The Power of a Name: A Sims 3 Name Game Challenge, Chapter 2

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Last time we met the founder of the Name Game challenge, Analise Anderson. She is the daughter of my simself and one of my simself’s many other guys. This time her guy

is a Genie, and because of that, Analise is also a Genie. Genies have longer life spans which in game amounts to about 40-45 days as a YA and Adult and even as elders. That should give her plenty of time to have the seven required kidlets before she even

reaches adult hood.

As for mini challenges, there are not a lot of them for this challenge but I chose the Parent to an Occult, Top of My Career, A Lifetime of Wanting, and Let the Public

Decide. I didn’t choose Helicopter Parent because in all honesty, I cheat…yes. Tis true, I turn on the NRAAS controller and make the needs static. It drives me up the wall with large families and everyone is either whining, dying, or crying all the time. So

yeah off with the needs decay.

Hello all, it’s me Analise again. I finally found the love my life with Sebastian. He agreed to co-found this challenge with me. I know of the Vanderburg reputation in Hidden Springs,

they are one of the richest families here and Sebastian is the heir to his family name. Which is why I said I would take his last name once we marry. I came here looking for a fresh start too

and part of it meant making a new name for myself, that’s why I chose the last name Anderson.

We had a long list of things to do before we could get into our family. Sebastian took a job as a Writer, he was unhappy at the police station and wanted to write. As for me, I am

still in Business because I know it will help pay for my world adventures and my chance to have my own Private Museum in our basement.

However, sometimes family happens before we’re ready. I knew we had to make it official before this baby was born, so once I told Sebastian about the baby, he was thrilled.

This is when I agreed to take his last name instead. I would also like it if one of the seven kids would turn out to be a Genie like me, I think it’s important to keep the magic in the family. Sebastian says he’ll be happy as long as the children are born healthy and safe.

He’s so wonderful that man.

Sebastian: Here’s to the rest of our lives.

Analise: May it be happy and filled with love.

It wasn’t the most glamourous of weddings but it was just fine for us. My siblings sent word that they would arrive in the next few days and I couldn’t wait for them to see my

new home and meet my wonderful hubby.

Analise: Aloe! You made it! How was the trip?

Aloe: Long and cramped, this place doesn’t have much in the way of affordable multi-bedroom houses. It’s going to be like living in a sardine can until we can all

find our own places.

Analise: Well Hidden Springs is a celebrity town so I didn’t expect there to be much that’s also roomy as well as affordable.

Aloe: It’s better than Bridgeport for sure, anyway so, you’re pregnant huh?

Analise: Yes, you guys should all come over and meet the little ones later on.

Analise: At least I can Magically Clean you for the trouble. I haven’t had a chance to use my Genie magic much since I got here.

Aloe: Ah! Thanks, that felt good. I needed it after that cramped car ride here.

Analise: Anyway, I just wanted to see if everyone got here alright. I’ll give you my number and address and you guys can come by sometime.

Aloe: Sure, I’ll tell everyone at home. It was nice to see you little sis.

Soon it was time for my first born to make their appearance, I hope that this baby will inherit my Genie powers, but I also know there’s a 50% chance the baby won’t…I can

hope for the other half chance right?

It was comforting to know that my big brother Aloe worked at the hospital too. He stayed with me until Sebastian arrived. Aloe doesn’t like people knowing this but he is a softy at

heart, he likes to keep up his Evil persona most of the time. But his baby sis knows his true heart.

I came out with my newborn son in my arms. Axel Vanderburg, he’s a Brave Athletic boy like his father. He likes Digi Tunes, Stu Surprise and the colour Grey.

Sadly though, he is not a Genie and I really would like my next heir to have my gift.

Sebastian adores his son, and I’ve heard him say that his father wants Axel to be the next heir to the Vanderburg name. His father is old fashioned and doesn’t seem to understand

that Sebastian doesn’t share that notion of making the first born son the heir.

I went back to work after Axel was born. I wanted to make sure I had a few more levels of experience under my belt before I went back on maternity leave. I still want to travel and

that means I need the funds to do it.

I guess I would be back on maternity leave sooner than I thought…I had been asked to make a Brilliant sculpture for the office and a painting, I finally get to put my Artistic

trait to use. It also helps fund my travel plans so it’s a double win.

Little Axel did finally have his birthday so now while I wait for his sibling to come along I can teach him to talk.

Sebastian wanted to teach him to walk which is fine. That’s part of the fun to share in the teaching of life skills. He also doesn’t mind being the house husband while I work on

climbing the Business ladder, although you can imagine how his father feels about that. He was the one who wanted Sebastian to become a prominent figure in the Police force.

I love seeing him play with his son, it’s so adorable. And I can use this picture later on when Axel is a teenager to embarrass him with. Hey, it’s a mother’s prerogative to

embarrass her teenager alright?

Just as I was about to start my next sculpture, it was time for my second child to come into the world. I knew I couldn’t leave Axel here all alone and it didn’t seem like enough

time to call a sitter, so I had to opt for a home birth.

My second born was a little girl, Nvidia Vanderburg. she is Artistic like her mother and a Genius. She loves Indie music, Frogs Legs, and the colour Spice Brown. But sadly she is also not a Genie, should I worry about this happening to all my kids now?

She looks a lot like me I think. She will be a little heartbreaker when she grows up, I have a feeling.


So far no Genie babies, there are still five more chances though. I would hate to have to give up on the Parent to an Occult so soon though. I might even count points this time if I remember, I rarely do because most of the time I forget or just don’t want to go all

the way back through the challenge to count them up.

Anyway, that’s all for now. See you next time for more magical naming!