A presentation from Long term Analysis for the German Power Market 18th German Norwegian Energy Forum, Berlin 23 rd of October 2014 Olav Johan Botnen Senior Analyst, Nordic Analysis [email protected] +47 37 00 97 61 1

Olav Johan Botnen - Long Term Analysis for the German Power Market

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Long Term Analysis for the German Power Market Olav Johan Botnen, Senior Analyst, Markedskraft ASA

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Page 1: Olav Johan Botnen - Long Term Analysis for the German Power Market

A presentation from

Long term Analysis for the German Power Market

18th German Norwegian Energy Forum, Berlin23rd of October 2014

Olav Johan BotnenSenior Analyst, Nordic [email protected]+47 37 00 97 61


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Long Term Price Forecast for German Power 2014-2035, update to be published in late October 2014

• Focus on German energy policy, Energiewende

• Discussions and tables on powerbalance, fuel/CO2 scenarios

• Power price forecasts

• Discussion of security ofsupply/capacity markets

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“Energiewende”: Major targetsUntil 2020:• Power consumption: 10% reduction from 2008 to 2020, from 618 to 556

TWh• Renewable electricity: 35% of power consumption in 2020, 192 TWh

(2013: 25% reached, 148 TWh) • Ghg emission target: 40% cut in emissions from 1990 to 2020. • CHP law: 25% of power generation in 2020• Renewable energy: 18% of final energy consumption in 2020 is to stem

from renewable energy

Beyond 2020: • Total nuclear phase-out in 2022• Renewable electricity: 40-45% in 2025, 50% in 2030

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Energiewende target: 40% ghg reduction in 2020 compared to 1990 levels

• Approx. 750 Mt CO2eq to be reached in 2020

• Structural progress of significance not occurring in power and heat sectors

• Small reduction potential in other ghg sectors than power and heat





1 000

1 100

1 200

1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

[Mt CO2]

Development in ghg emissions vs. 2020 target of40% ghg cut

Ghg emissions actual 2020 target of 30% ghg cutKyoto target

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Major German power balance developments the next couple of years

• Strong expansion in wind power, as offshore projects are gradually

coming online

• 10 new hard coal power plants are coming online (including some

plants having been commissioned already)

• Increasing integration with neighboring countries, more than double

power import/export capacities in sight from 2023 on

• Decreasing electricity consumption

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Annual wind power output to increase considerably

• Many offshore projects are coming online the next 12 months, we expect offshore wind power in 2015 to constitute 6 TWh/y

• Continued strong growth of onshore wind power the next couple of years








2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

[TWh/y] German wind power generation development

Actual Prognosis

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New generation of 46% efficient coal-fired plants to come online

Hard coal plants to be commissioned 2013-15

Plant Output [MW] Start of operation

Lünen (Trianel) 750 December 2013

Duisburg-Walsum 10 (Steag) 725 December 2013

RDK8 Karlsruhe (EnBW) 874 May 2014

Westfalen Hamm E (RWE) 764 July 2014

Wilhelmshaven (GDF Suez) 731 December 2014

Moorburg B (Vattenfall) 840 January 2015

Moorburg A (Vattenfall) 840 June 2015

Datteln 4 (EON) 1052 Mid of 2015

Mannheim 9 (GKM) 843 Under 2015

Westfalen Hamm D (RWE) 764 Unknown

Total 2016 8183 Until 2016

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New and efficient hard coal plants to be commissioned

• Ten new hard coal plants will be commissioned towards 2017

• The development of new hard coal plants has the last year been characterized by delays

• Efficiencies of 46%, rather than the 37% historical average, and hence lower SRMC

• Challenging economy with too low profit margins








Q1 2010 Q1 2011 Q1 2012 Q1 2013 Q1 2014 Q1 2015 Q1 2016

[€/MWh]Historical Phelix vs SRMCs hard coal

SRMC hard coal for old condense power plants, assuming calculated average efficiency €/MWh

SRMC hard coal for old condense power plants, assuming fixed 37% plant efficiency €/MWh

Phelix, historical prices and traded fwd prices 13. October 2014 €/MWh

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External transmission grid expansions in Germany

