Seminar Green Chemistry: Towards Green Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Student: Satya Prakash Patel (email:[email protected]) Study programme: Green Industry MBA/MSc(Ecotechnology) Josef Stefan International Postgraduate School Ljubljana(Slovenia) Mentor: Doc. Dr. Tomaž Skapin 1

Green chemistry and e-waste management

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Green Chemistry: Towards Green Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Student: Satya Prakash Patel(email:[email protected])

Study programme: Green Industry MBA/MSc(Ecotechnology)

Josef Stefan International Postgraduate School Ljubljana(Slovenia)

Mentor: Doc. Dr. Tomaž Skapin

Table of Content


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2. Concept and Scope of Green ICT........................................................................................................5

2.1 ICT.................................................................................................................................................5

2.3 Green IT.........................................................................................................................................6

3. Fundamental of green chemistry and its application in greening ICT.................................................7

3.1. Fundamental of Green Chemistry.................................................................................................7

3.1.1. Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry..................................................................................8

3.2. Green Chemistry and its application in greening ICT..................................................................9

3.2.1. Reducing energy use in ICT..................................................................................................9

3.2.2. Reducing Global Warming in ICT.......................................................................................12

3.2.3. Reducing depletion of non- renewable resources in ICT....................................................14

3.2.4. Reducing water use in ICT..................................................................................................15

3.2.6. Reducing Toxicity in ICT....................................................................................................15

4. Green Chemistry and e-Waste Management.....................................................................................16

4.1. e-Waste: Definition.....................................................................................................................16

4.2. Growing Concern of e-Waste.....................................................................................................16

4.2. Legal Framework for e-waste management................................................................................19

4.2.1. The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive..................................19

4.2.2. Directive on the Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electrical equipment – RoHS.........................................................................................................20

4.2.3. The European Union (EU) adopted the "Batteries directive...............................................20

4.2.4. Basel Convention 1989........................................................................................................20

4.3. Application of Green Chemistry in e-Waste management.........................................................20

4.4. e Waste Management..................................................................................................................21

4.4.1. Source reduction or avoidance.............................................................................................22

4.4.2 e-Waste Recycling................................................................................................................23

4.4.3. e-Waste Treatment...............................................................................................................24

4.4.4. Waste Disposal....................................................................................................................24

6. Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................27



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Improving environmental performance, tackling global warming and enhancing resource management are high on the list of global challenges that must be addressed urgently. ICT industry is responsible for around 2-3% of the global carbon footprint. Reducing environmental impacts of ICT disposal (e-Waste) and using ICT applications to reduce


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energy consumption and CO2 emission during distribution and use of non-ICT goods, are on main agenda. Governments and business associations have introduced a range of programmes and initiatives on ICT and the environment to address environmental challenges, particularly global warming and energy use. This paper is focusing on reducing emission of CO2, energy efficiency, R&D and innovation to develop energy efficient electronic product and reduce the emission of CO2. Growing concern of waste forced to world community to frame legal framework to reduce the hazards of e waste like WEEE (European Directives 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), RoHS (Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations) and Basel Covention1989 on Trans boarder movement of e- waste etc. It also focused on implementation of these regulations. This paper specially emphasised on e-waste management and application of green chemistry in e-waste management.

Key Words : e-Waste, WEEE, RoHS.


The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector itself now accounts for more than 6% of gross domestic product (GDP). It consists of more than a million companies. It has transformed and absorbed much of the media and photographic industries, and is encroaching on the retail sector, notably in travel and entertainment reservations. The ICT can play a key role in the transition to a more energy-efficient, low-carbon economy while simultaneously increasing productivity and growth. This progress can be achieved through consistent monitoring of energy use and carbon emissions, by enabling more efficient energy use in existing processes and by transforming the way we live and work[1] (PE International,2011) ICT have dual role. It helps in greening environment in non ICT sectors on other hand ICT have direct impact on environment like global warming, primary energy use, toxicity, non-energy resource depletion, land use, water use , ozone layer depletion, and biodiversity. ICT industry is responsible for around 2-3% of the global carbon footprint. Reducing environmental impacts of ICT disposal, (e-Waste) and using ICT applications to reduce energy consumption CO2and emission during distribution and use of non-ICT goods, are on main agenda. This paper explains the concept of green ICT how green chemistry is contributing in greening ICT. It specially focuses on reduction of energy use, global warming, and e-waste in ICT. This paper emphasized on growing concern of e-waste and how green chemistry is helpful in e-waste management followed by suggestions and conclusion.

2. Concept and Scope of Green ICT

2.1 ICT

The term ICT is used to describe the tools and the processes to access, retrieve, store, organise, manipulate, produce, present and exchange data and information by electronic and other automated means. (UNESCO, 2005)[2] ICT is an umbrella term that includes any


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communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning. ICT is regarded as a technology that substitutes consumption of physical products with virtual products and thus is expected to reduce environmental impacts, the related growth in the use of ICT equipment and infrastructure may outperform the realized improvements. The direct effect of ICT on environment is classified in following manner - i) Global warming, ii) primary energy use, iii) toxicity, iv) non-energy resource depletion, v) land use, vi) water use, vii) ozone layer depletion, and viii) biodiversity. Reducing environmental impacts of ICT disposal, (e-Waste) and using ICT applications to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emission during distribution and use of non-ICT goods, are on main agenda.

2.2 Green ICT

Green ICT means Green by ICT and Green of ICT. Gartner defines Green ICT as “Encompassing environmentally sustainable IT and the use of IT to contribute to environment preservation. (Gartner, 2009)[3]The Danish Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation (MSTI) defines it as “more environmentally friendly utilization of IT and the use of sustainable IT. ( “Action Plan for Green IT in Denmark,” 2007” , 2007)[4]OECD defined Green ICT as “ICT to reduce environmental load and ICT for using as a promoter to relieve social environment influence,” and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan defined it as “Saving in ICT-related energy consumption and energy conservation through the use of ICT. (Park, 2009)[5] As shown above, the definitions of this concept are different. Green ICT defined as “reduction of energy, consumption (natural resources like water, minerals etc.), e-waste and global warming potential). It takes approximately 530 pounds of fossil fuel, 50 pounds of chemicals and 416 gallons of water to produce one desktop computer. ICT industry is responsible for around 2-3% of the global carbon footprint. ICT industry is using precious metals like gold, silver, copper, lead, nickel and tin which are scarce resources. The Concept of Green ICT is explained in figure 1. Greening the ICT is reducing the inputs ,optimising the process and reducing the adverse environmental impact of ICT.

