer

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1. English serviceOften regarded as “host service”/ “family style” serviceHost plays an active roleUsually found in coffee shops, family restaurants etc

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Process involves:Food is brought on platters by

waiter, shown to host for approval The waiter then places it on tableEither host portions the food and

serves to guest or portions it and allows waiter to serve

Usually the main dish is meatVegs. and potatoes are placed in

centre for guests to help themselves while sauces are served by waiter

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AdvantagesFast InexpensiveRequires no special equipment

DisadvantagesLess showmanshipReduced personalized attention to customer

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2. French serviceIts not very commonUsually seen at upscale clubs and

restaurantsInvolves Personalized serviceThe waiter has a fancy cart for

carrying foodsThe table is already made and

waiter just have to serve carefully and neatly

Sometimes foods are cooked in front of guests

Guest serve themselves

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Advantages:Allows guests to see the food before they decideProportioned acc. To guest’s wishChance to make additions before it is served

Disadvantages:Cannot be opted for certain dishesTime consumingExpensiveSpace required for moving carts

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3. Guéridon serviceGuéridon means “ trolley”Here food is partially prepared from kitchen and is fully cooked at guest’s table side Here cooking is done on Guéridon trolleyThe waiter should be a showman as well as a good cook, He should carve a joint, fillet a fish, prepare coffees etc

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Advantages:It is a visual display to customersAn opportunity for waiter to show his skillsHelps increase popularity of restaurant

Disadvantages:More space requiredSafety concernedSkilled staff requiredExpensiveInnovation of recipes required

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4. Russian Food serviceFairly elaborate silver service much on lines of French service with use of Guéridon trolleyWaiter pre-portions food (whole joints, fish)and serves onto guest plate and places the plate in front of the guestDisplay and presentation is of concern

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Advantages:Only one waiter is requiredElegant and entertainingNo extra spaceGuarantees equal portions because food is pre-cutGives personal attention to guests

Disadvantages:Initial big expense in silver equipmentSince one platter is used for serving the last guest may see a less attractive displayIn party’s the waiter must hold a heavy tray

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5. American/ pre-plated service

It is pre-plated from kitchen itself and is normally found in restaurants with large guest turnoverPortion is predetermined from kitchen the waiter ensures accompaniments are already placed on table with right table cover

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Advantages:• Saves time• fast• Cost efficient• Nutrition information is easily accessed by

nutrition label in menu• Casual dining

Disadvantages:• Choice of portion size cannot be

predetermined• Some ingredients can be annoying to guests• High in fat and energy• Allows little recipe modification

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6. Silver ServiceAll food is presented in silver dishes with elaborate dressingHere the waiter serves the food to guests at the tableThe table is set for hors d’oeuvresFood is portioned to silver platters from kitchen and is placed at sideboards with burners

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Before service, waiter ensures if the food is served onto guest’s plate in a stylish mannerThe waiter then picks the platter from hot plate and presents it for host approvalService is done using a spoon and forkthe course is done in an organized way hence the courses follow one another at proper intervals

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Advantages:• Elegant• Faster than French service• Hot food is served at table quickly

Disadvantages:• Skilled waiter is required• Capital investment on silver


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7. Buffet serviceSelf service where food is displayed on tablesThe guest either takes his place a stack at the end of each table or requests the waiter to serve himFor sit-down buffet service, tables are laid with crockery and cutleryFor fork buffet, seating arrangements does not exist, guest uses fork and eats standing

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Advantages:Food is displayed in an attractive

mannerLess service skill requiredServers can attend to many

guests at one timeDisadvantages:

Careless in handling foodLess personal attention to guests

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8. Cafeteria ServiceMenu is fixed and displayed on large boardsCoupons have to be purchased in advance or indicate their choice of selection to counter attendant at the time of purchaseFood is pre-plated and served along with cutleryGuests take the seats provided by the establishmentIndustrial canteens, colleges, hospitals etc

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Advantages:Minimal staffs are requiredDoes not require any special equipmentLast minute changes can be made

Disadvantages:Choices are limitedFoods are not prepared acc. to order

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9. Counter service

Developed in units where customers have limited time for mealTall stools are placed for guests to have their meal

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Advantages:• Fast• Lower costs• Less service skill needed• Customer has his own choice

of selectionDisadvantages:

• Less food safety• Time consuming

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10. Room ServiceA 5 star international hotel should provide 24/ 7hrs of serviceHighest level of service is considered3 types of room services are as follows:Centralized room serviceDecentralized room serviceMobile room service

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Here the task of order taking plays an important role because:

Order is made thru’ phoneIt improves the image of the hotelIt increases the revenue sale of food and beverageIt makes the guest happy and converts him to a repeat clientele

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11. Grill room service• Here various meats are grilled in front of the guests• Meats are usually displayed behind a glass partition

hence guests can make their choice of selection• The food comes pre-plated

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ConclusionFood service system hence plays a major role in preparation, cooking, serving etc. and is a form of exhibiting cultures

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