Waste management plan and relevant experience in Veneto (IT) Loro Francesco Environmental Protection Agency of Veneto Druskininkai (LT) – September 24 th. 2015

Waste management plan and relevant experience in veneto

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Waste management plan and relevant experience in Veneto (IT)

Loro FrancescoEnvironmental Protection Agency of Veneto

Druskininkai (LT) – September 24th. 2015


• The separate collection of waste in Veneto

• The role of MBT• Lesson learnt on MBT• Lesson learnt on Separate

collection• Comparison with Lithuania and

some ideas

A small picture of waste management in Veneto

• Surface: 18.264 km²• Inhabitants: 4,925,000• Waste production (2013)

• Urban waste: 2.240.000 t • Industrial waste: 8.650.000 t• C&D waste: 5.010.000

Urban Waste production pro capita (2013)

455 kg/inh*year

Urban residual waste pro capita131 kg/inh*year

Industrial waste production index

(Amount of urban waste/GDP) 60 t/Mln Euro

22 composting plant(+ 50 for green waste)

40 selection and recovery (+ 150 small plants)

8 plants(6 SRF + 2 Biostabilization)

3 Incineration plants

10 landfill (dedicated to urban and industrial waste

The waste management plants network for urban waste

Unce upon a time…. The construction of a solid scenario on urban waste management started during the ’80 due to an emergency situation on waste collection

Regional Waste management planRegional Council Degree 785/1988

Regional Waste management planRegional Council Degree 59/2004

Regional Waste management planRegional Council Degree 264/2004

The aims of these plans

• Definition of minimum level of separate collection

• Landfill tax related to separate collection level

• Creation of homogeneous waste management areas

• Regional Self-sufficiency for urban waste

The results

• Introduction of separate collection

• Separated waste streams• Reduction of landfilling

New kind of problems:How to treat these streams?

Is there a market for recovered materials?

The rise of separate collection levelIn 1994 the separate collection was 6,3 %

The introduction of a strong taxation on untreated and

unsorted waste pushed the Municipalities to a spread

adoption of separate collection

The level of separate collection of each municipality is certified every year by an independent

authority (Regional Waste Observatory)

63,6 %

The level of separate collection and its effects


Bio waste47%






Average composition of residual waste after separate collection

% of separate collection of urban waste

Which kind of separate collectionFrom organic/dry waste using road


To door to door separate collection of separated streams

Organic wasteRecoverable materials (paper, plastic, glass)Unrecoverable (200301)

One stream Separated streams


IndifferenziatoSecco Umido porta a portaSecco Umido porta a porta spinto

Secco Umido mistoSecco Umido stradale

Sistemi di raccolta

UnsortedDry/Organic Door to doorDry/Multifraction Doot to doorDry/Organic Road BinDry/Organic Mixed

98,7 % of population with dry/Organic waste collection82 % use a door to door system420 municipal green centers for urban hazardous, bulky waste, garden waste…

The role of MBT in VenetoThe introduction of separate collection creates two main streams

Biowaste Dry-waste

Anaerobic digestion + composting


SRF Landfill

RDF production and Stabilized Waste production

number Treated waste (t) SRF/SW produced (t)

SRF installation 6 360.000 180.000

SW installation 2 36.000 25.000

All the SW is used as daily waste coverage in landfills.The RDF is partially used in Veneto, the largest part is exported in other regions.

The good example: The Fusina plant

• Veritas is an integrated waste management plant that include MBT process and matter recovery

• The plant treats all the waste coming from Venice and its neighborhood

• Low level of separate collection• Production of RDF• Sinergy with Enel Power plant

Veritas plant: flow chart

The use of biocell

The pellets production

The production of electric energy

• Close to Veritas plant = reduction of the cost

• Co-combustion with coal

• Total amount burned in 2013 = 62.000 t

• Dedicated controls in order to verify the quality of the emission

The integrate pole



Untill 2013 : a small incenerator plant with energy recovery process

Local treatment of scarpsEnergy produced used to reduce the


In 2014/2015: increase of prodution of SRF and its use on ENEL plant

The energetic costs of MBT process in Fusina plant

    2012 2013

Methan Nm3 636.296 703.100Electric energy kWh 22.084.000 21.973.000

RDF production   97834 106523

Kwh/t   226 206

Average costs for MBT process in Veneto

• Our analysis confirm a treatment costs of 30/60 €/t• Other relevant cost:

• Management of scraps (into landfill) = 50-80 € /t in Veneto (2012)

• Management of light scraps (incineration cost) = 80-95 €/t in Veneto (2012)

• Total average cost: 100/130 €/t

Are these costs sustainable?Are these costs competitive to other solution?

