PREVENTIVE MEASURES FOR OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES : AN AYURVEDIC APPROACH - Dr. Rajesh Kotecha Dr. Mita Kotecha "Environmental problems are really social problems. They begin with people as the cause, and end with prcple as victims" - Sir Edmund Hillary. Modern technological development, rapid growth of industrialization and urbanization put tremendous pressure on ecological balance of natural systems. Pollution takes place when potentially harmful substances i.e. pollutants are released into the environment. They are received by various agents, e.g. 1. In Air - Release of materials into atmosphere which make air unsuitable for breathing. 2. In water - Deteriorating water quality due to addition of unwanted materials. 3. In land - Dumps and disposals can deteriorate the health of human beings. As a result of improvement in industrial hygiene, the percentage of affected workers by industrial pollution in developed countries has reduced markedly but in developing and underdeveloped world, number of diseases is still alarming. A recent study (Sharma et al 1994) involving workers engaged in a cement industry, Rajgangpur, Orissa reported 15% population affected from silicosis. PRIA, New Delhi has conducted a study on Occupational and Environmental Health Status of coal mining area in 19S4 and found number of suspected cases of pneumoconiosis. As far as the preventive aspect of workplace environment is concerned, following points are of utmost importance. (1) Preventive measures to cope up with polluted air. (2) Preventive measures to cope up with polluted water.

Preventive measures for occupational

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Page 1: Preventive measures for occupational


- Dr. Rajesh Kotecha

Dr. Mita Kotecha

"Environmental problems are really social problems.

They begin with people as the cause, and end with prcple as victims"

- Sir Edmund Hillary.

Modern technological development, rapid growth of industrialization and urbanization put tremendous pressure on ecological balance of natural systems. Pollution takes place when potentially harmful substances i.e. pollutants are released into the environment. They are received by various agents, e.g. 1. In Air - Release of materials into atmosphere which make air unsuitable for breathing. 2. In water - Deteriorating water quality due to addition of unwanted materials. 3. In land - Dumps and disposals can deteriorate the health of human beings.

As a result of improvement in industrial hygiene, the percentage of affected workers by industrial pollution in developed countries has reduced markedly but in developing and underdeveloped world, number of diseases is still alarming. A recent study (Sharma et al 1994) involving workers engaged in a cement industry, Rajgangpur, Orissa reported 15% population affected from silicosis. PRIA, New Delhi has conducted a study on Occupational and Environmental Health Status of coal mining area in 19S4 and found number of suspected cases of pneumoconiosis.

As far as the preventive aspect of workplace environment is concerned, following points are of utmost importance.

(1) Preventive measures to cope up with polluted air. (2) Preventive measures to cope up with polluted water.

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(3) preventive measures to cope up with pollution of land.

(4) Strengthening of immunity in the workers for prevention of occupational disorders as well as for better physical & mental performance to procure maximum output from them.

The following sutra of Ayurveda indicates the bunch of thoughts in the areas of present, topic. e • 9 • ' ̂ f? ^IHPF^H ^ ^TFWrq^l'

Charaka Samhita The understanding of the total nature of a thing does

not arise from a fragmentary knowlede of it. It means, when we think of solution, we have to think

it in total. A problem can not be solved completely - if we apply various solutions on its different fragments. In this context, ancient Ayurvedic scholars thought a lot and suggested total solutions for healthy life which can be applied for people working in industrial sector also.

For prevention of occupational disease in workplace, we have to think of pollutants as well as persons who are working or residing there. Tn other words if we think of a person as an entity and strengthen his immunity,a group ot such entities may be considered in context of particular work place. Immunomodulation of a person in industries may provide dual advantage (1) Prevention of occupational disease and (2) Better physical and mental conditions of workers, Which can help in procuring optimum output from them.