Figure 1 Input, Output and Processes of the ICT product.


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2.3 Green IT

It is a subset of green ICT.Green IT, refers to environmentally sustainable computing or IT. In the article Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices, San Murugesan defines the field of green computing as "the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems—such as monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking and communications systems—efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment." The goals of green computing are similar to green chemistry; reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product's lifetime, and promote the recyclability or biodegradability of defunct products and factory waste. Green IT is the study and practice of using computing resources efficiently. It is known for its broader, economy-wide capacity for energy saving and potential to effect rapid and profound change across every facet of government, industry and consumers. Research continues into key areas such as making the use of computers as energy-efficient as possible, and designing algorithms and systems for efficiency-related computer technologies. e-Waste for short - or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) - is the term used to describe old, end-of-life or discarded appliances using electricity. It includes computers, consumer electronics, fridges etc which have been disposed of by their original users.


EnergyRaw material for ICT(lead,copper,tin,gold,silver,nickel,cadmium,lithium,plastics,brominated flame retardants)Water


Quarrrying and processing of raw material( copper,gold,silver and other metals ores) Transportation of Raw material to manufacturing plant making raw material for ICT industry(copper,silver,lead,Nickel,cadmium,silica, etc.)Processing and manufacturing of material for ICT industryProduction of ICT toolsTransporttion of tools at assebling plantPackaging of ICT productTransportation of ICT product

System Boundary ICT and Process

ICT productAirborne Emission during manufacturing ,use and disposal of ICT productWater EffluentsSolid e-wasteOther environmental Releases


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3. Fundamental of green chemistry and its application in greening ICT

3.1. Fundamental of Green Chemistry

By definition, Green chemistry is the design, development, and implementation of chemical products and processes to reduce or eliminate the use of substances hazardous to human health and the environment’. (Upasana Bora, 25June 2002; 4)[6]“Green Chemistry” is the universally accepted term to describe the movement towards more environmentally acceptable chemical processes and products. (Warner, 1998)[7]It encompasses education, research, and commercial application across the entire supply chain for chemicals. Green Chemistry can be achieved by applying environmentally friendly technologies – some old and some new (Macquarrie, 2002)[8]The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) coined the term “Green Chemistry” in the 1990s helped to bring focus to an increasing interest in developing more environmentally friendly chemical processes and products. The Americans launched the high profile Presidential Green Chemistry Awards in the mid-1990s and effectively disclosed some excellent case studies covering products and processes. Green chemistry, also known as sustainable chemistry, is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances. (EPA)[9] Green Chemistry can be considered as a series of reductions. These reductions lead to the goal of triple bottom-line benefits of economic, environmental, and social improvements (James H. Clark G. S., 2005)[10] Costs are saved by reducing waste and energy use as well as making processes more efficient by reducing materials consumption. These reductions also lead to environmental benefit in terms of both feedstock consumption and end-of-life disposal. Furthermore, an increasing use of renewable resources will render the manufacturing industry more sustainable (C.V. Stevens and R.G. Vertie e. , 2004)[11]

Figure 2. “Reducing”: The heart of Green Chemistry.





Non Renewables




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It is particularly important to seek to apply Green Chemistry throughout the lifecycle of a chemical product. The Green Chemistry approach of “benign by design” should, when applied at the design stage, help assure the sustainability of new products across their full lifecycle and minimize the number of mistakes we make.

Figure 3. Green Chemistry-The Ideal Synthesis

Source: (James H. Clark, 2005)[10] Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development- Green Chemistry and Environmentally Friendly Technologies by James H. Clark, Green Separation Processes. Edited by C. A. M. Afonso and J. G. Crespo Copyright © 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ISBN 3-527-30985-3

The Green Chemistry is directing us towards the “ideal synthesis” as depicted in figure 3.The twelve principles of Green Chemistry covers these synthesis and reductions.

3.1.1. Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry

The twelve principles of Green Chemistry are (Anastas, 1998) [12]

(i). Prevention --It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it has been created.(ii). Atom Economy--Synthetic methods should be designed to maximize the incorporation of all materials used in the process into the final product.


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(iii). Less Hazardous Chemical Syntheses-Wherever practicable, synthetic methods should be designed to use and generate substances that possess little or no toxicity to human health and the environment.(iv). Designing Safer Chemicals-Chemical products should be designed to affect their desired function while minimizing their Toxicity.(v). Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries-- The use of auxiliary substances (e.g., solvents, separation agents, etc.) should be made unnecessary wherever possible and innocuous when used.(vi). Design for Energy Efficiency- Energy requirements of chemical processes should be recognized for their environmental and economic impacts and should be minimized. If possible, synthetic methods should be conducted at ambient temperature and pressure.(vii). Use of Renewable Feed stocks --A raw material or feedstock should be renewable rather than depleting whenever technically and economically practicable.(viii). Reduce Derivatives- Unnecessary derivatization (use of blocking groups, protection/ deprotection, temporary modification of physical/chemical processes) should be minimized or avoided if possible, because such steps require additional reagents and can generate waste.(ix). Catalysis --Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible) are superior to stoichiometric reagents.(x). Design for Degradation-- Chemical products should be designed so that at the end of their function they break down into innocuous degradation products and do not persist in the environment.(xi). Real-time analysis for Pollution Prevention --Analytical methodologies need to be further developed to allow for real-time, in-process monitoring and control prior to the formation of hazardous substances.(xii). Inherently Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention ---Substances and the form of a substance used in a chemical process should be chosen to minimize the potential for chemical accidents, including releases, explosions, and fires.

3.2. Green Chemistry and its application in greening ICT

3.2.1. Reducing energy use in ICT

The sixth principle of Green Chemistry focuses on energy efficiency. Energy requirements of chemical processes should be recognized for their environmental and economic impacts and should be minimized. If possible, synthetic methods should be conducted at ambient temperature and pressure. Green ICT also emphasises on energy efficiency. There is a correlation between the reduction of global warming and the reduction of energy usage. Governments have most frequently targeted the reduction of ICT and non-ICT related energy usage and increase energy efficiency. In Denmark’s Action Plan for Green IT, the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation has committed itself to save 10% of its annual electricity consumption each year. Industry associations have most frequently targeted the reduction of ICT related energy usage within their initiatives. The objective of the Green Grid initiative, for instance, is to develop “user-centric models and metrics”, which will be used to increase energy efficiency within data centres.


