Today’s WEbinar: Veggielitics: Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape Presenter: Stephanie Redcross Webinar Wednesday 2013 Presenter: Cassie Mere Johnson 1 Friday, May 17, 13

Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

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Some times the answers are right in front of you, if you know where to look. When trying to grow your business, brand, store or online presence it’s important to look at your transaction data. Are 70% of your coffee sales before 11am? Do you sell more books online or at book signings? Its time to use the data at your finger tips to help identify the most responsive customers, most profitable times of day, most effective blog posts and more.

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Page 1: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Today’s WEbinar:

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape

Presenter: Stephanie Redcross

Webinar Wednesday 2013

Presenter: Cassie Mere Johnson

1Friday, May 17, 13

Page 2: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

LOGISTICSWebinar Wednesday

2Friday, May 17, 13

Page 3: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

1. Link To Presentation will be Available on our facebook and Twitter Pages, Plus Slide Share

LOGISTICSWebinar Wednesday

2Friday, May 17, 13

Page 4: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

1. Link To Presentation will be Available on our facebook and Twitter Pages, Plus Slide Share

2. Ask Questions During Presentation

LOGISTICSWebinar Wednesday

2Friday, May 17, 13

Page 5: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

1. Link To Presentation will be Available on our facebook and Twitter Pages, Plus Slide Share

2. Ask Questions During Presentation

3. Let’s Have Some Fun!!!

LOGISTICSWebinar Wednesday

2Friday, May 17, 13

Page 6: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Data drives Action

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

Who are my most profitable customers?Who are my most loyal customers?What are my most profitable products?Which channel (web or store) draws the most new customers?

What are the best times for my store to be open?What is the best price to charge?Will a sale help or hurt my business?

3Friday, May 17, 13

Page 7: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Data drives Action

Instinct or gut feeling alone will not help you succeed in business.  

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

Who are my most profitable customers?Who are my most loyal customers?What are my most profitable products?Which channel (web or store) draws the most new customers?

What are the best times for my store to be open?What is the best price to charge?Will a sale help or hurt my business?

3Friday, May 17, 13

Page 8: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Data drives Action

Instinct or gut feeling alone will not help you succeed in business.  

Using data combined with your ideas, you should be able to answer questions like:

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

Who are my most profitable customers?Who are my most loyal customers?What are my most profitable products?Which channel (web or store) draws the most new customers?

What are the best times for my store to be open?What is the best price to charge?Will a sale help or hurt my business?

3Friday, May 17, 13

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Types of Data

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

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Types of DataLead data

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

4Friday, May 17, 13

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Types of DataLead data

Where are your customers coming from? What are they doing before they purchase?

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

4Friday, May 17, 13

Page 12: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Types of DataLead data

Where are your customers coming from? What are they doing before they purchase?

Web site activity

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

4Friday, May 17, 13

Page 13: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Types of DataLead data

Where are your customers coming from? What are they doing before they purchase?

Web site activity

What are your visitors doing on the site? What activities lead to purchases?

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

4Friday, May 17, 13

Page 14: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Types of DataLead data

Where are your customers coming from? What are they doing before they purchase?

Web site activity

What are your visitors doing on the site? What activities lead to purchases?

Transaction data

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

4Friday, May 17, 13

Page 15: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Types of DataLead data

Where are your customers coming from? What are they doing before they purchase?

Web site activity

What are your visitors doing on the site? What activities lead to purchases?

Transaction data

What do your customers buy? When? Where are they from?

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

4Friday, May 17, 13

Page 16: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Types of DataLead data

Where are your customers coming from? What are they doing before they purchase?

Web site activity

What are your visitors doing on the site? What activities lead to purchases?

Transaction data

What do your customers buy? When? Where are they from?

Survey/Account Profile data

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

4Friday, May 17, 13

Page 17: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Types of DataLead data

Where are your customers coming from? What are they doing before they purchase?

Web site activity

What are your visitors doing on the site? What activities lead to purchases?

Transaction data

What do your customers buy? When? Where are they from?

Survey/Account Profile data


Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

4Friday, May 17, 13

Page 18: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Types of DataLead data

Where are your customers coming from? What are they doing before they purchase?

Web site activity

What are your visitors doing on the site? What activities lead to purchases?

Transaction data

What do your customers buy? When? Where are they from?

Survey/Account Profile data



Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

4Friday, May 17, 13

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So what data should you collect?Geographic Data

Maybe most of your customers come from one or two neighborhoods in City Y.  You should be able to craft some marketing messages and promotions just for these people.

Product Data

If you are a product company, track the size, shape, color, or any other significant detail about  the products you are selling.

Time Data

You may find that a significant portion of the stuff you sell is done in a concentrated chunk of time.  

Lead Data

How are people finding you?  What marketing activities are driving traffic to your store?

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

5Friday, May 17, 13

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Tools For Collecting Data

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

Google AnalyticsPayPalBig Cartel--don't use the free version, it won't allow you to do inventory tracking!

