Separate Collection and Biological Treatment of Food and Bio-Waste in a Circular Economy Gisela Sommer Waste Management Technician Waste Agency of Catalonia, Spain

Separate collection ang biological treatment of food and bio-waste in a circular economy

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Page 1: Separate collection ang biological treatment of food and bio-waste in a circular economy

Separate Collection and Biological Treatment of Food and Bio-Waste in a Circular Economy Gisela Sommer

Waste Management Technician

Waste Agency of Catalonia, Spain

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2 The Role of Environmental Taxes Applied to Municipal Solid Waste

ARC is a public enterprise within the Planning & Sustainability Department of the Government of Catalonia.

• Competences – Municipal waste – Industrial waste – Construction waste and debris – Manure & Livestock (jointly

with Agriculture Department) – Sanitary waste and – Soil recovery

www.arc-cat.net Info 900 900 408

ARC has own competences on waste generated in Catalonia and also on all waste which are managed within Catalonia

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3 The Role of Environmental Taxes Applied to Municipal Solid Waste

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MSW Management in Catalonia: Competent authorities


947 Municipalities Authorities responsible for MSW collection May delegate obligations to Consortia Consells Comarcals (County Councils) Associations of municipalities Etc.


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What is Biowaste?

Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) defines bio-waste as: “biodegradable

• garden and park waste,

• food and kitchen waste from households, restaurants, caterers and retail premises

• comparable waste from food processing plants”.

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Biowaste definition in Catalonia

The Organic Fraction of the Municipal Solid Waste: OFMSW

Garden and Park Waste

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Objectives and Targets regarding Biowaste: EU

Art. 9: reduce the generation of food waste in

primary production, processing and manufacturing, retail and other distribution of food, restaurants and food services and Households by half

Proposal for Amendment of Framework Directive 2008/98/EC

Art. 11: Increase preparation for reuse and

recycling of MSW in to at least 65% in weight by 2030

Proposal for Amendment of Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste

Art. 5: reduce the amount of MSW

landfilled to 10 % of the total MSW generated by 2030

Circular Economy Package

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Objectives and Targets regarding Biowaste: Catalonia

PRECAT 20 General Program for Waste prevention and management and resources in Catalonia 2020:

Strategic objectives: Promote the consideration of

waste as resource Prevent climate change Soil protection and improvement Waste prevention Promote preparation for reuse Increment material recovery with

view to circular economy Abandon gradually landfilling and

incineration of recoverable waste

Quantitative targets: Reduction of 50% food waste

production, reference year 2010 in retail, catering and households

Material recycling: 60% in weight of biowaste in 2020

End of 2016: reduction targets for primary and agrifood sector, including wholesale distribution

Qualitative targets: Biowaste: contaminant materials < 10

% in 2020

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MSW in Catalonia: Generation, composition, management


MSW Composition Analysis 2013

23/10/2014 MSW Management

29,6% OFMSW

7,7% Garden & Park Waste

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10,3 7,4 4,4 3,6 12,6 61,7

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


MSW in Catalonia: Separate Collection 2014


Total MSW amount 2014:

2.250.849 t 375.262 t 271.428 t 162.447 t 129.956 t

3.650.849 t Separately collected Residual waste

New target [PRECAT20] in 2020

485 kg/inh./y

49,9 kg/inh./y

36,1 kg/inh./y

21,06 kg/inh./y

16,9 kg/inh./y

294,8 kg/inh./y

Other waste separately collected

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Necessity for Bio-waste Prevention

Framework Directive 2008/98/EC

Waste Prevention Highest Priority


Mediterranian conditions: • Poor soils • Erosion • Desertification

sustainable option: • Separate collection • Biological treatment • Application to soil of Bio-waste


Source: JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, Supporting Environmentally Sound Decisions for Bio-Waste Management, 2011, EUR 24917 EN

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Necessity for Bio-waste prevention: Food waste

Social and ethical impact Nearly one billion people suffer from hunger worldwide

Economic impact Total economic loss: 841 M€ in Catalonia (2010)

