OSHA Emergency Response Plan

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• Emergencies can create a variety of hazards for workers in the impacted area.

• Preparing before an emergency incident plays a vital role in ensuring that employers and workers have the necessary equipment, know where to go, and know how to keep themselves safe when an emergency occurs.

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• ERP provide information on how to prepare and train for emergencies and the hazards to be aware of when an emergency occurs.

• To help employers, safety and health professionals, training directors, and others, the OSHA requirements for emergencies are compiled and summarized in ERP booklet.

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(a) To assess current programs to develop, implement and maintain a program to mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from disaster and emergency

(b) A municipal emergency response plan specifies procedures for handling sudden unexpected situations. The objective is to reduce the possible impact of the emergency by:

- Meeting legal and social responsibilities- Preventing fatalities and injuries- Reducing damage to buildings, stock, and equipment- Accelerating the resumption of normal operations

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STEPS FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANNINGStep 1 : Form a Health and Safety CommitteeEstablish a team to coordinate emergency planning and preparedness activitiesAn existing health and safety committee can take on this responsibility.The committee may also want to consider including outside organizations. These might include the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), Emergency medical services (EMS), fire department and Malaysian Red Cressent.

Step 2 : Develop and implementing emergency response plans.ERP is a detailed written document that explains what emergencies an organization is likely to face, and WHO will do WHAT during a particular situation.A chain of command should be established.

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STEPS FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANNINGWriting the plan begins with assessing what measures are already in place and procedures by reviewing documents and seeing what has been put into operation.Check available resources to review the strengths of the facility’s internal and external resources.

1. Internal resources include: First aid/CPR supplies and trained

personnel Fire extinguishers and other firefighting

equipment Heavy equipment available on-site Available shelters/ability to shelter in-

place Transportation equipment In-house emergency response teams Sprinkler and alarm systems and Security systems and personnel.

2. External resources include:Fire departmentPolice departmentEmergency medical services (EMS)Emergency response teams (ERTs) or hazardous materials (HazMat) response teams

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Research what laws apply to the facility. Review any existing documents related to the facility’s preparedness:

Alarms and fire suppression systems Building diagrams and plans Evacuation routes Roles of key personnel Housekeeping practices A list of hazardous materials used and/or stored in the workplace and Information on hazardous chemicals (MSDS)

Walk through the facility to see what preparations have actually been put in place.

Any differences between is in written documents and what is actually occurring in the workplace should be noted


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STEP 3 : Train All Staff Every employee needs to know details of the emergency action plan, including

evacuation plans, alarm systems, reporting procedures for personnel, shutdown procedures, and types of potential emergencies.

Additional training is needed• When need equipment, materials or processes are introduced,• When the layout or design of the facility changes,• When procedures have been updated or revised• When exercises show the employee performance is inadequate.

At a minimum, the training should include: An overview of the emergency action plan Review of the evacuation procedures and routes for each section of the

workplace Practice drills of emergency evacuation and Basic first aid


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Drills should be held at random intervals, at least annually, and should include outside police and fire authorities.

Drills will lessen confusion and panic should an emergency situation take place. The drills should reflect the actions taken for different types of emergencies (fire,

tornado, earthquake, depending on the vulnerability analysis).

STEP 4 : Address Needs Following an Emergency

Physical and psychological effects The plan must specify what steps will be taken to ensure that all injured staff receive

immediate first aid and follow-up medical care including any physical rehabilitation that might be necessary as the result of injuries.

Counseling services are essential parts of responding to overcome severe emotional and psychological effects on victims.


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Financial support and services The plan should identify resources that are available to affected workers such as: Workers compensation Social services that can provide food,, shelter or other needs Federal aid if the area is declared a national disaster area.

Workplace operations Process recovery so that operations can continue e.g. contingency plans should be developed for having back up systems to protect

documents, computer files and other critical data.

STEP 5 : Evaluate and Modify the Plan

The committee should review the plan on periodic basis and after practice drills to make sure it reflects the current work situation.

Names and numbers as well as emergency contact need to be kept current. Any renovations in floor plans must be reviewed to see the impact of emergency action

and evacuation plans.


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Vulnerability assessments

Chain of command

Emergency respond teams

Alarms and communication systems

Suppression systems

Evacuation planning

Emergency medical facility

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Vulnerability assessments Find hazard pose to threat specific enterprise (List of hazards)E.g Emergency planner determine facility may pose to hazard or toxic .Important sources of information Records of past incidentsOccupational experienceKnowledge for both technological (physical or physical) and natural hazards by consulting with external organization (fire department, eng. Consultants, govern. Departments.

Chain of commandEmployer designate ER coordinator and bad a back up coordinator.Coordinator drawn from management ranks-engineering manager, safety manager or environmental compliance manager.Duties of the coordinator and employer include :

Determining what emergencies may occur and seeing that emergency procedures are developed to address each situation.Directing all emergency activities including evacuation of personnel.Ensuring that outside emergency services are notified when necessary.Directing the shutdown of plant operations when necessary


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Emergency respond teams (ERT)First lines of defense in emergencies.ERT members trained for potential crises and physically capable handle their dutiesTeam members need to know about toxic hazards in workplace and be able to judge when to evacuate personnel or when to rely on outside help

One or more teams must be trained in:

Use various types of fire extinguishersFirst aid, including CPR.Blood borne pathogens riskShutdown proceduresChemical spill control proceduresSearch an emergency rescue proceduresHazardous materials ER.

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Alarms and communication systemsIn situation requiring evacuation, let all occupants know how they must leave the buildingDescribe to the workers the alarm system used-Occupants must know which alarm means to evacuate.Alarm must be both seen and heard, be an effective means to notify individuals with disabilities.

