Mussels with leeks and cider

Mussels with leeks and cider

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Page 1: Mussels with leeks and cider

Mussels  with  leeks  and  cider  

Page 2: Mussels with leeks and cider

THREE  GOOD  THINGS  Mussels   Leeks   Pear  Cider  

Page 3: Mussels with leeks and cider

Other  things  you  will  need:  

Ingredients:  Olive  oil,  thyme,  salt,  pepper,  apple  cider/rice  vinegar,  bagueHe      Accoutrement:  Bowls    Strainer    SloHed  spoon    Whisk      

Page 4: Mussels with leeks and cider

Rinse  well  under  cool,  running  water.  

Clean  the  Mussels  Remove  any  open  or  cracked  shells,  as  well  as  the  “beards”(liHle  threads  that  anchor  the  mussel  to  rocks);  

yank  them  off.  

Page 5: Mussels with leeks and cider

Clean  and  cut  up  the  leek  

Cut  off  any  tough  green  bits(this  one  came  preHy  well  trimmed),  and  cut  in  half  length-­‐wise.  Rinse  thoroughly,  leeks  can  be  muddy.  Slice.  NICE!  

Page 6: Mussels with leeks and cider

IN  A  HOT  POT  combine  leeks,  a  handful  of  salt  ,  a  handful  of  pepper,  and  the  pear  cider.  

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Cook  the  leeks  in  the  cider  unVl  tender  (6-­‐8  minutes).  

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Remove  the  leeks  using  a  sloHed  spoon.  Place  leeks  in  

a  bowl  to  the  side.  ADD  THE  MUSSELS!  

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Steam  mussels  in  boiling  cider  for  about  2  minutes  

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Drain  the  mussels,  collecVng  liquor  in  a  bowl.  Place  mussels  elsewhere…  Back  in  the  pot?  Put  them  back  in  

the  pot.  

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Add  a  liHle  olive  oil,  thyme,  and  vinegar  to  the  liquor  

Now,  whisk.  

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Grab  a  bowl.    Pour  sauce  over  mussels,  

top  with  the  leeks…  

Rip  off  a  piece  of  bagueHe;  you  are  an  incredible  cook.  

Gloat  inwardly.