EXCELLENCE DoD honors top communicators with awards PAGE 3 UPCOMING EVENTS TODAY, 9 A.M.-1 P.M.: Technology Expo - Club Meade SATURDAY, 8 A.M.: Patriot Pride 5K - Murphy Field House SUNDAY, 2:30 P.M.: Massing of the Colors/Memorial Day Remembrance - The Pavilion MAY 23, 10 A.M.-1 P.M.: Safety, Wellness and Resiliency Expo - The Pavilion MAY 31, 4:30-6:30 P.M.: Right Arm Night - Club Meade ALOHA Meade celebrates Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month PAGE 10 Sound off ! ´ VOL. 65 NO. 19 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community May 16, 2013 PRIMARY COLORS Fort Meade and the Military Order of the World Wars will host a Memorial Day Remembrance and the 27th Annual Massing of the Colors on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the Fort Meade Pavilion, located at Llewellyn Avenue and Route 175. The guest speaker is Maj. Gen. Michael S. Linnington, commander, Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region and Military District of Washington. The event will feature the Armed Forces Color Guard and the U.S. Army Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps. The U.S. Army Field Band will perform patriotic music. This event is a tribute to honor veterans from all wars who made the ultimate sacrifice in their service. It combines the colors and color guards of active and reserve component and National Guard military units, veterans service organizations, and various civic and patriotic organizations. The public is invited. See Page 2 for more details.

Soundoff May 16, 2013

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Soundoff! May 16, 2013

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Page 1: Soundoff May 16, 2013

excellenceDoD honors top communicators with awards

page 3

UPcOMInG eVenTSTOday, 9 a.M.-1 P.M.: Technology Expo - Club MeadeSaTUrday, 8 a.M.: Patriot Pride 5K - Murphy Field HouseSUnday, 2:30 P.M.: Massing of the Colors/Memorial Day Remembrance - The PavilionMay 23, 10 a.M.-1 P.M.: Safety, Wellness and Resiliency Expo - The PavilionMay 31, 4:30-6:30 P.M.: Right Arm Night - Club Meade

alOhaMeade celebrates Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month

page 10

Soundoff!́vol. 65 no. 19 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community May 16, 2013

primary colors

Fort Meade and the Military order of the World Wars will host a Memorial Day Remembrance and the 27th Annual Massing of the Colors on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the Fort Meade Pavilion, located at llewellyn Avenue and Route 175. The guest speaker is Maj. Gen. Michael S. linnington, commander, Joint Force Headquarters national Capital Region and Military District of Washington. The event will feature the Armed Forces Color Guard and the U.S. Army old Guard Fife & Drum Corps. The U.S. Army Field Band will perform patriotic music. This event is a tribute to honor veterans from all wars who made the ultimate sacrifice in their service. It combines the colors and color guards of active and reserve component and national Guard military units, veterans service organizations, and various civic and patriotic organizations. The public is invited. See Page 2 for more details.

Page 2: Soundoff May 16, 2013

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Commander’s Column

Cont ent sNews............................. 3 Sports..................................13

CrimeWatch................. 8 Movies.................................15

Community................. 14 Classified.............................16

Editorial StaffGarrison Commander Col. Edward C. rothsteinGarrison Command Sgt. Maj. thomas J. latterPublic affairs officerChad t. Jones [email protected], Command informationPhilip H. Jones [email protected] Editor & Senior Writer rona S. Hirsch Staff Writer lisa r. rhodesStaff Writer Brandon Bieltzdesign Coordinator timothy davis Supplemental photography provided by the Baltimore Sun Media Group

advErtiSinGGeneral inquiries 410-332-6300

allison thompson 410-332-6850 [email protected]

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Printed by offset method of reproduction as a civilian enterprise in the interest of the personnel at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, by The Baltimore Sun Media Group, 501 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21278, every Thursday except the last Thursday of the year in conjunction with the Fort Meade Public Affairs Office. Requests for publication must reach the Public Affairs Office no later than Friday before the desired publication date. Mailing address: Post Public Affairs Office, Soundoff! IMME-MEA-PA, Bldg. 4409, Fort Meade, MD 20755-5025. Telephone: 301-677-5602; DSN: 622-5602.

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On Sunday, Fort Meade, along with one of our great community partners, the Gen. George G. Meade Chapter of the Military Order of World Wars, will host our annual Memorial Day Remembrance and the 27th Annual Massing of the Colors Ceremony at the Pavilion beginning at 2:30 p.m.

If you have never experienced a Mass-ing of the Colors, you’re missing out on an opportunity to be a part of one of the most patriotic events leading into Memorial Day in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area.

Last year, more than 1,000 people attend-ed the installation’s Massing of the Colors ceremony.

For me and the vast majority of people in attendance, the event provided an over-whelming sense of American pride. It is a day we can truly show our thanks to vet-erans and their families for what they have done in service to our country.

The Massing of the Colors is a relatively short event but it is very moving and mean-ingful.

During the ceremony, respect and honor is rendered to the American flag. There is a progression of the colors and color guards of active, Reserve and National Guard military units; veteran, civic, and patriotic organiza-tions; ROTC units; auxiliary organizations; state militias; first responder organizations; and Scout organizations.

The event also features a performance by the U.S. Army Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps from the Military District of Wash-ington, a reading of the preamble to the constitution of the MOWW and a free concert by the U.S. Army Field Band and Soldiers’ Chorus.

