1.) Would you watch the rest of the documentary? 100% From our questionnaire and focus group, it was a clear indication of the success of our 5 minute opening due to the fact we found 100% of the people that watched it said that they would be interested in wasting the rest of the documentary. As we asked people who were part of our ideal target audience 13-21, shows us that we have created a documentary that is suitable for our target audience. 2.) In your opinion, what age range would you target this documentary towards? and why?

Question 3

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1.) Would you watch the rest of the documentary?

100%From our questionnaire and focus group, it was a clear indication of the success of our 5 minute opening due to the fact we found 100% of the people that watched it said that they would be interested in wasting the rest of the documentary. As we asked people who were part of our ideal target audience 13-21, shows us that we have created a documentary that is suitable for our target audience.

2.) In your opinion, what age range would you target this documentary towards? and why?

16 to 20 16 to 24 11 to 180%










The answers gained were varied, however are still extremely close to the our ideal target audience of 13-21. This age range is specific to those who are part of the education system and prone to the social

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stereotypes. When asked why, viewers gave the responses that they made their decision based on the age of people interviewed and also the choice in archive footage. We are pleased with this, as it was our goal to chose archive footage that would fairly represent that target audience.

3.) Did the documentary change your ideas about the way we use social labels?


Social labelling


In our documentary, we tried to shine a light on the fact that we use social labels inappropriately based upon the persons image. From our questionnaire, we found that 58% of the people changed their opinions about social labels and said they would think twice before using them. One comment said that the way we presented how appearance can change what we think using the makeup video comparison. However, 42% said that our documentary didn’t change their view of social labels as they believe them to be true, due to what they have heard in the media. Even though the response is split, it still shows us the ways in which our documentary has showed why social stereotyping is wrong and brings attention to this fact. However, the response indicates to us that to increase the amount of changed opinion, we could add more shocking statistics and maybe

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even get personal with the documentary with a true, and shocking story.

4.) Did you think our documentary looked professional? and why?

There was an overwhelming response of 100% with the fact that they though our documentary looked professional. When asking why they felt this way, they gave us comments such as the fact, 'Good quality footage' , 'Use of the makeup video was clever and creative', and also 'the use of archive footage supports ideas'. We were pleased with this response due to the amount of effort we put in to make our documentary look as professional and authentic as possible. By following the codes and conventions of a documentary, I feel has successful lead us to creating a professional documentary.

5.) How would you rate the sound levels?

Again, with this response was varied. Although 50% of the people who watched the documentary felt that we had good sound quality, there were some who did not. The main reason they gave for the low quality score was they felt that our voiceover was too quiet compared to the other sound levels. However, when played through the iMac the sound levels appeared to be consistent and of a great quality. As we presented the documentary to the class through the


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projector and different speaker, could have had an effect on the sound quality.

6.) How informative was the documentary?

Our feedback revealed that all of our views felt our documentary was somewhat informative. 41.8% said the documentary was very informative and 33.4% found it to be extremely informative. This was due to our extensive research into the topic which we filtered through the information given by the voice over in the documentary and also the statistics shown on the screen. The pleased us as a group as this result shows our documentary is effective at being an expository mode documentary. Our documentary is actually teaching the audience about a topic which they should be aware of and if not, teach.

7.) What three things did you like about our documentary?

From this, we gained a lot of positive feedback which helped us to understand which parts of the documentary our audience liked and stood out to them. The main aspect that the audience repeatedly said the liked was the demonstration clip. In this, we used our own member of the group, Beth, filmed her transformation into a Goth, geek and hipster. The part that stood out the most was the close up shot make up video where we use the power of makeup and Goth stereotypes to transform her image from normal to Goth. The audience felt this was an effective way of representing the message of the documentary. In addition, a common part our viewers enjoyed was the use of archive footage. We decided to use popular films Mean Girls and St Trinians as they were two films that we know our audience would have seen. Re watching the well known clips

Extremly Informative

Very Informative

Quite Informative

Not Informative

0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00%


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selected and highlight the social labels would again inform and challenge the use of social labels. Other parts that were mentioned in some answers were the use of Vox pop and expert interviews and the creative link between the beginning and the end, reinforcing a powerful message that everyone is just themselves.

8.) Is there something that we could improve on/change in our documentary?