Page 10: Green chemistry and e-waste management Energy Cosumption in ICT

Government programmes and business initiatives concentrate on reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions during ICT use. The high concentration of programmes and initiatives targeting energy consumption shows that many of them have both economic and environmental rationales. The Action Plan for Green IT, the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation(MSTI) plans to take the lead role in using Green ICT in its own activities, in particular reducing annual electricity consumption by 10%. (Ministry of Science,2008)[13] Japan’s Green IT Project, which is part of the Green IT Initiative, is promoting high energy efficient ICTs (with an annual budget of JPY 3 billion in fiscal year 2008). (Ministry of Economy, 2008) [14] The Green IT Project will especially focus on three main research fields:

(i)Networks: One objective of the Green IT Project is to reduce energy consumption of network components by more than 30%. (ii)Data centres: The Green IT Project also aims at reducing the energy consumption of data centres, especially of servers and storage devices, by more than 30%. It is therefore promoting technologies like ultra-high density Hard Disk Drives (HDD) and high-efficiency cooling systems. (iii)Displays: The objective of the third research field is to reduce the power consumption of displays by 50%. Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED) are one of the technologies that will be promoted. . Eco labels of governments

Eco labels are an instrument for certifying products and services regarding their environmental impacts. There are many different eco labels, only a minority of them established by governments alone. Some important eco labels are--

ENERGY STAR is the US standard for energy efficient electronic equipment. It was established in 1992 by the Environmental Protection Agency for computer equipment, but now includes other electronic equipment such as heating and cooling systems, office equipment, home electronics, etc. (EPA, 2003). According to the EPA, “Americans, with the help of ENERGY STAR, prevented 40 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions in 2007 alone and saved more than $16 billion on their utility bills”. In March 2009, the EPA finalised the ENERGY STAR 5.0 specification for displays, now including digital picture frames and large commercial displays. ENERGY STAR has been adopted by other countries and economies including Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Chinese Taipei and the European Union.European Union Eco-label (Flower label) was established in 1992 by the Environment Directorate of the European Commission as part of its strategy to promote sustainable consumption and production . It is used in the European Union and in Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland. The European Eco-label stipulates the environmental impact analysis of products or services throughout their complete life cycle, including raw material extraction, production, distribution and disposal.Der Blaue Engel (The Blue Angel) is one of the oldest eco-labels. It was established on the initiative of the German Federal Minister of the Interior and approved by the Ministers of the Environment of the German federal government and the German federal states in 1978. The Jury Umweltzeichen, a group of 13 persons across society, administrates Der Blaue Engel.


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This label has certified more than 3 600 products categories covering papers, oil burners, wall paints and ICT equipment. Criteria used for certification were the pollution and energy consumption associated with the goods and their recyclability. Until now, Der Blaue Engel has been used by more than 520 enterprises in more than 20 countries.

By applying Green ICT within public administration, governments can reduce the environmental impact of their own ICTs, and they can also encourage the usage of Green ICTs within the private sector. Government’s efforts include but are not limited to increasing energy efficiency of public ICTs, or applying Green ICT procurement. ICT applications can reduce the environmental impact of organisations. This includes ICTs for new way of production and collaboration like tele-working and tele-conference applications, or moving businesses and governments to the Internet (e-government, e-business, e-commerce). Promoting tele-working and tele-conferences, however, are one of the less frequently adopted policies (6 of 50 programmes). This is probably because many governments have already implemented tele-working and tele-conference applications. labels established by non-government organisations

More eco labels have been established by industry associations or by single companies (Towards Green ICT Strategies: Assessing Policies and Programmes on ICT and theEnvironment June 2009, OCED, June,2009, p. 33)[15] and non-profit organisations than by governments alone. The following describes some established by the private sector:

80-Plus is an initiative established in 2004 by Ecos, a US consulting company. 80-Plus certifies energy efficient PSUs. It requires PSUs to have a minimum efficiency rate of 80% at 20%, 50% and 100% load rate. This means, at a load rate of 20%, 50% and 100%, 20% at maximum of the power consumed by PSUs is wasted. In 2008, Bronze, Silver, and Gold 80-Plus were introduced to distinguish between various levels of efficiency. Thirty-eight companies used 80-Plus for labelling their PSUs in 2007.

The Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) is a system for supporting green procurement of desktop computers, notebooks and computer displays. It was developed in 2007 in compliance with the IEEE 1680- 2006 standard by the Zero Waste Alliance, a non-profit organisation including universities, government and industry. EPEAT is based on environmental criteria including “reduction/elimination of environmentally sensitive materials”, the usage of recyclable and biodegradable material, and “product longevity / life cycle extension”. Like 80-Plus, EPEAT also differentiates between three quality tiers, EPEAT Bronze, Silver, and Gold, depending on the fulfilment of optional criteria.

The PC Green Label was developed in 2004 by Japan’s PC3R Promotion Center. Its goal is to develop principles to reduce, reuse and recycle (3Rs) of computers and computer displays as in the Japanese “Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources”. It considers all main life cycle phases: R&D and Design, Manufacturing, Use, and Disposal, and also focuses on the energy efficiency of computers and computer displays.


Page 12: Green chemistry and e-waste management Cosumption in Transport of ICT Products

The production of the ICT-components and products is often organised in globally extended supply chains, which implies a high use of energy for distribution. A typical PC contains 1500-2000 components sourced from around the world, and typically transported by air. The complexity and scale of the global electronics sector means that the aggregate environmental impacts of the supply chains are large . (Thomas Thoning Pedersen, Green TechnologyForesight about environmentally friendly products and materials, 2006, p. 72)[16] Furthermore an increasing number of products are assembled far from the regions where they are marketed. Both trends are increasing and imply an increasing environmental impact due to transport of raw materials, components, subassemblies and end-user products. There is also the risk that the waste handling and waste water treatment is of a poorer quality in the countries outside Europe, where most of the manufacturing takes place. This means that not only has the environmental impact from the manufacturing of the ICT products for the Western countries been moved outside these countries the impact has probably also increased due to the mentioned poorer environmental infrastructure. Energy Efficient ICT product &Process

