Location recce 1

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Page 2: Location recce 1

HOUSE This is the house we will be filming in. The car in front of the house will be moved so it won’t be in the way of the actor. This will make it easier for our actor to get in and out of the house. We will have the windows unlocked so it makes it easier for our actor. If there’s any broken glass or anything that can harm are actor we will clean it up.

Page 3: Location recce 1


In the living room we will be pulling the curations back so our actor doesn’t trip over. We will makes sure there's no stools or any sharp objects on the floor. If there is we will clean it up so our actors do get cut or hurt.

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PARK Make sure that we keep all of our bags behind the director so they don’t get stolen.Check the floor to see if there’s anything that can trip up our actors. If there is we will move it so we can avoid injuries. Watch out for the floor because the floor could be wet due to weather. We could keep an eye out on the weather forecast and see when it is a good idea to do our production.

Page 5: Location recce 1


As a group we are thinking of using this as an establishing shot.A way we can reduce the risk is by asking people to wait fro 2-3 minutes so we don’t have keep stopping and starting also so they don’t get in the way of our actors.