Table 5.8: Transnational grid expansion projects

Year Transmission linksImport

Capacity (GW)

Export Capacity

(GW)2014 Existing capacity 17,0 14,02016 Germany-Netherlands 2,0 2,02018 Germany-Norway 1,4 1,42018 Germany-Jutland 1,5 1,52018 Germany-Zealand 0,4 0,42018 Germany-Belgium 1,1 1,12018 Germany-Switzerland 3,3 3,32018 Germany-Sweden 0,7 0,72022 Germany-Poland 3,3 3,32022 Germany-Poland 3,6 3,62022 Total capacity 34,3 31,3

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Power consumption to decrease, amid energy efficiency efforts and weak industry outlooks

• Stable industrial power consumption the last couple of years, H1 power consumption up some 3 TWh y-o-y

• German industrial outlooks have recently proved pessimistic, and some preliminary August/Sept. output figures are weak
















Total estimated and forecasted quarterly industrial power consumption for Germany

Estimated power consumption Forecasted power consumption

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Economical outlooks for rest of 2014 seemrather grim

• Russia/Ukraine crisis to hamper European industrial activity: - EU sanctions against Russia to hurt EU economic growth rate

- German industrial performance faces downside risk, based on national indicators for business climate and industrial orders

• Possibly weaker external demand from China:- China face risk for slightly falling GDP growth rate, based on falling home prices and on reduced activity for investments and retail sales

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German power balance development from our LTP Germany March 2014 edition (TWh/y)

Hydro Power Nuclear Wind

powerSolar power

Bio-electricity Hard coal Lignite Gas

Otherproduction, including


Net exchange


2008 20 149 41 4 28 125 151 89 34 -23 6182009 19 135 39 7 31 108 146 81 32 -14 5812010 21 141 38 12 34 117 146 89 35 -18 6152011 18 108 49 20 38 112 150 86 33 -6 6072012 22 100 51 26 45 116 161 76 33 -23 6072013 21 97 51 28 48 123 162 66 33 -33 5962014 20 96 57 30 49 127 162 69 35 -47 5982015 20 96 59 32 50 123 161 69 35 -47 5982016 20 93 62 35 52 116 156 67 36 -41 5962017 20 92 65 38 53 114 155 71 37 -53 5912018 20 82 67 40 54 115 153 71 37 -51 5892019 20 82 68 43 55 119 151 76 37 -66 5852020 20 70 70 46 57 112 158 74 38 -63 5832021 20 69 72 47 57 105 159 74 39 -60 5822022 20 35 74 48 57 112 157 77 39 -40 5802023 20 0 76 49 57 144 153 94 35 -49 5782024 20 0 78 50 57 141 151 92 34 -47 5762025 20 0 80 51 57 146 139 95 33 -47 574

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MK Coal price scenarios March 2013

• Base prognosis basedon Perret Associates «Long Term Price Forecast 2014-30, February 2014

• Slightly lowered global perspectives for fundamental balance in the coal market

• Base scenario to be lowered in our October2014 edition40








2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 2027 2029 2031 2033 2035


Coal price development applied in our analysis, CIF ARA

High March '14 Base March '14Low March '14 Base Dec '13

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Our EUA 2014-2035 price forecast

• Prices will remain low for a few more years

• We expect EUAs at 10 €/t as an average over the2014-2035 period

• If cement and steel do not recover towards 2020 from recent years’ output levels, and lawmakers failto cut supply, carbonprices could drop towards0-1 €/t







2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034


MK low scenario MK high scenario

Base case scenario Market prices 14th of March 2014

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Base spot market scenario incl. capacity market.German SRMC and power prices. Real Euros











2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 2027 2029 2031 2033 2035

[2014 €/MWh]

SRMC coal 46%SRMC coal, avg. efficiencySRMC coal 37%SRMC gas 50%











2013 2018 2023 2028

Spot+Capacity priceSpot price











2013 2018 2023 2028 2033

[2014 €/MWh]

SRMC coal 46%SRMC coal, avg. efficiencySRMC coal 37%SRMC gas 50%

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Three scenarios for German spot power price – real Euros