Suppression SystemsSuppression systems are designed to put out fires.Not all suppression system suited for every situation.Most common are automatic water-based sprinkler systems (many different kinds) and dry chemical (CO2) systemsThese may be connected to a detention/alarm system or may be separateThe systems must be inspected and tested on annual basis to ensure it will work.

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IMPORTANT ELEMENTS FOR ERPEvacuation planning Employee should know the type and function of evacuation in carrying out the plan (partial or complete evacuation)The goal is to evacuate people and move resources (equipment, supplies, inventory) out of threatened areas.Determine and identify designated of refuge or safe areas for evacuation in plan.Should establish methods of warning employees and customers.Maps indicating evacuation routes from buildings and the facility site is important.

Escape routes must meet the following criteria:There are enough exitsExits are not blockedExits are clearly marked (many emergency situations involve smoke and fire that make it difficult to see.The routes wide enough to accommodate number of occupants of buildingExit lead to public thoroughfareEscape routes not cause more danger (area where hazardous materials stored)Secondary routes are available in case primary route is blocked

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Rescue and emergency medical facilityEmployer find out medical facilities closest to themCertain cases need to have emergency medical and rescue services on site, for example:Employers in remote areas.High security situationsEmployers with high hazard operations.It may help to coordinate an emergency action plan with the outsider responders (fire department, hospital emergency room, EMS providers)

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The ways in emergency planning1. Identifying hazard and the risk-The types, hazard magnitude, and the risks will determining the Emergency Response Plan.

2. Re-evaluate the existing Emergency Response Plan-Taking into account the ability and the resources such as finance, expertise and training.

3. Determining objective and planning scope- To facilitate the development of plan through specific procedure

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4. Choose the suitable type of Emergency Response Plan

The types of Emergency Response Plan according to the hazard types:

-Fire Action Plan-Liquid and Gas Explosion Action Plan-Electric Emergency Action Plan-Toxic Chemical Spillage Action Plan-Natural Disaster Action Plan-Land and Buildings Collapse Action Plan

Emergency Action Plan Classification Emergency Response Plan in site Emergency Response Plan off-site

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The Emergency Response Plan in site- To control and prevent the incident spread to outside of the site.

The Emergency Response Plan off-site- To address the spread of accidents and impacts on rural area and the

surrounding environmental- A competent person must be hired to provide and update the off-site plan

Off-site services of Emergency Response Plan- Fire Department and Rescue- Hospital Team- Police and Public Action Team

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The characteristics to classify the emergency:

- The cost of damage and loss- Severity of the accident- Level of accident- Time to act to overcome the accident- The number of emergency response teams

• Specify the general responsibility

- The leader is Emergency Response Coordinator (Organization Officer)

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5. Specified Emergency Action Operation

- Make a flow chart to determine all activities that might be happen after emergency incident

6. Write the plan- The document must be practical and consistent- Hired writing leader and the members- The writing leader must be experienced and expert person- The second party must be allowed to recheck and give comment on the writing plan

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Emergency Planning Issues1. No basis for establishing emergency response plan-Ad-hoc planning, reactive to accident, no accurate and comprehensive planning, and lack of employer’s support.

2. Plans developed without revision

- Loss of time and money

- Final planning draft must be show-off and get feedback from others employees.

3. Failure to integrate Emergency Response Plan- Do not take into account the overall organization management plans

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4. Failure to implement the plan

- Employers and management teams play important role in ensuring the planning is carried out

5. Planning in hasty rush-Should be gradual, carefully and steadily-There are better fail in planning than fail in implementing

6. Fail to establish the whole planning objective-Too focus on a particular issues

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• Workplace evacuation procedures required when the workplace has the potential to harm or interfere with emergency control.

• Evacuation is required in the event of : fire toxic spill flutter toxic substances (chemicals and

radiantion) and biohazard in the ventilation system

a bomb threat avalanche danger

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FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURE• Providing appropriate equipment installation

and fire fighting equipment• Proper installation of the system in accordance

with the standards and guidelines of the fire and rescue department.

• Documented and practice fire fighting procedures. These procedures include evaluate different types of fires and fire fighting.

• Fire fighting training equipment. • Maintenance of fire-fighting systems and


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Fire class combustion media to fire extinguished

Fire class Fire type Example fuel Fire fighting media (type of fire extinguishers)

Class A Solid Wood, cloth, paper

Water spray, dry powder (AB), foam

Class B Liquid Oil, chemical solvents, rubber, plastics

Foam, dry powder (AB atau BC), carbon dioxide, water spray

Class C Electric Electric Dry powder, carbon dioxide

Gas @ steam Butane, LPG, propane, ammonia, asetelena

foam, dry carbon dust (BC), water spray.

Class D Metal and nonmetal

potassium, sodiuum, magnesium, sulfur

Dry powder, dust graphite, phosphorus soda ash, dry sand.

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• As conclusion, difference between the incidents is on the readiness and efficiency of emergency response teams to deal with emergencies that occur. Preparation includes that preparation of a comprehensive emergency response plan, completed by the organization, team and individual with the necessary equipment and training. All this is provided on condition that the employer and the organization plans to develop the plan and support it with adequate funding and resources.

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Reference List

• Bahari, I. (2006). Pengurusan keselamtan dan kesihatan pekerjaan.pg201-205.

• Ronaidi, N. N., (2012). Emergency Response Planning and Implementation [Power Point Slide]. Retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/NikRonaidi/emergency-response-planning-and-implementation