Keeping this view, following recommendations of ancient scholars are of major importace. Strengthening of Immunity :

The earliest efforts at strengthening immune mechenism were centred on identification of the factors responsible for the normal resistance of the body. This explains the detailed description on Bala, Oja and Vyadhikhamatva as seen in classical texts of Ayurveda. The afforts at strengthening Bala lead to the discovery and fc • mulation of a variety of single drug as well as compounds which subsequently classified under Rasayana in general.

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Table - 1


Vyadhi kshamatva Vyadhi Utpad Pratibandhaktva (Preventing the development

(Resistance against of a disease) the disease)

Vyadhi Bala Virodhi (Resisting the developed disease in the body)

Bala Snhaja - Natural Capacity Kalaja - Temporal Capacity Yukti kri ta Acqui red Capacity

[Capacity of Kalaja - Temporal Capacity resisting disease)

For the understanding of Vyadhikshamatva; Bala, Oias and Rasayana terms are of utmost importance : BALA : In a broad sense Bala can be stated as inherent or acquired strength that aids in the maintenance of health and sustain the life. Every human is born- with a latent potential for certain strength-limitations of which can be reached through sustained physical exercise and healthy living. Bala literally means power, strength or vitality. Bala counteracts the disorder state developing in a body.


Sahaja Bala : Natural constitutional strength. - Kalaja Bala : Temporal strength is the one which is based

on the season and the age of the person. - Yuktikrita : Acquired strength, which is achieved by

the combination of diet and other regimens. As per the another classification, one type of Bala is

Pratyanika Bala denoting to the capacity which increases the immunity and resistance of the host so that disease may be prevented before its onset. OJ A : The Bala is the effect of 'Oja' in the body. The relation between Oja and Bala is identical to that between cause and effect. Oja denotes two similar meanings, it irplies that substance which is responsible for the strength or in another words it signifies the substance of body which

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Many studies are conducted on the immunomodulatory effect of herbs. Recently, Singh (1988) reported immunopotentiative effect of Mandukparni (Hydrocotyl asiatica), Vacha (acorus calamus).! Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) . These drugs caused increase in iminunooglobulins of the human beings and widal titre in the rabbits. Hejamadi and singh (1988) reported immunity,enhansive property of a herbal compound Balya as its individual ingredients caused increase in serum Ig A ad Ig M. Further, Hejamadi and Singh (1989) reported the effect of Varahikanda (Dioscorea bulbifera), Kapikacchu (Mucuna prurita), Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblika) and Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) on the serum immunoglobulin of the aged persons. Rao and Shastri (1989) worked on the Masha (Phaseolus Mungo) and Mashabheda (Phaseolus vulgaris) for their effect on humoral antibody suppression and enhancement of cell mediated immunity in albino rats. Chudasama and Singh (1985) reported that Ashvagandha (Withania somnifera) is having immunopromotor action.

Thus, it can be said that Ayurvedic classics dealt with certain herbs having effect on immunity functions. There are both general class as well as disese specified class of such herbs. In context to industrial workers, enhancement in physical and mental strength, may definitely provide prevention against occupational disease as well as optimum output in production by them can be achieved.

Suggestions for prevetiopagainst different pollutants :

1 The Vyoshantak Vati & the Gudavaleha may be active drugs for pneumoconiosis as far as preventive aspect is concerned. Not only prevention but we assume that above two drugs may very much useful to check further progression of the disease and to some extent able to relieve its symtomatology. The study on these two drugs are going on so definite conclusion regarding it will be availble after completion of it.

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RASAYANA : Rasayana may be defined as the therapy which provides the optimum quality of the body tissues by which it promotes both physical and mental health, thus prevents the disease and ageing process by enablig to live a long period of youthfulness.

There are several classification of therapeutic usage of drugs for enhancement of -Bala, Ojas, prevention of diseases and thus improves immunity against disease in general. Rasayana group of drugs are mainly responsible for enhancementof Bala, Ojas and prevention of diseases. Wide ra-nge of single and compound Rasayana drugs are prescribed as immunopromotors for enhancing the immunity of the body in general, but at the same time many of them are for curing a particular disease also which is clear from the classifica-tion of Rasayanagiven in table - 2 and table - 3.