2013 2018 2023 2028


Forecasted German spot price of base loadpower, in real 2014 euros

High Feb '14 Base Feb '14 Low Feb '14







2013 2018 2023 2028


Forecasted German spot price of peak loadpower, in real 2014 euros

High Feb '14 Base Feb '14 Low Feb '14

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Three scenarios for German spot power price – nominal Euros










2008 2013 2018 2023 2028


Forecasted German spot price of base loadpower, in nominal 2014 euros

High Feb '14 Actual EEX spotBase Feb '14 Low Feb '14










2008 2013 2018 2023 2028


Forecasted German spot price of peak loadpower, in nominal 2014 euros

High Feb '14 Actual EEX spotBase Feb '14 Low Feb '14

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“Energiewende”: Capacity market probably necessary

• “Energy-only” market (spot market) is perfect for optimization of generation

• Spot price level now and for coming years represents non-sustainable income for several power utilities, for thermal generation plants in particular. New thermal investments are nearly impossible to introduce

• Phase-out of 11 GW large share of thermal generation is in the pipeline, partly reaching end of lifetime, partly to save costs. More decommissioning in the pipeline? 8 GW new thermal generation capacity entering

• Some thermal plants will be needed for security of supply, either now in south of Germany or later on at national level with 100% nuclear phase-out

• Strategic reserves will be a cost-efficient capacity mechanism for consumers. Spot price when strategic reserves activated: 3000 €/MWh

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“Energiewende”: Capacity market price mechanisms

• Some struggling power utilities want to go for capacity market solution to increase profit margins

• More renewable generation to enter (40-45% in 2025, 50% in 2030) give nearly no incentives for owners of thermal generation capacity to upgrade existing or invest in new plants without a capacity market

• Illustration of a potential capacity market price first years (2016-2019): 4-7 €/MWh for keeping some old coal-fired plants available

• Gas-fired CCGT plants need a price to fill the gap of the costs of negative clean spark spread (2021-2024). Indication: 7-14 €/MWh

• After 2024: investment costs for new capacity, probably 15-25 €/MWh

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Status for introduction of capacity markets in the EU countries: France

• Decentralized capacity auction scheme: Reserve obligation put on each supplier.

Volumes defined by TSO based on Loss of Load Expectation (LOLE) of 3 hours after

forecasting demand levels at the peaking months in the delivery period. Thermo-

sensitivity in demand included when calculating suppliers reserve obligation.

• First delivery period: winter of 2016-2017. All capacity providers (generators and

demand side resources) obliged to bid, receive certification and commitment to provide

MWs. After delivery TSO will check compliance for all suppliers, penalty for shortfall

• Standard delivery period: one year

• Interconnected capacity: imports included when calculating suppliers reserve

obligation (factor 0.93 for imports at peak hours)

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Status for introduction of capacity markets in the EU countries: UK

• Centralized capacity auction scheme. Volumes defined by TSO based on Loss of

Load Expectation (LOLE) of 3 hours after forecasting demand levels, 4.5 years ahead of


• First auction: December 2014. First delivery period: winter of 2018-2019.

• Participation in auctions will be voluntary and only for generation facilities not receiving

some level of support such as via Renewables Obligation scheme. Providers of capacity

divided in two groups: Price takers (existing plants) and price makers (new capacity and

demand response resources)

• Standard delivery period: one year. New projects: up to ten years

• Interconnected capacity: possibly to be included later on, but not in the first capacity


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Status for introduction of capacity markets in the EU countries: Italy

• Centralized capacity auction scheme: Zonal volumes defined by TSO based on

variable adequancy targets for coming ten years period.

• First auction: probably 2014. First delivery period: at earliest 2017. Participation in

auctions will be voluntary. Generators will receive an annual premium (EUR/MW) – the

clearing price at the auction for the actual zone (subject to a cap and a floor) – with an

ex-post adjustment equal to the difference between reference price and a strike price

each time the reference price rises above the strike price.

• Standard delivery period: 3 year. Forward horizon: 4 years

• Interconnected capacity: not included

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Olav Johan BotnenSenior Analyst Nordic Analysis

[email protected]+47 37 00 97 61

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Espen AndreassenSenior Analyst, Continental Analysis

[email protected]+47 37 00 97 71

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