Top Benefits of Green Tea CHA PALACE - Creative Gift Idea

Top Benefits of Green Tea

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Page 2: Top Benefits of Green Tea


From weight loss to treating many health problems, green tea comes with many more health

benefits. This drink has changed the entire lifestyle of Indians who are more concerned

about their health and believe to enjoy a luxurious life. Today people also give green tea as a

creative gift idea to their friends or relatives. Well there are many more surprising benefits to

harvest from this wonderful drink. Read on to know these health benefits:

Page 3: Top Benefits of Green Tea


Green tea is good to fight allergies. As per studies, consuming this drink can give some

comfort because it's been proven to be anti-allergenic due to a specific compound,

epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). It should be included to your allergy season arsenal. People

who are allergic love to receive a green tea hamper as a creative gift idea as well.

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Green tea is good to boost your eyesight. The antioxidants in this drink can enter into the

tissues of your eyes and make antioxidant act. Catechins, an antioxidant in green tea, can

absorb into the tissues of your eye. So it’s good for your vision. It clearly suggests that

consuming green tea may serve as a preventive measure for eyesight.

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Green tea is a great help in health related problems. It helps in lowering your cholesterol. Its

powerful antioxidant, EGCG, is said to suppress the soaking up of cholesterol from the large

intestine. So consume it to lower down your cholesterol. You can gift a green tea hamper as a

creative gift idea to your friends who are suffering from heart problems.

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Green tea boosts your oral health. It helps in having health gums and teeth. Though drinking

tea has been given a bad effect for its staining effect on your teeth, but it is totally opposite

for green tea. Green tea has an ability to control bacteria and lower the acidity of saliva and

dental plaque This makes it helpful for avoiding cavities and poor oral health.

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So now when you know that green tea is so beneficial, time to add it into your daily routine to

boost a healthy lifestyle. Even as a creative gift idea, gift it to your friends or folks to give

them for the sake of their health.