ICT usage is the life cycle phase most frequently targeted by industry associations’ initiatives. Members of the Climate Savers Computing Initiative (such as the Intel Corporation, Google, Dell, and EDS) commit to (i) develop products that meet or exceed the ENERGY STAR 4.0 criteria; (ii) purchase “high-efficiency systems for a majority of [their] corporate personal computer and volume server computer”; and (iii) educate “end-users about the benefits of energy-efficient computers and power-management tools for business and home use”. All those commitments are mainly targeting the use phase of ICTs. (TowardsGreen ICT Strategies: Assessing Policies and Programmes on ICT and the Environment ,June,2009, p. 39)[15]

3.2.2. Reducing Global Warming in ICT

ICT is responsible for around 2-3% of the global carbon footprint. The reduction of global warming in ICT industry is main agenda for greening ICT. Most industry associations and governments are targeting direct effects of ICTs on energy use are also considering the direct effects of ICTs on global warming. Some government programmes also contribute to national targets set in the Kyoto Protocol e.g. Denmark’s Action Plan for Green IT and Japan’s Green IT Initiative. (Towards Green ICT Strategies: Assessing Policies and Programmes on ICTand the Environment] , June,2009, p. 14)[15]


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Table1. Six major anthropogenic GHG covered in the Kyoto Protocol

Emission Chemicalformula

GWP Sources

Carbon dioxide

CO2 1 Combustion processes

Methane CH4 25 Landfills, coal mining, wastewater treatment, biomass combustion

Nitrous oxide N2O 298 Agricultural soils and nitric acid productionHFCs - 124 -

14800Substitutes for ozone depleting substance, semiconductor manufacturing


SF6 22800 Electrical transmission and distribution

PFCs - 7390 - 12200

Substitutes for ozone depleting substance, semiconductor manufacturing

(IPCC, 2007) Source: GWP: Global warming potentials of Greenhouse Gases IPCC,Report 2007)[17]

The Green ICT Strategy of the United Kingdom is expected to contribute to the Sustainable Operations on the Government Estate (SOGE) targets, which are to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) produced by the central government office estate by at least 30% by 2020 and by 60% or more by 2050. This also applies to policies and programmes considering enabling effects for example Japan’s Green IT initiative is to use ICTs for reducing national CO2emissions by at least 50% by 2050. (Green IT Initiative in Japan METI, Japan, 2008) [14]The objective of the Climate Savers Computing Initiatives, for instance, is to reduce globalCO2 emissions from the operation of computers by 54 million tons per year by 2010. As another example, the GSMA Development Fund through its Green Power for Mobile (GPM) initiative aims at reducing the need for diesel consumption for powering off-grid base stations, for instance, by using renewable energy sources. This is expected to reduce CO2emissions. The reduction of global warming and primary energy use seem to be motivated by firms’ consideration for CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), in addition to the high energy prices in recent years. ETNO, for instance, has formulated the Sustainability Charter of the European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association, in which signatory members (21 of 43 members) commit to the “sustainable provision of products and services with significant environmental, social and economic benefits” as part of their CSR. (Towards Green ICTStrategies: Assessing Policies and Programmes on ICT and the Environment], June 2009, p.38)[15] Life Cycle Phase of ICT Life cycle of an ICT product consist of following phases--ICT R&D and design, ICT manufacturing, ICT distribution, ICT use, and ICT disposal.


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Figure 4. Life cycle stages of ICT product

Environmental impacts occur during the use of ICTs, but higher environmental impacts often occur before and after the use phase, and environmental impacts need to be considered along the complete life cycle. For instance, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions of California’s residential and commercial PCs in 2005 were estimated to be 4.18 Mt CO2a year in the manufacturing phase, 1.72 Mt CO2a year in the use phase, and 0.004 Mt CO2a year in the disposal phase ((California Energy Commission, 2005), 2005)[18] .Fujitsu done life cycle analysis of PC in 2010 and stated that—A PC is responsible for emission of 705 kg. CO2 in its life cycle. The Sunday time (USA) published on January 2009 that one search on Google is responsible for 7gm CO2e( here e=equivalent of carbon di oxide) .A small laptop, standard equipment--Total mass about 1.5 kg,14” TFT display, HDD 3.5”, 1GB RAM, graphic on board, single core processing unit, external PSU with cable to plug, manufacture in Asia, transport distances are averages for USA, Europe and Asia 100% by airplane, Li-ion battery about 300 g, Use phase assumed to be 4 years, typical usage, mix of office and personal computing----having total CO2footprint in its life cycle=400Kg. CO2e [Manufacturing(150 kg CO2e),Transport(20kg CO2e),4 year use(260kg CO2e),End of life(-30 CO2e)] (Dr. C. Herrmann, 2008)[19] The life cycle is used in order to structure both policies and programmes aiming at direct as well as enabling effects of ICTs. Governments and business associations are focussing more on use than on other life cycle phases, whether they are considering both direct or enabling effects. Denmark’s Action Plan for Green IT and the Green ICT Strategy of the United Kingdom are among the few taking all of the main life cycle phases of ICTs at least into consideration. Denmark is promoting through its Action Plan for Green IT R&D activities on “sustainable development of IT”, “sustainable production of IT”, “sustainable use of IT”, and “sustainable disposal of IT”.

3.2.3. Reducing depletion of non- renewable resources in ICT

Environmental damage can also be related to the depletion of natural non-renewable (non-energy) resources such as lead, tin or copper; scarce resources which are being used, for example, for solder and printed circuit boards. According to Hauschild and Wenzel the


ICT Product

Life Cycle

Production of ICT Product

Use of ICT product


Resources Extraction

for ICT product

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supply horizon for lead is expected to be only 20 years, for tin 27 years, and for copper 36 years. Subsequently, the price of these resources can be expected to increase dramatically.(The challenges from nanotechnology, biotechnology and ICT, 2006) [20] Government initiatives stipulating recycling, maintainability and upgrading of ICT products are reducing the direct effect of ICTs on non-energy resource depletion. Here again, eco-labels as well as government initiatives focussing on ICT disposal have most frequently considered non-energy resource depletion as an environmental impact category.

3.2.4. Reducing water use in ICT

Water consumed by the ICT sector can be significant. Almost 1500 kg are used, for instance, for the production of a single personal computer(PC) (Williams, 2003).[21] The ICT sector is estimated to be one of the six most water-consuming industries and water consumption in the semiconductor industry in Chinese Taipei has increased from nearby 100 000 tons a day in 2002 to over 150 000 tons a day in 2006 . In some regions, the semiconductor industry has had problems getting additional water needed for expanding production or building new fabrication plants

3.2.5. Reducing Land use in ICT

Land use describes impacts made on the environment through land occupation and transformation, leading to a reduction of available soil and localised surfaces (Scholz, 2007)[22] this especially includes the reduction of land surfaces caused by waste. ICTs can have direct effects on land use when, for instance, ICT equipment’s are being disposed of, leading to the occurrence of electronic waste (e-waste). Most governments targeting land use have done so in connection with ICT disposal.

