LITTERING pollution Submitted to : Ms. Tayyaba Submitted by : Dania Asif (2014-1244) Course : Environmental Education Session : MS.ED.2015-17

Litter Pollution

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Submitted to : Ms. Tayyaba

Submitted by : Dania Asif (2014-1244)

Course : Environmental Education

Session : MS.ED.2015-17

Definition• Trash that people do not put in a trash bin is called Litter

which causing littering.

Litter• Litter is also that large and hazardous items of rubbish

are sometimes dumbed in isolated location.

History• Throughout human history, people have disposed of unwanted

materials onto streets , roadsides, in small local dumps.

• In the U.S, The Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965 was enacted. In

1976, the federal government amended the Solid Waste Disposal

Act creating the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).

• RCRA gives authority to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)to

regulate proper waste disposal.

World’s most littered item..?• Cigarette butts are the most littered item with 4.5 million

discarded annually

Causes Of Littering• U.S roadways is now a result of accidental or unintentional litter

usually debris that falls of improperly secured trash.

• Government neglect it, inability of government to remove litter in

timely manner.

• According to the study of Dutch organization VROM , 80% of people

claim that “everybody leaves a piece of paper ,tin or something on

the street behind”.

• Diffusion of responsibility and forgetting occur between an individual

places litter in environment and when they vacate the territory.

Effects of Littering• Effects on Human: Hazardous material contained within litter and

illegally dumped rubbish can reached into water sources,

contaminated soil and pollute the air.

• When tires are burned, they emitted hundreds of chemicals and

compounds that pollute the air causing respiratory illness.

• Effects on wildlife: Litter kill plants and causes animal to get sick or


• Animals may get trapped or poisoned with litter in their habitat.

• Cigarette butts are found in stomach of fishes. Birds and whales

who have mistaken them for food.

Solutions• Litter bins: Public waste container street bins are provided by local

authorities to be used as a proper disposal.

• Picking up: volunteers, sometimes alone or coordinated through

organizations, pick up litter and dispose of it.

• Fines: some countries and local authorities have introduced

legislation to address the problem of littering.

i.e. In USA, littering is punished by more than $500 fine.

Most highway and parks are punishable with $1,000 fine.

In some areas, the penalties for highway littering can be up to $10,000.

Anti-litter campaigns• Clean up the World is a worldwide campaigns.

• In USA,

Keep America Beautiful(1953);let’s pick it up New York; Don’t

trash California; Take pride in Florida; Keep Lowa Beautiful.

• In Australia,

Clean up Australia day, Keep Australia Beautiful(1963).

• In U.K,

Keep Britain tidy.