Herein you’ll find the definition of some Herein you’ll find the definition of some selected words (A to D), that I took freely selected words (A to D), that I took freely from the original…. from the original….

The Devils Interpretation

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Page 1: The Devils Interpretation

Herein you’ll find the definition of some Herein you’ll find the definition of some selected words (A to D), that I took freely from the original….selected words (A to D), that I took freely from the original….

Page 2: The Devils Interpretation
Page 3: The Devils Interpretation

AdvertiserAdvertiser:- :- one who would rather one who would rather spend money convincing you they spend money convincing you they do a good job than spend the do a good job than spend the same money doing that job well.same money doing that job well.

AdvertisingAdvertising:- :- an expensive and an expensive and revolutionary method by which revolutionary method by which companies improve your opinions.companies improve your opinions.

Page 4: The Devils Interpretation

A noble opponent of the evil “ozone A noble opponent of the evil “ozone layer” which hides us from the purifying layer” which hides us from the purifying heat of our nearest star and its cosmic heat of our nearest star and its cosmic


Page 5: The Devils Interpretation

1. an involuntary disease caused by the similarly involuntary purchase and ingestion of alcohol.

2. a condition which cynics claim is engaged in for the avoidance of life but which realists see as practical, asking, “If life is not worth avoiding, what is?”

Page 6: The Devils Interpretation

AMSTERDAM: a European city holding the ridiculous notion that the intoxicating yet relatively harmless substance, marijuana, should be a peaceful means of profit for

the Government and the community, rather than an excuse to spend billions of tax dollars on a futile

war against its own people and Constitution; the world’s own insane


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Page 8: The Devils Interpretation

1. the purchasing power of a dowry.2. a commodity which loses 80% of its value upon the first night following purchase.

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