3.2.6. Reducing Toxicity in ICT

Toxicity includes all kind of toxic degradation of air, water or soil, such as smog, eutrophication or acidification, having direct or indirect impacts on human health and biodiversity. As some ICT equipment contains hazardous substances such as flame retardant substances (e.g. plastic parts), mercury (e.g. LCD monitors), or cadmium (e.g. batteries), increased toxicity is an important direct effect of ICTs . Some government programmes are focussing on reducing toxicity produced by ICTs, especially during ICT manufacturing and disposal. This is especially the case with eco-labels such as the European Union Eco-Label (Flower label) for PCs and laptops . The European Eco label is a voluntary scheme, established in 1992 to encourage businesses to market products and services that are kinder to the environment. Products and services awarded the Eco label carry the flower logo, allowing consumers - including public and private purchasers - to identify them easily. (environmentecolabell of EU)[23]


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4. Green Chemistry and e-Waste Management

4.1. e-Waste: Definition

According to the OECD, e-waste is ‘‘any appliance using an electric power supply that has reached its end-of life’’. e-Waste for short - or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) - is the term used to describe old, end-of-life or discarded appliances using electricity. It includes computers, consumer electronics, fridges etc. which have been disposed of by their original users e-Waste contains both valuable materials as well as hazardous materials Examples: Computers, LCD / CRT screens, cooling appliances, mobile phones, etc., contain precious metals, flame retarded plastics, CFC foams and many other substances. (e watse guide.info)[24]There are three main category of e-waste as mention in table 2.

Table 2. Category of E‐Waste

Large HouseholdAppliances

Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Microwaves etc.

IT & Telecom Appliances Personal Computers, Monitors, Laptops, Mobile Phones, etc.

Consumer Appliances Television, DVD, Play Stations etc.

4.2. Growing Concern of e-Waste

Rapid development in technology and technology obsolescence: Because of rapid growth through science and technology, consumer application culture is growing. As new technology arrives in the market, it supersedes old one, it becomes useful to use new one. During this transformation, old used appliances and materials get out dated and new products enter into market. The new products are manufactured on daily basis. Scarps go on increasing whereas space remains the same. ‘The United Nations Environmental Program released a report in February2011 warning developing countries that — unless they acted quickly — they would be deluged with huge mountains of e-waste. India currently produces 300,000 tons of e-waste annually and that figure is expected to jump 500 percent by the year 2020, according to the UNEP report.’ (new america media.org)[25]

ICT explosion is facilitated by the importation of second hand or used computers and mobile phones from rich, developed countries especially Europe and the United States of America (USA). Over 50 million tonnes of WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) is discarded each year, with at least 70% being 'dumped' in India, China and Africa. A major concern of developing countries is that the consignment of admixture of EEE and WEE are not shipped as wastes, but as second hand products. Therefore, technically they do not fall under the Basel Convention at this point.


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Figure 5. Known and Suspected Routes of e Waste Dumping

Source: (Prof. Oladele Osibanjo Director, 14 September 2009)[26] Electronic waste: A major challenge to sustainable development in Africa by Prof. Oladele Osibanjo Director, Basel Convention Coordinating Center for Africa Region, University of Ibadan, and Ibadan,


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Nigeria. R’09 Twin World Congress and World resources Forum, Davos and Nagoya, September 14, 2009

Untrained workers then work to retrieve materials such as copper, silver and aluminium, often by melting materials in open fires or acid baths. (element14.com,legislations WEEE) [27]There are 1 billion computers in the world and number will reach 2 billion by 2014. 35 millions of PCs are dumped into landfill without any concern about recycling. It took 27 years to have 1 billion of computers; but within next 7 years more 1 billion PCs will be added into the world. The speed of development and adjustment of products in the ICT sector and products containing ICT-components is often extremely high as the performance, memory and the transmission of data is constantly increasing. Many products are disposed of as they still possess their full functionality simply because expanding performance and functionality is presented to the customer in the shape of new products. The effect of this rapid innovation is an extremely high turnover of hardware and software which result in an increased amount of electronic waste. E-waste may contain hazardous and toxic substances.The waste includes electronics with copper, lead, mercury, flame retardants and plastic softeners. They are valuable because of metal, glass, plastic, and other reusable materials which they contain. Thus, e-waste can be regarded as a peril posing a risk to both human beings and the nature as well as. The full damage caused to humans, livestock and the environment is still not fully appreciated, but common results include severe poisoning, cancers, fertility problems, birth abnormalities and, in some cases, death.

Table 3. e-waste substances

Hazardous e-Waste Non-hazardous e-Waste

Americium: the radioactive source in smoke alarms. It is known to be carcinogenic.

Mercury: found in fluorescent tubes tilt switches (mechanical doorbells, thermostats), and flat screen monitors.

Sulphur: found in lead-acid batteries. BFRs: Used as flame retardants in plastics

in most electronics. Includes PBBs, PBDE, DecaBDE, OctaBDE, PentaBDE.

Cadmium: Found in light-sensitive resistors, corrosion-resistant alloys for marine and aviation environments, and nickel-cadmium batteries.

Lead: solder, CRT monitor glass, lead-acid batteries,

Beryllium oxide: filler in some thermal interface materials such as thermal grease used on heat sinks for CPUs and power transistors,[magnetrons, X-ray-transparent ceramic windows, heat transfer fins in vacuum

Tin: solder, coatings on component leads.

Copper: copper wire, printed circuit board tracks, component leads.

Aluminium: nearly all electronic goods using more than a few watts of power (heat sinks), electrolytic capacitors.

Iron: steel chassis, cases, and fixings.

Germanium: 1950s–1960s transistorized electronics (bipolar junction transistors).

Silicon: glass, transistors, ICs, printed circuit boards.

Nickel: nickel-cadmium batteries.

Lithium: lithium-ion batteries. Zinc: plating for steel parts. Gold: connector plating,

primarily in computer equipment.


