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8 Fun Betta Fish Facts

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Page 1: 8 Fun Betta Fish Facts

8 Fun Betta Fish FactsWant to learn more about these beautiful fish?

Page 2: 8 Fun Betta Fish Facts

1. Male bettas are extremely territorial.

Unlike other fish, bettas (particularly males) can’t swim in the same tank as other bettas. Otherwise, they’ll fight each other to the death to defend their territory. If you have more than one betta, be sure to separate them.

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2. Bettas can jump out of the water.

Make sure your tank has a tight lid because bettas can and will jump right out of the water and onto your counter! If your betta does this and you don’t find him in time, chances of him surviving are pretty slim.

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3. They come in a variety of colors.

Not all bettas are created equal. The primary betta color is red, but many come in yellow, green, blue, purple, and even spots. Some even have dragon-like scales that are overlaid with white, copper, or platinum.

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4. They primarily need protein.

Although bettas will eat most anything you feed them, they mostly need protein. Remember to feed them live or frozen brine shrimp in addition to the betta flakes or pellets.

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5. They breathe above and below water.

Due to an organ they have called a labrynth, bettas can go to the water’s surface and take a gulp of air. This organ is located just behind their heads, and it allows them to actually breathe air. Most other fish can only breathe by getting oxygen from the water through their gills.

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6. They have different tail shapes.

Most bettas have what is know as the “veil tail” but other bettas have tail shapes that look like a half moon, a double tail, a short-finned fighting tail, or a crown tail.

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7. They live about two to three years.

Sadly, most (if not all) bettas only live for a few years. Sometimes, if the conditions are ideal, bettas can live as long as five years. Just try to appreciate your betta and enjoy him while you can.

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8. They prefer slightly acidic, warm water.

Since cold water can suppress a betta’s immune system and cause illness, it’s best to keep your betta in slightly acidic (pH 6.5 to 7) and warm water. If you don’t pay attention to the water’s acidity level and temperature, your betta may not live very long.

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Buy Pisces Pros Betta Fish Food Today

If you want your betta to live a full, healthy life, buy betta fish food from Pisces Pros today.

Our betta fish food is made from the finest, freshest ingredients you can trust.

To order our fish food or to shop for more of our products online, visit www.piscespros.com.

You can also contact us by calling 385-244-2221 today if you have any questions about our betta fish food.