A CRM like: Salesforce.com, SugarCRM, Hubspot, or HighriseE-commerce Site WordPress

6Friday, May 17, 13

Page 21: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Tools For Collecting Data

Whatever it is you decided to use, make sure you can customize reports and/or export data.

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

Google AnalyticsPayPalBig Cartel--don't use the free version, it won't allow you to do inventory tracking!

A CRM like: Salesforce.com, SugarCRM, Hubspot, or HighriseE-commerce Site WordPress

6Friday, May 17, 13

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Tips For Analyzing The Data

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

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Tips For Analyzing The Data

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Tips For Analyzing The Data

Try to segment!  

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

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Tips For Analyzing The Data

Try to segment!  

Do people from region X tend to by products y?  

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

7Friday, May 17, 13

Page 26: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Tips For Analyzing The Data

Try to segment!  

Do people from region X tend to by products y?  

What products are frequently bought together?

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

7Friday, May 17, 13

Page 27: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Tips For Analyzing The Data

Try to segment!  

Do people from region X tend to by products y?  

What products are frequently bought together?

Collect as much information as you can early on--the more data you have, the more questions you can answer later.

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

7Friday, May 17, 13

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Tips For Analyzing The Data

Try to segment!  

Do people from region X tend to by products y?  

What products are frequently bought together?

Collect as much information as you can early on--the more data you have, the more questions you can answer later.

Learn to work with data. Brush up on Excel, if you are ambitious, study R. Tableau Software has some nice data visualizations.

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

7Friday, May 17, 13

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Web Analytics

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

8Friday, May 17, 13

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Web AnalyticsIf you have a web site, you should be analyzing your web traffic data.  

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

8Friday, May 17, 13

Page 31: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Web AnalyticsIf you have a web site, you should be analyzing your web traffic data.  

Do not rely only on the canned reports.

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

8Friday, May 17, 13

Page 32: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Web AnalyticsIf you have a web site, you should be analyzing your web traffic data.  

Do not rely only on the canned reports.


Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

8Friday, May 17, 13

Page 33: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Web AnalyticsIf you have a web site, you should be analyzing your web traffic data.  

Do not rely only on the canned reports.


If you use Google Analytics (a great FREE web analytics tool)

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

8Friday, May 17, 13

Page 34: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Web AnalyticsIf you have a web site, you should be analyzing your web traffic data.  

Do not rely only on the canned reports.


If you use Google Analytics (a great FREE web analytics tool)

Be sure to set up GOALS around your purchase process.  This can tell you if and where customers are abandoning the check-out process.  

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8Friday, May 17, 13

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What if you don't have a lot of transactions to analyze?

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

9Friday, May 17, 13

Page 36: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

What if you don't have a lot of transactions to analyze?

Concentrate on the data you have.

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

9Friday, May 17, 13

Page 37: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

What if you don't have a lot of transactions to analyze?

Concentrate on the data you have.

Think about other metrics:

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

9Friday, May 17, 13

Page 38: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

What if you don't have a lot of transactions to analyze?

Concentrate on the data you have.

Think about other metrics:

What do your customers have in common?

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

9Friday, May 17, 13

Page 39: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

What if you don't have a lot of transactions to analyze?

Concentrate on the data you have.

Think about other metrics:

What do your customers have in common?

How are they different?

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

9Friday, May 17, 13

Page 40: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

What if you don't have a lot of transactions to analyze?

Concentrate on the data you have.

Think about other metrics:

What do your customers have in common?

How are they different?

How are they finding out about you?

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

9Friday, May 17, 13

Page 41: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

What if you don't have a lot of transactions to analyze?

Concentrate on the data you have.

Think about other metrics:

What do your customers have in common?

How are they different?

How are they finding out about you?

Do some Market Research:

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

9Friday, May 17, 13

Page 42: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

What if you don't have a lot of transactions to analyze?

Concentrate on the data you have.

Think about other metrics:

What do your customers have in common?

How are they different?

How are they finding out about you?

Do some Market Research:

Customer Surveys

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

9Friday, May 17, 13

Page 43: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

What if you don't have a lot of transactions to analyze?

Concentrate on the data you have.

Think about other metrics:

What do your customers have in common?

How are they different?

How are they finding out about you?

Do some Market Research:

Customer Surveys

Market Surveys

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

9Friday, May 17, 13

Page 44: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

What if you don't have a lot of transactions to analyze?

Concentrate on the data you have.

Think about other metrics:

What do your customers have in common?

How are they different?

How are they finding out about you?

Do some Market Research:

Customer Surveys

Market Surveys

What else could you be doing to supplement your services?

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape | Webinar Wednesday

9Friday, May 17, 13

Page 45: Webinar Wednesday: Veggielitics: Analyzing The Vegan Business Landscape

Today’s WEbinar:

Veggielitics:  Analyzing your Vegan Business Landscape

Presenter: Stephanie Redcross

Webinar Wednesday 2013

Presenter: Cassie Mere Johnson

10Friday, May 17, 13