Fill your plates with high volume foods daycarebaby.com For Parents & Care Providers

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Fill your plates with high volume foods


For Parents & Care Providers

Page 2: Fill your plates with high volume foods - daycarebaby.com

Here’s what 200 calories looks like…

Page 3: Fill your plates with high volume foods - daycarebaby.com

…yep, this is 200 calories…

Page 4: Fill your plates with high volume foods - daycarebaby.com

Vol-ume (noun)

Definition: The amount of space a substance or object occupies.  

ˈvälyəm,ˈvälˌyo ͞om/  

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Where does volume come from?

Higher-volume in your food comes in a few forms:

•  Fiber

•  Water

•  Air

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Volume + Energy Density •  Your stomach responds to the volume of food, not to the number of calories in the food you’ve eaten.

•  A large volume of low-calorie food activates your body’s “full feeling” sooner than a small volume of high-calorie food.

•  You can consume the same volume of food, yet a lower amount of calories in each portion, consuming fewer calories and feeling just as satisfied.

•  Using water, air and fiber will help to lower the energy density of foods while maintaining or increasing food volume.

•  Providing children with foods that have proper volume and calorie balance may help reduce issues related to childhood obesity.  

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Where do calories often hide?

Low-volume ingredients like oil, butter, peanut butter and yellow cheeses often contain higher calories.

These food ingredients also don’t usually make you feel full, so you may continue to eat, consuming even more calories…

Daily calorie goals

Young children need somewhere around 1,000-1,500 calories per day.

Most adults need between 1,600-3,000 calories per day depending on factors like gender, age and activity level.

The average american consumes 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving day!

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Choose healthy snacks & meals

Children need a lot of energy for their growing bodies, so its important they have healthy snacks and meals throughout the day to keep their mind and body sharp.

So, just for fun, let’s compare options that have the same amount of calories, but one is good (lower in fat and higher in fiber and volume) and one is bad (high in fat and low in fiber and volume), so you can get a sense of what healthy calories look like…

Note: these are not examples of meals, but calorie and volume comparisons

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What does more volume look like?

Low volume, low fiber, high fat

1  cup  baby  carrots  ¼  cup  ranch  dressing    

350  calories  31g  fat  3g  fiber  

Same calories - Higher volume and fiber, lower fat

1  cup  baby  carrots  ¼  cup  hummus  1  string  cheese  3  whole-­‐grain  crackers  1  small  apple  10  pistachios  

350  calories    16  grams  fat  5  grams  fiber  

Ranch dressing is high-calorie, low-volume. This option cuts the fat in half.  

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Which option is lower in fat?

Low volume, higher in fat

Fe;uccine  Alfredo  

1,220  calories  75g  of  fat  5g  of  fiber  

Higher volume, lower in fat

1  serving  whole  wheat  pasta  1  tbsp  olive  oil,  1  cup  bell  peppers    2  oz  mozzarella  cheese  3  cups  Spinach  Salad    1  Granny  Smith  Apple  sliced,  1  serving  of  almonds,  1  serving  of  feta  cheese  and  10  sprays  of  Italian  dressing  3  oz  grilled  chicken  breast  1  scoop  chia  seeds  

1,129  calories  56g  fat  23g  fiber  

Alfredo sauce is high calorie, low-volume.  

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You get the idea…

Lower in volume, higher in fat

6  oz  steak  1  cup  garlic  mashed  potatoes  Caesar  side  salad  

1,255  calories  70g  fat  6g  fiber  

Higher volume, lower in fat

5 oz grilled salmon 1 med. sweet potato ½ cup cottage cheese 1 cup fresh green beans 1 cup pinto beans Side salad w/4 tbsp light salad dressing 2 cups of mixed berry & yogurt smoothie 1 cup skim milk

1,181 calories 22g of fat 35g of fiber

Based on a 2,000 calorie diet, 70g of fat would likely wipe out your entire daily recommended allowance, yikes!

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Incorporate more water, fiber and air into meals using fruits and vegetables

Choose or create grains and snacks with a higher air, water, or fiber value

You’ll feel full, and consume less calories

It can help you maintain a healthy weight

Give your children healthy options!

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Thank you!

Find more tips at www.daycarebaby.com With a variety of visuals, videos and eBooks!

Images source: Google image search, content guidelines are primarily based on USDA standards. Consult a nutrition or medical professional if you have specific dietary needs or concerns. This information is provided for educational purposes only.

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