Welcome to The Asylum for Heros and Villains! In this asylum we have heros and villains from various fandoms, with my Simself as the playable Sim. To make things a bit more interesting, I have installed ACR. There's an instance of me cheating, which you'll see in the next slide that I'm docking myself 10 points for. I also encountered a problem with the pictures that I never had before. In game it looked a lot closer than it does in these pictures. I've started taking them when I'm a lot close than I need to be which is lessening the problem. Chapter One – Settling in

The Asylum for Heros and Villains

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Page 1: The Asylum for Heros and Villains

Welcome to The Asylum for Heros and Villains!

In this asylum we have heros and villains from various fandoms, with my Simself as the playable Sim.To make things a bit more interesting, I have installed ACR. There's an instance of me cheating, which you'll see in the next slide that I'm docking myself 10 points for. I also encountered a problem with the pictures that I never had before. In game it looked a lot closer than it does in these pictures. I've started taking them when I'm a lot close than I need to be which is lessening the problem.

Chapter One – Settling in

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“I'm not going to be able to talk you out of making me run this place, am I?”Nope.“Great. Well what are my stats then?”You're a Knowledge Sim“Oh thank heavens.”Yeah well I kinda cheated on that score, you see I first rolled popularity and the thought of the X amount of friends want filled me with horror. So I rerolled and got romance.“Which is even worse!”Exactly! So I decided to just make you knowledge. Your personality is 5/5/5/4/5. I figured I needed someone balanced as my playable Sim.

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Meet Hermione Granger, she is of course one of the Heros. Her aspiration is Family and her personality is 7/4/3/5/6.She is from the Harry Potter series.

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The Doctor, another one of our heros has a Pleasure aspiration and has a personality of 3/7/8/4/3. He if from the Television show Doctor Who.

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Captain Jack Harkness rolled Romance, which made me laugh. Because if anyone should have a Romance aspiration it's Jack. His personality is 4/10/4/4/3. He is also from Doctor Who and it's spin off Torchwood.

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Lucius Malfoy, the first of our villains is also Romance with a personality of 5/8/6/3/3.He is from the Harry Potter series.

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Our final Hero is Buffy Summers. She rolled Pleasure with a personality of 4/10/4/4/3She is from the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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Voldemort has a Fortune aspiration and a personality of 6/7/8/3/1. He like Lucius and Hermoine is from the Harry Potter series.

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The final patient is Erik also known as the Phantom of the Opera. He rolled Popularity, and has a personality of 9/7/5/3/1.He is also the only Sim (besides my Simself) not to have been downloaded from MTS. I was running out of ideas and I knew I had the mask so I made some random Sim to slap it on to.

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This is where they'll be staying for the duration of this challenge. It's not much but it will serve it's purpose.

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This is the first thing Jack and the Doctor did. Which I must admit made me laugh.

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“So, do you think there will be a lot of clouds and rain and stuff?”“Oh I hope so!”

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Jack Harkness turning down physical contact with someone? weird.

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“I hope it doesn't get to cold here or even worse snow.”

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Are you flirting with Hermione?! “What? It's not like she minds.”Here I was thinking that it would be one of the Romance Sims to first make use of the ACR

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I'm not sure how I feel about this. It could have been worse however she could have gone after Voldemort. *shudders*

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Actually I'm starting to wonder if I should be worried about these two.

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Then the Doctor swoops in and proves he has a thing for blonde's.

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I don't even want to know.

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And what are my two Romance Sims doing? Honestly!

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Voldie is lucky he got off with just a scowl from Buffy.

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You are supposed to be looking for a job, not looking at Hermione!“Meh. I'm multi-tasking.”Sigh. Any luck?“Nope.”Figures.

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Oh, get a room.

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Bad Voldie!

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I take it it back. If gossiping about and thinking negatively about Hermoine keeps Voldemort from being creepy like this, I won't complain about it ever again.

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While Voldemort's piano playing seem to torture the Doctor, Buffy thinks it's awsome.

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“Yay, I get to skill and spend time with Hermoine!”

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“I need to use the toilet!”So go, it's not like there's anyone in there right now.

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Buffy decides to beat the rush, and takes her bath early.

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She then joins these three, for a late lunch/early dinner

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Finally my romance Sims get with the romancing! Although I didn't necessarily mean with each other, but whatever.