We gained a very positive 75% no answer from viewers and a 25% yes. However, the 25% stated that the only thing they thought we needed to improve upon was the voice over. In order to improve this, we should make it louder to balance it out with the other sound levels.



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Q1.) Is it clear which is the main image?


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Happily, the question gave back a positive response as 80% of people believed that the main image was clear to notice in our article. This was fantastic as we tried as hard as possible to stick to the conventions of a double page spread, the main image being one of them. We found that in our research, Radio Times placed their main image on the left side of the page, taking up slightly more on the right. As the main image is the face of our documentary, it is vital that it is clear to the audience that this image is the main audience as it shows it stands out.

Q2.) Is the article fun and interesting?


27% of our target audience replied no to this question. However, we aren't going to worry too much about this as it isn't possible for everybody to have the same taste. It was unlikely, that the article would appeal to every member of our target audience. However, 73% said yes to this. We are happy to see that it is a majority who found it fun and interesting.

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Q3.) Does the layout represent existing media products?



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

The result from this was an overwhelming majority. 93% of the people we asked said that this article was a good representation of existing products. This shows the extent of research that we put in to finding out the conventions of a Radio Times magazine. The fact that our audience can see it looking authentic signifies how well we have succeeded in the creation of a double page spread.

Q4.) Would you watch the documentary based upon the article?



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75% response said that they would watch the documentary based upon the double page spread that we created. Throughout the article, we kept referring back to the main problems of social stereotyping. The audience felt that the article was engaging and expressive of the subject of social labels.

Q5.) Does the colour scheme appeal to you?



The result from this doesn’t have a very high majority. 40% felt that the colour scheme did not appeal to them while it did to 60%. In order to select a colour scheme that is suitable for the audience is quite hard. We tried our very best to chose a colour that wasn’t too gender bias. The final colour we decided on was a baby blue. We felt that even though the colour may not be liked by everyone, it is however, very bright. I believe bright colours are more appealing to our target audience and do aid to make certain aspects of the article pop.

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Q6.) Do the images link to the article?

100%There was an extremely positive response as 100% felt as though there was a strong connection between the images chosen and the article. Our main image is the face of our documentary. The image itself sums up the point we are trying to make in the documentary.

Q7.) is the article informative?









Series 1

The huge majority of our audience have found our article to be informative. This again shows how much research we have done into the topic of social labels and the way they can affect people's lives. Key information such as date, channels and times in which they can see our documentary.

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Q8.) What age group do you think the article is best aimed towards?

The main target audience we tried to target was 13 - 21 as we thought they were most affected by this topic. The fact that our responses gave an age range well with/near ours shows how well we have targeted our audience.



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Q1.) How informative was the radio trailer



Overall, there was a majority of a positive response from this question. We found that 60% for the radio trailer very informative and the other 40% found it quite informative. This response supports the response gained from the documentary. As the radio trailer used audio clips from the documentary shows how both products are equally informative. Also, we made sure at the very end of the radio trailer to mention the time, date and channel the documentary was

Q2.) Does the radio trailer make you want to watch the actual documentary?


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There was an outstanding response as 100% of the people we questioned said that they would go and watch the documentary. As the radio trailer is only 30 seconds long shows how successful it is at capitulating the audience's attention enough to interest them into watch the rest of the documentary.

Q3.) What similarities between the documentary and radio trailer can you notice? Are they effective?

The response from this question has indicated how successfully we have been able to create an image for our documentary. The fact that the audience were able to make strong connection between the documentary and radio trailer shows how well we have crafted the ancillary text.







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Q4.) How clearly can the house style be identified throughout the trailer?




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

This follow up question from the previous again reflects how noticeable the house style was throughout our products. This also shows how are building up our image. By being able to see the link between texts, shows that there must be a clear representation of aim and brand throughout all of our products.

Q5.) What are the best/worst aspects of the radio trailer?

BEST: Clever use of quotes selected for the trailer. The

intro is effective and fit well with the documentary. There is a clear link between trailer and documentary

WORST: Sound levels were not loud enough.

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Q6.) How professional is the radio trailer?










This positive response really shows how much we have followed the conventions of a radio trailer. In doing so we have been able to create an authentic radio trailer which really promotes and sells the documentary.