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tubes, and gas lasers. Polyvinyl chloride

Scraps and e-waste are re-cycled in such manner that it produces lot of dangerous gases and particulate matters into atmosphere. It endangers the lifecycle of human being, plant and animal kingdom on the earth. Poor handling and procedures of e-wastes cycling leads harmful diseases to workers. It includes skin disorder, continuous eye burning, and organ failure. Sometimes, it may lead to death also. As discussed, e-waste is handled in very dirty manner. Scraps are dumped into landfills. They are burnt openly over the ground. Wire circuits are headed till complete melting of plastic coating. This generates very dangerous gases in the atmosphere. Workers used in recycling plants are not trained for their work. This leads careless handling and processing.

4.2. Legal Framework for e-waste management

E-Waste has become a concern in world due to the high volumes in which it is generated, the hazardous contents (such as chromium, lead, cadmium, beryllium, brominated flame retardants and mercury), and the lack of policies and regulations applicable to its disposal or recycling. The main sources of these forms of waste are government institutions, manufacturing industries, business organizations as well as individual users of technology. Legal framework of e-waste is mainly based on two points throughout the world:

(i) Prohibition of the use of hazardous and toxic materials in newly manufactured electronic devices (ii) Encouraging manufacturers to take recycling into consideration while designing new products

Meanwhile, new legal and legislative arrangements are being made with regard to the collection, processing, and reuse of waste products and ensuring that hazardous waste is disposed without posing a risk to human beings, the environment, and the nature. Considering that recycling is directly related to human health and the environment, a more rigid and detailed legal framework is being established in that field Main regulations on e-waste are- WEEE, RoHS, Basel convention 1989.

4.2.1. The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive) is the EuropeanCommunity directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) which, together with the RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC, became European Law in February 2003, setting collection, recycling and recovery targets for all types of electrical goods. The aims to prevent the generation of electrical and electronic waste and to promote re-use, recycling and other forms of recovery in order to reduce the quantity of waste discarded. It was designed to make equipment manufacturers financially or physically responsible for their equipment at the end of its life, under a policy known as Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR: an environmental policy approach in which a producer's responsibility for a product is extended to the post-consumer stage of the product's life cycle.). The directive imposes the responsibility for the disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment on the manufacturers of such equipment. Those companies should establish an infrastructure for collecting WEEE, in such a way that "Users of electrical and electronic equipment from private households should have the possibility of returning WEEE at least


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free of charge". Also, the companies are compelled to use the collected waste in an ecologically friendly manner, either by ecological disposal or by reuse/refurbishment of the collected WEEE. The main topics of the directive are:• Specifies collection requirements and targets in the member states• Specifies recycling targets for different product categories• Introduces producer responsibility (EPR) for the disposal costs • Electrical and electronic equipment shall be marked, telling the consumer not to dispose it with normal waste stream

4.2.2. Directive on the Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electrical equipment – RoHS

The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 20081 (“the RoHS Regulations”) implemented the provisions of the European Parliament and Council Directive on the Restrictions of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment (“the RoHS Directive”), as amended. The RoHS directive introduces ban on the use of lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, and beryllium and on certain brominated flame retardants. The Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive came into force across European Union Member States on 1st July 2006. From this date, producers of eight categories of electrical and electronic equipment are not able to place on the market products that contain six "banned" substances unless specific exemptions apply. These six substances are: Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)), Cadmium (Cd), Polybrominated biphenyl flame retardants (PBB), Polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants (PBDEFR). WEEE and RoHS regulation are closely related to each other. WEEE compliance aims to encourage the design of electronic products with environmentally-safe recycling and recovery in mind. RoHS compliance dovetails into WEEE by reducing the amount of hazardous chemicals used in electronic manufacture.

4.2.3. The European Union (EU) adopted the "Batteries directive" (91/157/EEC) in March 1991. This introduced restrictions on the use of mercury in most batteries and encouraged collection and recycling.

4.2.4. Basel Convention 1989 The Basel Convention on the Control of Trans boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, usually known simply as the Basel Convention, is an international treaty that was designed to reduce the movements of hazardous waste between nations, and specifically to prevent transfer of hazardous waste from developed to less developed countries (LDCs).

4.3. Application of Green Chemistry in e-Waste management

In spite of the development potency of ICTs, the disposal of their hazardous e-wastes poses serious sustainability challenge, especially as e-waste can become toxic if discarded improperly. The central idea of Green Chemistry is reduction and synthesis as shown in figure 2. and figure3. Waste management and control hierarchy are


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1. Source reduction or avoidance;2. Waste recycling, that is, reuse or reclaiming of as much waste as possible;3. Waste treatment, that is, treatment of the waste that cannot be reclaimed; and4. Waste disposal, that is, disposal of waste residues to air, water or land.

Each component of the hierarchy begs Chemistry (which can be employed to avoid or reduce waste source, recycle waste, treat and dispose waste). Besides Environmental Chemistry - theChemistry of the natural environment and of pollutant chemicals in nature - Green Chemistry or sustainable chemistry seeks to reduce and prevent pollution. Sustainable Chemistry is a philosophy of chemical research and engineering that encourages the design of products and processes that minimize the use and generation of hazardous substances.[28] (Greenchemistry.wikipedia) Sustainable chemistry consists of chemicals and chemical processes designed to reduce or eliminate negative environmental impacts. The use and production of these chemicals may involve reduced waste products, non-toxic components, and improved efficiency. Green chemistry is a highly effective approach to pollution prevention because it applies innovative scientific solutions to real-world environmental situations. It promotes designing chemical products and processes to the highest level of this hierarchy and for cost-competitiveness in the market. Green Chemistry deals with –‘source reduction/prevention of chemical hazards; design of chemical products to be less hazardous to human health and the environment; use of feedstock and reagents that are less hazardous to human health and the environment; design of syntheses and other processes to be less energy and materials intensive (high atom economy, low e-factor); use of feedstock derived from annually renewable resources or from abundant waste; design of chemical products for increased, more facile reuse or recycling; reuse or recycle chemicals; treatment of chemicals to render them less hazardous; proper disposal of chemicals; chemicals that are less hazardous to human health and the environment and are less toxic to organisms and ecosystems, not persistent or bio accumulative in organisms or the environment, and inherently safer with respect to handling and use. (EPA,USA,Introduction to green chemistry)[29] Principles of Green chemistry are equally applicable in greening the ICT industry. How the principles of green chemistry are applicable and beneficial in e waste management? This is explained here under heading e-waste management.

