Impact of forest certification on sustainable forest management

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  1. 1. 24th IUFRO World Congress: Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The RoleUnderstanding Tenure Security in theImplementation of Reforms: ClarifyingConcepts and Methods6 October, 2014of Research, October 5-11, 2014Mani Ram Banjade
  2. 2. OutlineMotivationResearch objectivesWhat is forest tenure?Tenure securityDomains of tenure securityResearch approach and methods
  3. 3. Why to study forest tenure?Changing contextof tenure reformHistoricalanalysis ofemergence anddevelopment oftenure reformFragmentedstudies: Focuseither on policyor outcomesA comprehensiveresearch onpolicies and laws,implementationprocess andoutcomesVaried outcomesof forest tenurereformimplementation Outcomes onlivelihoods,forest resourceand tenuresecurity Challenges
  4. 4. Motivation: Paper vs on the groundOn paper: Between 2002-2013 considerable increase (128.5Mha) in forest area under ownership of or designated forlocal communities (RRI, 2014)On the ground: Closeto 2 decades of reformsostensibly aimed atsecuring local tenureImprove livelihoodsIncentives forsustainable landmanagementUneven, with mixed results:Not ambitious enough/full rights?Customary systems unaccountedforOn-going external threats viacompeting usesInternal differentiation, includinggender Implementation gaps/bottlenecks
  5. 5. Objectives Establish how forest tenure reformsemerge, and document experiences andoptions for formal approaches to securingcustomary rights. Identify impacts of tenure reform onrights and access of women, poor men andethnic minorities to forests and trees. Identify factors that constrain reformimplementation. Disseminate lessons learned andknowledge generated at sub-national,national, regional and international levels.
  6. 6. PurposeGetting your feedback on concepts of tenuresecurity to help us organize the methods forthe study across 3 countries in 3 world regions
  7. 7. What is forest tenure? the social relations and institutions governing access to anduse of land and forest resources (Larson et al. 2012). Forest tenure systems State forest tenure systems vs community forest tenuresystem (Safitri, 2010) Formal vs informal systems Whose rights: Rights assigned to individual, group,communal, customary or state De jure vs de facto rights
  8. 8. Bundle of rights Schlager and Ostrom (1992): access,manage, exclude and alienate FAO, 2011: rights to use, manage, control,market products, inherit, sell, transfer,dispose of, lease or mortgage. RRI 2012: access, withdrawal,management, exclusion, alienation,duration and extinguishability of Rights Management rights: Rule-making,compliance monitoring and disputesadjudication (Agrawal and Ostrom 2008)
  9. 9. Tenure Security Mwangi and Meinzen-Dick (2009: 310): the ability of anindividual [or group] to appropriate resources on a continuousbasis, free from imposition, dispute or approbation from outsidesources It is the certainty of scope of rights and duration. Tenure security involves what rights, for whom, for how long,with what certainty Analysis differs based on domains of tenure security: normativeor statutory provisions (legal statements), actual practices(enforcement of formal rights and social norms), how actorsperceive them, and consideration beyond lived experience
  10. 10. Domains of tenure securityNormative(De jure)Normative(De jure)Actual(De facto)Actual(De facto)Perception oftenure securityPerception oftenure securityRisks beyondperceptionRisks beyondperception
  11. 11. Normative tenure securityRobustness ofproperty rightsRobustness ofproperty rightsLLeeggaaliltityyCClalarritityyBundle ofrightsBundle ofrights Legal basis Granting authority Right holders Scope: rights andobligations Boundaries Ways of exclusionDuration ofDuration ofrightsrightsAssurance ofAssurance ofrightsrightsLegal protectionagainst expropriationLegal protectionagainst expropriationConflict resolutionConflict resolutionmechanismmechanismParticipation indecision-makingParticipation indecision-making
  12. 12. Actual tenure security Interaction of actors, rulesand power Compliance Conflicts and conflictresolution Technocratic/managerialdimensions: motivations,incentives, capacities,budgets/staffing
  13. 13. Perception of tenure securityPerception of the certainty of the rights irrespectiveof the breath or the duration of rights offered.
  14. 14. Threats to tenure security Extractive activities Large-scale investments: landgrabs Demographic pressures:population growth, migration Elite capture Resource-based conflicts
  15. 15. Tenure securityInteraction ofrules, norms,Interaction ofrules, norms,actorsactorsEnforcementof rightsEnforcementof rightsPerception ofcertainty ofPerception ofcertainty ofrightsrightsPerception ofPerception ofThreats beyondperceptionthreats Threats beyondthreatsperception
  16. 16. Research approach Diagnosis research and analysis: Cross-countrycomparison, extensive surveys, policy and legalanalysis, FGD, key informants interviews, documentsreview Multi-actor engagement: joint problem solving,future scenarios, experience sharing Knowledge sharing: workshops, needs assessments,tools (eg conflict resolution; gender integration);tenure literacy
  17. 17. Your inputsHow do we study this?What is the best way to cover all thesevariables? Do we have to cover them all? Are we missing anything?
  18. 18. [email protected]://