Conclusion and lesson learnt on MBT/1

• MBT process is very flexible and can face a wide range of situation• It is fundamental to reduce the amount of biowaste into landfill• In case of high rate of separate collection it is possible to convent the plant to:

• Compostin process / Anaerobic digestion• SRF production

• The economic balance is possible only when the user is close to the producer and without dedicated plants

1988 2014Planning process

• MBT plant is a part of the solution• MBT should be used to achieve only a part of the EU

target• Separate collection must be developed in

cooperation with MBT• Evolution to SRF including Industrial waste• The landfill ban for untreated waste • The ecological tax on untreated/unseparated waste

Conclusion and lesson learnt on MBT/2

Conclusion and lesson learnt on separate collection• Full scale or pilot scale introduction

of separate collection? The answer is the presence of an installation network able to recovery/treat the different streams

Is this network ready?You can’t ask a lot of effort to

citizens on separate collection and at the end put the waste in a


There is a reliable database on waste production?There is reliable knowledge of waste composition?

• Which kind of plants? How many plants? The answer is the cost benefit analysis

Mandatory system of data collection on waste management

Which kind of separate collection?Door to door or road bin?Multifraction or dry/organic

Conclusion and lesson learnt on separate collection

The door to door system is the only way to guarantee the quality of biowaste = high quality of compost = lower costs of treatment












domiciliare solo da comuni non


domiciliare comprensivo dei comuni turistici

stradale sistema misto

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Door to door (no touristic areas)

Door to door (touristic areas)

Road bins Mixed (separated/usorted)

Landfill is always a temptation…

Conclusion and lesson learnt on separate collectionIt is necessary a green tax on untreated waste in landfill

It is necessary a proportional tax on unsorted waste

Tax on biowaste dumped in landfill

These incomes should be used to help the municipality on enforcement the separate


The total amount of taxes have to be enough to cover the extra-costs

of waste recovery

Information campaigns

Green centerSeparate collection

Separate collection: not only quantity

Conclusion and lesson learnt on separate collection

Quality of waste means that the level of pollutants in the secondary raw material

is comparable to industrial grade

Only with a good level of separate collection this target is achievable

Technology can help, but the separate collection is the right way

Information campaing

Social awareness

Schools and students


Controls on separate collection

Technical legislationProduct analysis procedure

Local standard for recovery

Harmonized legislation

The role of controls

But Lithuania is not Veneto (and viceversa)• Our solution are just an example• You can take some good ideas• Only Lithuanians know Lithuanian habits

Some suggestions

Reliable information for planning

Industrial waste producers

Municipalities (or company that collect waste)

Waste management plants

Database of waste production and management

Indipendent authority (e.g. EPA)

Waste productions

Cross checks

Specific waste streams

Technical law on data collection on waste

Technical law on permits content (with standard mandatory permit form and link with the database)

The permit is valid only if it loaded on

the national database

Reliable information

on waste

Geography, Economy,


Technical proposal for

waste collection system

Rural area

Urban area

Industrial area

Domestic composting

Separate collection with road bin

Urban hazardous waste

Green center

Green center

Urban hazardous waste

Separate collection with road bin

Some waste are similar to urban waste

But sizes matter

Some technologies need a minimum size to

be profitable

Organic waste from separate


Reduction of organic waste in landfill law

Gradual Taxation on organic waste

dumped in landfill

Controls and mandatory

product analysis on waste

Anaerobic Digestion plant

Sewage sludge from WWTP

Manure from livestocks

Organic waste from industry and farming


Electric energy + heat



Scraps MBT







Phase 1

Phase 2

Dry waste from separate collection with road bin


PRODUCTIONStabilized waste

LandfillMetals Recovery


PAPER from Separate Collection

PLASTIC from Separate Collection

METAL and GLASS from Separate Collection

Sorting and refining

Sorting and refining

Sorting and refining

New Raw materials to the


Scraps MBT

Industrial scraps





Industrial scraps

Ačiū už Jūsų dėmesį

Thanks for your attention

Loro FrancescoTel. 0039.348.064.34.62

Mail: [email protected]: https://it.linkedin.com/in/francescoloro

Tranquilli, ho un piano W.A. Mozart

Don’t worry, I have a plan W.A. Mozart

In Italian “Piano” means “Strategy” but it is also the name of the musical instrument

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