4.4. e Waste Management e- Waste management is the collection, transport, processing (e -waste treatment), recycling or disposal of e-waste materials. Its main goal is to reduce their effect on human health or local aesthetics or amenity. e-Waste hierarchy have three steps – reduce, reuse and recycle. The aim of the e-waste hierarchy is to extract the maximum practical benefits from products and to generate the minimum amount of waste. The core element of e-waste management as shown in figure- 6 follows the principle of green chemistry. A sustainable e waste management consist of three levels. In first level e-Waste is to remove hazardous substances as well as recyclable components. The second level involves unit operations such as hammering, shredding and process of separation using various techniques. Finally in third level output comes in the form of recovered material like ferrous, non-ferrous metals


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including precious metals, plastics and other items of economic value.

Figure 6. e Waste management PyramidSource: (Definition og waste management)[30] http://www.aggregatepros.com/DefinitionsWasteManagement.html Access on 15-06-2011

Table 4. Input/ Output and Unit Operations in 3rd Level TreatmentInput/ E-waste residues

Unit Operation/ Disposal/ Recycling Technique


Sorted Plastic Recycling Plastic ProductPlastic Mixture Energy Recovery/ Incineration Energy RecoveryCRT Breaking/ Recycling Glass CulletLead Smelting Secondary Lead Smelter LeadFerrous metal scrap Secondary steel/ iron recycling IronNon Ferrous metal Scrap

Secondary copper and aluminium smelting

Copper/ Aluminium

Precious Metals Au/ Ag separation (refining) Gold/ Silver/ Platinum and Palladium

Batteries (Lead Acid/ Ni MH and LiION)

Lead recovery and smelting Remelting and separation


CFC Recovery/ Reuse and Incineration CFC/Energy RecoveryMercury Separation and Distillation MercuryCapacitors incineration Energy RecoveryOil Recovery/ Reuse and Incineration Oil Recovery/Energy

4.4.1. Source reduction or avoidance

The term "pollution prevention" may refer to source reduction .ICT sector is working on this principle of Green chemistry. Today’s lead based piezoelectric materials are more than satisfactory when performance and tenability are main considered properties. But modern trends are more green-minded and therefore desire new materials which would be satisfactory replacement for “elder and toxic” technology. The trends are being supported by new


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legislations like Europe.an directives: WEEE, RoHS and REACH. Therefore new greener materials are already being developed and implemented. WEEE and RoHS regulation are strictly followed in Europe. For example lead (Pb) is used in piezoelectric print heads and actuator of peizeo electric inkjet printer. Hitachi Company develops a lead free peizeo electric inkjet printer head. Environmental and reduced cost issues are prominent in electronic chemicals and materials in ICT industry. Environmental friendly packaging and advanced packaging are the two main focal points of the future IC (Integrated Circuit) packaging industry. Environmental friendly packaging should contain no halogen no antimony, no phosphorous fire retardant substrate and no lead while advanced packaging focuses on wafer-level CSP, 3D packaging, SiP or SOC packaging. (Frank J. Y. Chen, 2011)[31]

4.4.2 e-Waste Recycling It consists of two component-recycling and reuse. The waste recycling is, reuse or reclaiming of as much waste as possible. Recycling involves dismantling i.e. removal of different parts of e-waste containing dangerous substances like PCB, Hg, separation of plastic, removal of CRT, segregation of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and printed circuit boards. Recyclers use strong acids to remove precious metals such as copper, lead, gold. The value of recycling from the element could be much higher if appropriate technologies are used. Encouraging the recycling of e-waste is good for everyone. The recycling means to recover the resources for other use a material that would otherwise be considered waste. e-waste recycling can be beneficial to local communities as well as the environment. This diversion is achieved through reuse and refurbishing. The environmental and social benefits of reuse include diminished demand for new products and virgin raw materials (with their own environmental issues); larger quantities of pure water and electricity for associated manufacturing; less packaging per unit; availability of technology to wider swaths of society due to greater affordability of products; and diminished use of landfills. Recycling raw materials from end-of-life electronics is the most effective solution to the growing e-waste problem. Most electronic devices contain a variety of materials, including metals that can be recovered for future uses. By dismantling and providing reuse possibilities, intact natural resources are conserved and air and water pollution caused by hazardous disposal is avoided. Additionally, recycling reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by the manufacturing of new products. It simply makes good sense and is efficient to recycle and to do our part to keep the environment green. (e waste benefits of recycling)[32]One of the major challenges is recycling the printed circuit boards from the electronic wastes. The circuit boards contain such precious metals as gold, silver, platinum, etc. and such base metals as copper, iron, aluminium, etc. (.wikipedia/Electronic_waste )[33] Central idea of recycling is resource recovery as mention in table 4. A relatively recent idea in e-waste management has been to treat the e-waste material as a resource to be exploited, instead of simply a challenge to be managed and disposed of. There are a number of different methods by which resources may be extracted from waste: the materials may be extracted and recycled, or the calorific content of the waste may be converted to electricity. Re-use constitutes direct second hand use or use after slight modifications to the original functioning equipment. It is commonly used for electronic equipment’s like computers, cell phones etc. Inkjet cartridge is also used after refilling. This method also reduces the volume of e-waste generation. There is a danger of reuse of electronic items. The used computers are exported to Africa and Asia but most of them are irrecoverable. So the


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developing countries are using Asia and Africa as the dumping yard of their e-waste. Basel convention is not applied on export of second hand computers as shown in figure-3.

4.4.3. e-Waste Treatment

It is treatment of the waste that cannot be reclaimed. The incineration is one method for e waste treatment. Incineration is a waste disposal method that involves the combustion of waste at high temperatures as "thermal treatment". It is also term as a waste-to-energy plant (WtE).In effect; incineration of waste materials converts the waste into heat, gaseous emissions, and residual solid ash. Other types of thermal treatment include pyrolysis and gasification.  It is a controlled and complete combustion process, in which the waste material is burned in specially designed incinerators at a high temperature (900-1000 o C). Advantage of incineration of e-waste is the reduction of waste volume and the utilization of the energy content of combustible materials. Plasma gasification method is also used for e waste treatment.