Table - 2


Kamyam (Health Promotor)

Prana Kamah : Promotes physical health e.g. Asparagus racemosus,

Wi thani a somni fera Phyllanthus emblica etc

Medha Kamah : Promotes mental health e.g. Convolvulus pleuricaulis

Hydrocotyle asiatica, Acorus ca1 ami s,

Shri Kamah : Social status, lusture, complexion and glow promotor.

N a i m i 11 i k a That is used to relieve particular type of disease.

e.g. Black Bitumen, semecarpus anacardium, Hydnocarpus wight ina etc.

A j a s r i k a The continuous use of milk or ghee.

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According to Mode of Action

Ayush Rasayana

B r i mhana R asayana

Lekhana Rasayana

Achara Rasayana

Shodhana, which first purify the body then bring about rejuvenation

Shanana , which act by pacifying the bodily humours (Dosha)

Which increases lifespan.

Which make^ body stout.

Which makes the body slim.

Code of good conduct.

Some of the proved Rasayana drugs for the prevention and treatment of particular disease or conditions have been presented in table - 4.

Table - 4



D i s c a s e or entity

Ayurvedi c Name of Drug

Latin Name of Drug

Prameha (D. mellitus)

Ha ri d ra Amalaki

Curcuma longa Phyllanthus emblica

Pandu (Anaemi a)

Ha ri t aki Terminal!a chebula

Ar sha (Piles)

Bhal 1 ataka Senecarpus anacardi urn

Vatarakta (Gout)

Guduch i Ti nospora cordifolia

Kustha (Leprosy)

Khadi ra Sara Acacia Catechu

Vatavyadhi Guggulu Commiphora mukul

PIi ha roga ( D i s e a s e s of Spleen)

Pi ppa 1 i Pi pe r 1ongum

Vyapasmrit i (Loss of Memo ry)

15 r amh i Cente1 1 a a s i a Iica

Ni ndranasha (Insomnia)

K s h i ram (Milk)

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Certain Rasayana drugs are having best properties/actions, some of which have been shown in table - 5.

Table - 5


Ayurvedic Name of the Drug

Vi danga


Hari taki


Bi 1 va


Yasti madltu


Latin Name of the Drug

Embeli a ri bes

Phy 1 1 arithus embli ca

Termi na1i a chebula

Ti nospora cordi foli a

Aegle marine I os

Tri bulus terrest ri s

Glycyrrhi za glabra

Sida cordifolia

Property/ Act i oris



Produc i ng wholesone effect

As t ri ngent, di gesti on promotor

As t r i ngent, digestion promotor

Curing dysuria

Causing good eyesi ght, vi rili ty

St rength promotor

Ancient Ayurvedic scholars have described many compound Rasayana drugs, 10 important compound Rasayana drug preparat-ions are quoted in table - 6.

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Table - 6


Triphala Rasayana Guduchyadi Rasayana Amalaki Rasayana Bhringarajadi Rasayana Am r iLa Vartti ka

Shri Siddha Modaka Nirgundi Kalpa Shiva Gudika 'Amrita Bhallataka Sarsvatari shla

In addition, some group of drugs like Jivaneeya, Brimha-neeya, Balya, Vayahsthapana etc. are also useful for imroving general immunity against diseases (Table - 7).

Table - 7



Ji vani ya (Nutri ents )

Bri mhani ya (Roborants )

Balya (St rength promotors)

Vayahsthapana (Longevi ty Promotors)

Ayurvedic Nace of the Drug

Yast i uadhu J i vant i

Ashvagandha Paya sya

Shatavari Bal a

Amri ta Hari taki

Latin Name of the Drug

Glycyrrhiza glabra Leptadenia reticulata

Withania somnifera Ipomoea paniculata

Asparagus racemosus Si da cordi foli a

Tinorpora cordifolia Terminalia chcbula

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2 We are also studying effect of Guda (jaggery) on the patients of silicosis because its use for prevention and treatment of silicosis is traditionally popular among workers. 3 If we think of thick herbal plantations nearby workplace, possibly it can help in betterment of healthy workplace envirenment. The question of which herbs may be grown in particular workplace are solely dependent on weather and soil of that area. It can easily be worked out that where and what plant shall planted.