Environmental impact Greenhouse gas emissions: 520.700 tonnes of CO2 eq in 2010 in Catalonia (equivalent of emissions from 20.300 motor vehicles throughout their working life)

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Necessity for Bio-waste prevention: Food waste

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Food-waste prevention in Catalonia

The Diagnosis of Food Waste in Catalonia (2010)*

* Waste from wholesale distribution, the agrifood industry or the primary sector not considered in the study

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Food-waste prevention in Catalonia

The diagnosis proposed actions for following sectors: • Administration • Production and manufacture • Distribution • Restaurants and catering • Homes

Published in 2012 Available at: http://residus.gencat.cat/web/.content/home/lagencia/publicacions/centre_catala_del_reciclatge__ccr/guia_consum_responsable_en.pdf

Diagnosis of food wastage in the primary, agrifood and wholesale distribution sectors scheduled for 2016

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Food-waste prevention in Catalonia

Action: Communication campaign


Explains the origin of waste and how we can prevent it. It is complemented with a practical workshop

TV PROGRAMME (11 chapters)

Each spot (3’) approaches the issue from a different angle using well-known celebrities

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Food-waste prevention in Catalonia


THE WEB somgentdeprofit.cat


INSTAGRAM (15’’ animations)

Action: Communication campaign

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Food-waste prevention in Catalonia Action: Education and capacity building

Publication of education material for schools and retail and catering sector

Conferences and seminars

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Food-waste prevention in Catalonia

Action: Awareness raising 6th European Week for Waste Reduction (LIFE Project) Held from 22nd to 30th November 2014 all over Europe Actors involved: public authorities, companies, schools,

associations and citizens. Results for 2014: 11,995 actions in 34 European regions

(871 Catalan actions)

Action: Support for local projects 750.000 € in economic subsidies and technical support (2015):

•Catalan Food Bank Foundations (since 2007)

•Local bodies and non-for profit organisations (since 2010)

Collaboration with other institutional initiatives

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Bio-waste collection in Catalonia: External factors

• Topography

• Type of Settlement

• Climate

• Housing and Urban Structure

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21 21

Bring Systems:

Efficient Collection Systems for Municipal Solid Wastes

Kerbside Containers

Bio-waste collection in Catalonia: Separate collection systems

Collection frequency: daily

Collection schedule: at night

to avoid odors

to avoid traffic disturbance

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Citizens deposit separated wastes at their door step

Fetch System: Door-to-Door Collection

Efficient Collection Systems for Municipal Solid Wastes

Bio-waste collection in Catalonia: Separate collection systems

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Bio-waste collection in Catalonia: Separate collection systems

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Example: 5 Fractiones D-t-D

Efficient Collection Systems for Municipal Solid Wastes

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Catalonia‘s 41 Counties: Separate Collection 2014: Biowaste, paper, glass and packaging (kg/inh./y)

Door-to-Door collection widely implemented

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Catalonia‘s 41 Counties: Gross and Nett Separate Collection of Bio-waste 2014: in kg/inh/y

Counties with Door-to-Door Collection

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Bio-waste treatment in Catalonia:


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Bio-waste treatment in Catalonia: Anaerobic Digestion+Composting

PROs Requires less area Allows better management of

emissions / odors Allows recovery of energy

(biogas) Fuel for vehicles CONs High costs (investment

/management) More sofisticated and sensitive

technology Requires high input quantities Requires homogeneous input More feasible on the industrial


4 Facilities

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Bio-waste treatment in Catalonia: Composting

PROs Simple, robust technology Flexibility (capacity/modules) Biological process less

complicated Process allows and requires

input of woody materials (green waste)

Lower costs (investment/management) than AD

CONs Slower process

20 Facilities

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Bio-waste treatment in Catalonia: Composting Diversity of Settlements and topography

Diversified approach to biological treatment

Home and Communty Composting •2014 : 423 Municipalities - 5.970 t of Biowaste treated •Investment and operational cost very low •Proximity - less waste transport •High identification of the citizens

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Bio-waste treatment in Catalonia: Composting

