www.iee-sa.co.za How many of you have checked your emails today? How about your finances, using cellphone banking, internet banking etc? How many of you know what your electricity consumption at home or even of your organization was for last month?

MR12AB Tuesday 13h00 - Millisha Pillay

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Page 1: MR12AB Tuesday 13h00 - Millisha Pillay


• How many of you have checked your emails today?

• How about your finances, using cellphone banking, internet banking etc?

• How many of you know what your electricity consumption at home or even of your organization was for last month?

Page 2: MR12AB Tuesday 13h00 - Millisha Pillay


Presented by theIndustrial Energy Efficiency Project

Milisha Pillay, Regional Project Manager

The Behavioural Science Component of the Energy Management Systems

Standard - ISO 50001

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Human Behaviour is the range of actions and mannerisms exhibited by humans in conjunction with their environment and in response to various stimuli or inputs.Behaviour change -any transformation or modification of human behaviour.

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Develop a policy for more efficient use of energy

Use energy data more effectively

Fix targets and objectives to meet the policy

Measure and track energy performance

Review how well the policy and system works

Continually improve energy management

EnMS ISO 50001

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Every clause in ISO 50001 has to do with people:- Reading the Standard

- Implementing the Energy Management system (EnMS)

- Maintaining an EnMS in order to comply.

4 clauses focus particularly on people:

Clause 4.2.1 Top Management

Clause 4.2.2 Management Representative

Clause 4.5.2 Competence, training and awareness

Clause 4.5.3 Communication

The Human Dimension of ISO 50001

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Sustained behaviour leads to energy

management becoming a part of

company culture

Behaviour Change

Many behaviours

are formed into

habits which can

become automatic and routine

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The “5 Stages of Change”

Prochaska and Diclemente(1978)

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The Energy Efficiency Ladder

WHY?ISO 50001






AwarenessNo Action

EnergyAudit & Analysis

Structure• EnMS• LEAN


Innovative:• Up-stream• In-house• Down-stream

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Fri, 19 Jan

Thur, 18 JanSat, 20 Jan

Sun, 21 Jan

What caused this spike in energy usage?

The business is closedOn weekends – what’s using all this energy?

Is equipment being left on


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Sticking to defaultsStatus quo biasPerceived cost of

change Lack of awareness

and training“Tunnelling”-

single- minded focus

Potential Barriers

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Some Typical Behaviour

Cleaning off dust with compressed air!

LEAVING lights, AC’s, Equipment ON

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What can be done?

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wasted energyinto TANGIBLE numbers

Paint an honest

picture –the worst case scenario

Ask yourself:? Does my organisation stress the importance of being energy efficient?? Are ideas and inputs acknowledged and rewarded? ? How many employees believe that energy bills are fixed?

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Company Savings Comments


At-Source Foods R113 583 Trained staff to maximise the no of drying pans per session

Kraft Foods R223, 304 Switching off idle machines. Savings over shutdown.

Feltex Automotive Trim 135 400 kWh Switching off unused equip

Arcelor Mittal-Saldanha Works R13 000 000 Switching off unused equipment during non-production periods

Some Figures for Behaviour Change Savings…

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Johnson Matthey (ISO 500001 Certified)Intervention Capital Cost

(ZAR)Energy Saving

(kWh)Savings (ZAR)

Compressors and chillers- leak management and awareness raising

Zero 1 072 163 879 174

Chillers- optimal usage and reduction of waste 20 000 933 973 765 858

Production mixing vessels Zero 2 180 862 1 788 307

Oven optimisation 600 000 1 283 000 1 065 000

Behavioural change around equipment usage Zero 3 888 379 3 188 470

TOTAL 620 000 9 425 084 R7 728 569LESSONS LEARNED

Behavioural changes – It is imperative to include communication and awareness campaigns to ensure that energy influencers understand the impacts of their work and actions.

Measurement / metering –Sufficient metering on significant energy users is vital to enable accurate measurement and better inform future projects.

Selection of energy team members – Individuals from all relevant sections of the plant that could impact or influence energy use sections of the plant should be represented in the energy team to drive the EnMS.

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“The EnMS helped inject a behaviour change in energy. We started with

raising awareness and are now working on an ‘Energy Ambassador

Programme’ which will make energy conservation the responsibility

of all who use it”-ACSA King Shaka International Airport

“The biggest savings opportunities with the shortest

payback was through behaviour changes. Significant savings were

achieved by educating the shop-

floor and getting their buy-in”- ABI

What Companies have to say…

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“Any serious energy management strategy must address the human factor or it will fail. This is true irrespective of whether an organisation implements ISO 50001. Every person in every organisation uses energy. People make things happen and people have great potential for energy waste and energy savings. People matter. Therefore people rightly are centre stage in ISO 50001”. Michael Webb (Getting everyone saving energy with 50001)

“People, not machines, make the decisions that affect energy use. Insight into the human dimension of energy use is key to better understanding future energy

trends and how to effectively to manage them.”Schipper and Meyers (Energy Efficiency and Human Activity), 1993

Putting People at the Centre of the Energy Strategy

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www.iee-sa.co.zaWe’ll show you how:

The change starts with you

"Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.”

Native American Proverb

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