Summary of Ancillary products Rachel Hanson

Summary of ancillary products

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Page 1: Summary of ancillary products

Summary of Ancillary products

Rachel Hanson

Page 2: Summary of ancillary products


During my research in to posters I found out that every film poster uses a main image of the characters involved in the film covering the whole background of the poster. They do this so the audience can see clearly who is in the poster and it represents the film a lot more. Also because the images show a lot about the film.

For example, in the American pie poster the mise-en-scene used in the image represents the film a lot as they are all revealing parts of their body for example the boy does not have a t-shirt on and is exposing his body and the girl is bending down to show parts of her body as well. These are all conventions that teenagers are in to sex etc.

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All of the posters that I have researched all have bold sans serif fonts which stand out from other smaller texts and the images behind them. A popular colour to use is red as it symbolises energy and strength and makes it look more youthful and fun. They both use mainly wide shots because it shows most of the characters in the shot so you can see what is going on.

Posters mainly include things like slogans to make the poster seem more fun and create a sense of humour to the poster which is a convention of the genre which is a comedy. For example in American pie there is a slogan saying ‘There’s something about your first piece’. Which is a slogan to match a scene in the film where on of the characters does something rude with a pie, so it’s a humorous joke relevant to the film. They also use an image of a pie too.

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Conventions of posters:

- All posters tend to have credits on them, to represent who made the film and the characters involved in them.

- The main title of the posters which is the name of the film, tend to be the same text and colours as what it is on the film to create a brand identity.

- The title of the poster usually are in a bold sans serif font to stand out better.

- On the poster, the image is normally a long shot to show the whole character and the costume, props etc.

- They usually use the same costume on all the characters on each promotional packages to make people recognise them better.

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Conventions of magazines

The mast head on the magazine is normally the biggest text on the magazine so it stands out and people know it is the brand name.

They tend to put the mast head in front of the image to show it is the most important part on the magazine, but occasionally put the image in front of the text.

There is always cover stories around the magazine. The date, issue and price are normally placed around the mast head. They normally use bright colours to attract in the audience, and

sometimes pull quotes. The image on the on the magazine is always conventional to what the

magazine is about. The main image normally takes up the whole magazine.

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During my research in to magazines I found out that all magazines have a main image that take up the whole magazine front cover. The image is usually a celebrity endorsement so that the audience can recognise it better. The image is also normally related to the magazine.

The images also show a lot about the film, for example in the empire magazine the character has cuts and blood on his face so this would show the genre of the film and that it’s action etc. The colours of the magazines are normally related to the images for example if its a horror film the colours tend to be quite dark and use colours like red to represent blood and death etc

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The main head line is normally the name of the magazine. It tends to be a bold sans serif font to stand out from other texts or magazines etc. They use bright colours for example red or white. These is also so it stands out.

They sometimes put the celebrity endorsement in front of the image to show that it is the most important part on the magazine, but usually have the main headline in front to show that the brand name is the most important part on the magazine. They use cover lines around the outside of the magazine so the audience can see more of what they are expected to read in the magazine. They also use pull quotes to draw in the audience.