4.4.4. Waste Disposal It is the disposal of waste residues to air, water or land. Disposing of waste in a landfill is the most traditional method of waste disposal, and it remains a common practice in most countries. Land filling is one of the most widely used methods for disposal of e-waste. In landfilling, trenches are made on the flat surfaces. Soil is excavated from the trenches and waste material is buried in it, which is covered by a thick layer of soil. Modern techniques like secure landfill are provided with some facilities like, impervious liner made up of plastic or clay, leachate collection basin that collects and transfer the leachate to wastewater treatment plant.   The environmental risks from landfilling of e-waste cannot be neglected because the conditions in a landfill site are different from a native soil, particularly concerning the leaching behaviour of metals. Mercury, cadmium and lead are the most toxic leachates. Lead has been found to leach from broken lead-containing glass, such as the cone glass of cathode ray tubes from TVs and monitors. Cadmium also leaches into soil and ground water. In addition, it is known that cadmium and mercury are emitted in diffuse form or via the landfill gas combustion plant. Landfills are also prone to uncontrolled fires, which can release toxic fumes. Therefore, landfilling does not appear to be an environmentally sound treatment method for substances, which are volatile and not biologically degradable (Cd, Hg,), persistent (Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls) or with unknown behaviour in a landfill site (brominated flame retardants). ( e waste treatment in Maharashtra,India)[34]This fact, as well as growing concern about the impacts of excessive e-goods consumption, has given rise to efforts to minimize the amount of e-waste sent to landfill in many areas. Extended Producer Responsibility ( EPR) is most useful concept for that purpose.

5. Discussion and suggestions

The essence of Green ICT is to reduce the energy consumption, global warming potential, non- renewable resources, water, and e-waste in the manufacturing process, application and disposal stage of ICT products. On the other hand the Green Chemistry emphasised on the


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reduction of material, cost, hazards, waste, renewable resources. Green chemistry principles are also suggesting that prevent waste than treat and design a product that may be degradable and recyclable. Figure—shows that how Green Chemistry complementing the ICT to be it become green. This relation is explained in detail under heading Green Chemistry and its application in greening ICT and e-waste management in this paper. ICT will become greener if it follows the principle of green chemistry. These principles are guiding commandments for ICT industry. Eco labelling on ICT products (Energy star, Flower, 80+) are introduced by some governmental and business organisations. Some countries initiated Green IT action plan to reduce the energy consumption, global warming potential and e-waste generation. Life cycle approach of ICT products describes the journey of product from ‘cradle to grave’. It helps in developing better understanding for how to green the ICT at all stages of a product. ICT industry using scarce non- renewable resources like copper, silver, tin etc. To reduce or avoid these resources is the need of hour. ICT industry using hazardous substances like-Lead brominated flame retardant, mercury, beryllium, cadmium etc. The legal frame works were constituted by multilateral agencies like European Union and governmental agencies to regulate these hazardous substances in ICT products and Trans boarder movement of e-waste. Second hand computers and other ICT products are pumped by developing countries in Asian and African countries in the name of reuse to bridge digital divide in these countries but sooner they become e-waste.


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Figure 7. Complementary relation between Green Chemistry and Green Chemistry

In the information milieu, many developing countries are in a hurry to address “information poverty,” bridge development gaps and minimize their exclusion and/or marginalization in the global market economy driven by globalization and powered by ICTs. Understandably, poverty and desirable consumption of ICTs have combined to impose used and inferior ICTsComponents on them. (Onyenekenwa Cyprian Eneh, Volume 1, Number 1, April 2010)[35]The inferior and used ICTs components soon become unserviceable and abandoned, thus contributing to environmental hazard. They are ubiquitous and improperly discarded in these countries with technological backwardness and weak legal environment to manage and control e-waste. Green or Sustainable Chemistry has the principles for management and control of the mounting e-waste generated as a result of increasing ICTs diffusion in developing countries. But, the concept of Green Chemistry and sustainability is still at its infancy in most of these countries. Considering the crucial and diverse roles of Green Chemistry in e-waste management and control, which is a milestone in the new global paradigm of sustainable development, it is, therefore, recommended that:1. The concept of Green Chemistry and Sustainability be introduced in the education system in developing countries,2. Policy be put in place for the study of Sustainable Chemistry in schools in developing countries,3. Legal framework be put in place for the practice of Sustainable Chemistry in the industry in developing countries,


Green Chemistry*Reduction of -Material,cost,energy,hazards&risk,waste,non renewable resources*Prevent waste than treat*Energy efficient design*Design for degradation*Renewable Feedstock

Green ICT

Gteen ICT*Green ICT emphasised on reducing energy consumption,global warming potential,non -renewable resources and e-waste.*Green ICT industry developing energy efficient and recycable products and avoiding some hazardous substances like Lead(Pb)*Green ICT focusing on recycling and reuse of products to save energy,resources and minimise the environmental impacts.

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4. More serious measures should be taken at national and international levels to encourage the study of Chemistry and to enhance the regulation of its practice in order to maximize the services of the Chemist in environmental sustainability, which includes e-waste management and control.

6. Conclusion

The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector itself now accounts for more than 6% of GDP. The ICT can play a key role in the transition to a more energy-efficient, low-carbon economy while simultaneously increasing productivity and growth. ICT plays dual role. It helps in greening environment in non ICT sectors on other hand ICT have direct impact on environment like global warming, primary energy use, toxicity, non-energy resource depletion, land use, water use , ozone layer depletion, and biodiversity. ICT industry is responsible for around 2-3% of the global carbon footprint. Because of rapid growth through science and technology, consumer application culture is growing and e waste goes on increasing. UNEP Report 2010 indicating the increasing piles of e waste. The effect of this rapid innovation is an extremely high turnover of hardware and software which result in an increased amount of electronic waste. The waste includes electronics with copper, lead, mercury; flame retardants and plastic softeners .They are valuable because of metal, glass, plastic, and other reusable materials which they contain. Thus, e-waste can be regarded as a peril posing a risk to both human beings and the nature as well as. Meanwhile, new legal and legislative arrangements are being made with regard to the collection, processing, and reuse of waste products and ensuring that hazardous waste is disposed without posing a risk to human beings, the environment, and the nature.  So the world community had taken appropriate steps to minimise the impact of e waste by enforcing regulations like WEEE, RoHS, and Basel Convention etc. Reducing environmental impacts of ICT disposal, (e-Waste) and using ICT applications to reduce energy consumption and CO2emission during distribution and use of non-ICT goods, are on main agenda. Considering the crucial and diverse roles of The Green Chemistry have crucial and diverse role in e-waste management and control, which may become a milestone in the new global paradigm of sustainable development.


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