Small decentralised facilities, of simple and robust technology for high quality bio-waste • Adequate for smaller waste amounts (<2.000 t)

• Lower investment and operational costs

• Relatively high surface demand

• High quality bio-waste required

Diversity of Settlements and topography

Diversified approach to biological treatment

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Bio-waste treatment in Catalonia: Composting

Centralised big and medium sized composting facilities • Adequat for large quantities of biowaste

• Higher investment and operational cost

• Relatively low surface demand

• Housed facilities require air treatment (odours)

Diversity of Settlements and topography

Diversified approach to biological treatment

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Bio-waste treatment in Catalonia: Product: Compost Compost produced from municipal biowaste :

45.000 – 50.000 t/y Applied in Horticulture Viticulture Olive plantations Cereal farming …

Application dose: 15-20 tonnes/ha Depending on technical feasibility, crop and soil condition

Compost Nutrients

Organic Matter 350 kg/t

Available N 10 kg/t

Posphorus (P2O5) 18 kg/t

Potassium (K2O) 13kg/t

Nutrient Demand* Winter Cereal


40 kg/ha 200 kg/ha

80 kg/ha 80 kg/ha

60 kg/ha 300 kg/ha

Compost Demand t/ha 6-10 t/ha 20 t/ha

*Average values, wide range of variety according to species, crop and expected yield

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Bio-waste treatment in Catalonia: Product: Compost

Example for marketing: Consortium for Waste Management of Bages County

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35 The Role of Environmental Taxes Applied to Municipal Solid Waste

Bio-waste management in Catalonia: Fiscal incentives 5 Spanish Autonomous Communities Tax on waste disposal

Only Catalonia: Disposal Tax on MSW


• Create Revenues Catalan Waste Management Fund

• Steer Behaviour Discourage disposal Stimulate separate collection

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Disposal Tax per Ton of MSW


2004-2008 -- 10,00 € --

The Role of Environmental Taxes Applied to Municipal Solid Waste

Disposal tax: €/t


Gate Fee


yes 10,00 € 5,00 €

no 20,00 € 15,00 €2009

yes 19,10 € 9,00 €

no 28,70 € 20,20 €2015

Development of the Disposal Tax

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37 The Role of Environmental Taxes Applied to Municipal Solid Waste 37

Disposal tax


Impact of the Waste Disposal Tax

NO separate collection

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38 The Role of Environmental Taxes Applied to Municipal Solid Waste

Refunding of the Disposal Tax Refund criteria

• Separate Collection of Bio-waste

The Role of Environmental Taxes Applied to Municipal Solid Waste

Refunding is subject to a quality coeffient applied per ton, based on periodical characterisations. At 15 % of impurities the refunding is 0.

10,- €/t

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39 The Role of Environmental Taxes Applied to Municipal Solid Waste

Refunding of the Disposal Tax Refund criteria

• Biological Treatment of Net Biowaste

2004 2011 2015€/t €/t €/t

Biowaste (Organic Fraction of MSW)

Local authority performing separate collection

32,50 33,50 34,00

Green WasteLocal authority performing separate collection


Home composting 20,- per unit 20,- per unit

Community composting 60,- per unit 60,- per unit

Local authority that has installed composting units

Type of activity Beneficiary

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40 The Role of Environmental Taxes Applied to Municipal Solid Waste

Refunding of the Disposal Tax

Positive Steering Instrument

• Incentive for Separate Collection

• Incentive for biological treatment of Biowaste

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More information

Biological treatment and separate collection of Biowaste http://www.regions4recycling.eu/upload/public/Good-Practices/GP_ARC_Biowaste-collection.pdf Waste disposal tax http://www.regions4recycling.eu/upload/public/Good-Practices/GP_ARC_Disposal-tax.pdf

Separate Collection of MSW in Catalonia http://residus.gencat.cat/en/ambits_dactuacio/recollida_selectiva/index.html

MSW Statistics in Catalonia http://estadistiques.arc.cat/ARC/

Door-to-Door Collection


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special thanks to the colleagues of the Organic Waste Management Department

of ARC