Lastly, precisely it can be said that Ayurveda dealt with certain herbs and therapies having immunouodulatory effect as well as prevention and cure of occupational diseases. This opens a new path towards the solution for better health of workers as well as for maximum utilization of manpower.


1. Ashtanga Hridayam : With commentary of Arunadatta (Sarvanga Sundara) and Hemadri (Ayurveda Rasayana) Uttar Sthanam Cha. 40/48 to 58 Chaukhambha Orietalia, 1982. 2. Bhaishajya Ratnavali : With Vidyottini Hidi commetary Cha. 73/7, 39, 54, 181, 182 and 185, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, varanasi, 1983. 3. Cnaraka Samhita : With comentary of Chakrapani Datta (Ayurveda Dipika), Sutra Sthana Cha. 4/9, 10, 18, Cha. 11/36, Cha. 25/40, Cha. 28/7 : Chikitsa Sthana Cha. 1/10-12, 13, 41, 47, Nirnaya Sagar Press, Bombay, 1941. 4. Chakrapani Datta : Chakradatta with the Bhavartha Sandipani Hindi comentary, Cha. 66/167 to 176. Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series, Varanasi, 1976. 5. Chaudasama & Singh : A clinical study on the Rasayana aspect of Ashwagadha (Withania somnifera) with refernce to Krish a (Uderweight) patients, M.D.(Ayu) Thesis, IPGT & R, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, 1986.

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6. Dalhana : Commentary on Sushruta Samhita (Nibandha Sanyraha Cha. 27), Commentary on Shloka No. 2, Chaukharnbha Sanskrit Series, Varansi, 4th ed. 1980. 7. Daniel P. Stress et al : Basic & Clinical Immunology, Cha. 1. p.no. 1, 2. Large Medical Pub. Eruzer Asia (P) Ltd., California, 1980. 8. Hejamadi & Singh : Clinical studies on the Ayurvedic management of the ageing (Jara) , A Ph.D. Thesis, Guj. Ayu. Uni. Jamnagar, 1989. 9. Jain, Kotecha & Shukla : Role of certain indegenous drugs in the treatment of the disorders due to Pranavaha Shrotodusti with specia] referance to silicosis: A report, 1995 . 10 Kotecha & Singh (1991) : Ayurvedic drugs for immunotherapeutuic usage : 'Ayu' A journal of Guj. Ayu. Uni. Jan 191. PP. 4. to 11. 11. PRIA & RKKMS : A study on occupational and environmental Health Status of the coal mining*area. A report : 1994. 12. Rao, Shastri & Mistri : Studies on the phenomena of Vyadhikshamtva with special reference to Immunogenicity by using certain Balya beams in experimental' * animals and neonates, M.D.(Ayu) Thesis, I.P.G.T. & R. Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, 1989. 13. Sharma et al : A study on occupatinal and environmental health of workers and population living in the vicinity of cement and refractory plant in Rajgangpur, Orissa. A report : 1994. 14. Singh G. : Note on the Immunity promotive effect of Rasayana drugs by personal communications. 15- Workshop on Traditional Medicine & Immunology, Technology Mission Govt, of India, Guj. Ayu. Unversity, Jamnagar and L.S.P.S.S. Coimbatore.'1988.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AUTHOR : 1 Dr. Rajesh Kotecha is working as an,officer on special duty in J.R.D. Tata Foundation for Research in Ayurveda and Yoya Sciences, Chitrakoot (M.P.) 2 Dr. Mita Kotecha is working as a Head. Department of Dravyaguna, Faculty of Ayurveda, Mahatma Gandhi Grainodaya Vishvavidyalaya, Chitrakoot (M.P.)