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Darn, I wasn't fast enough to catch their first kiss.

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Could you two at the very least not ignore the guest?

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Looks like they finally took my advice to get a room.

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Alright that's enough, you my dear Simself are in desperate need for sleep. So got bed!

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Hermione thought that going to bed now was sound advice So she claimed the second twin bed.

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Jack and Lucius, happily romance each other. While Voldie continues to play the piano.

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Jack claims the last bed.

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Since all of the beds were taken Lucius hits the espresso machine, and then joins Erik for a bit of chess. Where he promptly gets cheated ahahahaha

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Voldemort what do you think you're doing?

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“Relax, muggle. I wasn't about to start a fire while I was standing right there.Uh-huh, sure you weren't

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Erik decides he's had enough of chess, and snags the couch.

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Early the next day I join Lucius for some chess, He wasn't thrilled when Voldemort promptly snagged the the bed I had just vacated.

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Erik, there are toaster pastries right behind you!

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Anything?“No, so I took a job as a test subject. I figured we'll need the money, and I get aspiration points so. . .”“Well, I think it will be fascinating! Think of all the things you'll learn! I've long wondered about the outcome of combing scientific knowledge with magic!”

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“I do not need to go back to school! I am the Dark Lord, and I'm a genius.”

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Buffy and Voldemort continue their weather based relationship, while Hermione and Jack get to know one another.

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And the Doctor stands there. Watching Buffy. For hours!

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Are you two actually having a civil conversation?“No.”“Yes we are, and I think you deserve some sort of award for how well you're managing to get along with everyone!”

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“shoo, I need the toilet!”“The Dark Lord is not shooed!”

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Oh, really.“I was hungry anyway.”Sure.

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Aren't these two sickeningly cute?

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Someone looks pleased with themselves.“Can you blame me?”

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I'm not entirely sure why but this picture cracks me up.

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I wish I knew who kicked over the trash can without me noticing so I could do something horrible to them. Also it looks like Sim!Me is spraying Lucius with the bug spray.

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“I'm tired, I need a shower, and I hate bugs!”

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Any luck?“No, I'm never getting out of here.”Yes you are, it's just gonna take a bit longer.

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Really I'm amazed they manage to tear themselves away from each other, long enough to eat something.

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Heehee, the aspiration troubles begin.

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Oh, whatever you two.

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Jack, what exactly did you do to the Doctor!?“Nothing.”Uh-huh

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Lucius, knock that off right now!

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Oh for crying out loud, there's no one in the bathroom Lucius!

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Of course Hermione is the only one who wears their pajamas to bed.

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While my Simself is at work the Doctor is nice enough to feed everyone. Luckily not even tempting a fire.

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I hadn't realized I gave them the same undies. Hee

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Time for group, yummy channel watching!

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Sadly, only Voldie stuck around for any length of time.

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“Congratulations on all the kissing!”“I don't think that this is at all appropriate”

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“well then, what about all that rain earlier?”“It reminded me of home, really.”“It did me too.”

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Our resident homicidal musical genius, finally takes a turn at the piano.

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Am I the only one creeped out by this picture?

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First you break the tub, and now you're worrying! Well maybe if someone was a proper Romance sim who got aspiration points for flirting, kissing and whoohooing, you wouldn't have this problem!

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Wow, they're talking about something other than the weather.

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“I'm gonna kill Jack!”

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Um, shouldn't you be leaving for work?“I'm not going in today. I'm tired, hungry, and I need a shower.”And this is helping with that how?“Shut it. Besides with my luck the job in the adventure career was in today's paper. Which wasn't delivered because somebody forgot to have me clear the old one's out. Now we have to many.Oops

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Well, that's an interesting way to become best friends with someone.

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“Congratulations on all the kissing!”“I've already told you this is not an appropriate topic.”

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Jack looks like he's having a bit to much fun watching Buffy and the Doctor.

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Erik heart farts all over Buffy, then he shoves her! I mean really!

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Lucius and Jack, some people are trying to watch the yummy channel. So go do that somewhere else!

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“I've never had a best friend before.”

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“I rather enjoy flying in a plane, however I loathe flying on a broom.”“I love airplanes!”

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You two are starting to scare me.

On that disturbing note, I'll end chapter one here at the end of day four.