And while the event symbolizes the ideals of patriotism and the love we have for our country, it also is dedicated to the memory of military service members who have given their lives to preserve our liberties.

It honors those who have served and those who are serving to ensure our contin-ued freedom and to preserve our military heritage.

A Massing of the Colors event is not just held at Fort Meade but in communities across the country. Some communities host their event as a Memorial Day ceremony, while others prefer to host their ceremony in November as a Veterans Day event.

Initially, the ceremony was organized on Armistice Day, Nov. 11, and hosted by the

Society of the Massing of the Colors.

The first Massing of the Colors was held in 1922 in New York City by the Society of the Massing of the Colors. But by 1927, the Military Order of the World Wars had inherited responsibility for the ceremonies.

Many thanks go out to the Gen. George G. Meade Chapter of the Military Order of World Wars for once again organizing this extraordinary event that reminds everyone present of the price of freedom while honor-ing those who have kept it secure.

I hope you can all find time to join me and grand marshal and keynote speaker Maj. Gen. Michael S. Linnington on Sunday for this wonderful event.

In closing, as we look forward to celebrat-ing the Memorial Day weekend, we should all keep in mind that it is also the start of the “101 Days of Summer Safety.”

The Memorial Day weekend typically marks the beginning of summer outdoor activities. So as we begin enjoying the sum-mer, let’s be mindful of potential dangers.

Let’s plan ahead now to ensure to that we all have a safe and enjoyable summer.

Have a great week.

Massing of the Colors reflects American pride

COL. Edward C. rOthstEin

Garrison Commander

Commander’s Open DoorGarrison Commander Col. Edward C.

Rothsteinhasanopendoorpolicy.All service members, retirees, govern-

ment employees, family members or com-munitymembersage18orolderare invitedto address issues or concerns to the com-mander directly by visiting Rothstein’s officeon Mondays from 4 to 6 p.m. at garrisonheadquarters in Hodges Hall, Bldg. 4551,LlewellynAvenue.

Visitors are seen on a first-come, first-servedbasis.Noappointmentisnecessary.


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By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

The best of the best in military com-munications were celebrated Friday afternoon during the DoD’s annual Communicators of Excellence award ceremony.

Held at the Defense Information School, the event honored the best in military graphic arts, photography, videography, and print and broadcast journalism. Both service members and civilians were awarded for their work during 2012.

“I’ve had an opportunity to see your work firsthand — what tre-mendous work,” said Ray Shepherd, director of Defense Media Activity and guest speaker at the event. “What great inspiration you all provide to the communicators we have out there.”

The ceremony combined winners from the Visual Information Awards, Thomas Jefferson Awards for journal-ism and Visual Information Produc-tion Awards.

More than 3,500 entries were sub-mitted by 603 entrants for the Visual Information Awards, which consists of several categories in photography, videography and graphic art.

Entries are judged by a panel of civilian professionals in the visual communications field.

Several winners were announced for the medium in categories such as news and sports photos for photography; illustration and fine art for graphic art; and combat documentation and feature story for videography.

The top winners in the Visual Information Awards were Navy Mass Communications Specialist 2nd Class

Top military communicators honored at ceremony

David B. Danals, Military Graphic Artist of the Year; Air Force Master Sgt. Jeremy T. Lock, Military Pho-tographer of the Year; and Staff Sgt. Robert A. Ham, Videographer of the Year.

Both Lock and Ham have achieved the awards before, with Lock winning

Photographer of the Year a record seven times and Ham winning Videog-rapher of the Year three times.

This year’s honor, however, was the first for Danals who had been a member of DMA last year before transitioning out of the military.

“It feels good,” he said. “I worked

real hard at it all year long. I never stopped telling myself I was going to win it.”

The Thomas Jefferson Awards Pro-gram recognizes military and civilian employee print and broadcast jour-nalists for outstanding achievements in furthering the objectives of the DoD. Prior to the Thomas Jefferson Awards, each military branch judged its own entries and selected its best entry in each category for the interser-vice level.

Judges at the interservice level are selected from recognized experts in the commercial broadcast and print journalism fields.

Similar to the Visual Information Awards, the Thomas Jefferson Awards consisted of 23 broadcast categories and 27 print journalism categories.

The top awards were presented to: Sgt. Rebecca Schawb, Military Broad-cast Journalist of the Year; Matthew Clouse, Civilian Broadcast Journalist of the Year; Sgt. Elliot Valdez, Out-standing New Broadcaster; Air Force Tech. Sgt. Matthew Bates, Military Print Journalist of the Year; Elizabeth Collins, Civilian Print Journalist of the Year; and Air Force Staff Sgt. Katie Ward, Outstanding New Writer of the Year.

“What you do is an absolutely great honor for you and for the people who get to see and value your work,” Shepherd said. “All of you are get-ting the chance to tell a tremendous story for our folks who are out there in uniform. ... Everything that you do is part of history. ... You are part of telling history. The history of the United States military is in you.”

  photo by navy Mass CoMMuniCations speCialist 2nd Class justin stuMberg

Air Force Master Sgt. Jeremy Lock accepts his seventh Military Photographer of the Year award from Ray B. Shepherd, director of the Defense Media Activity, during the Communicators of Excellence awards ceremony on Friday at the Defense Information School. The ceremony recognized the work of military and civilian journalists and visual communicators who earned honors in the Thomas Jefferson Awards Program and the Visual Information Awards Program.

Installation Safety OfficeThe Installation Safety Office will

host a Safety, Wellness, and Resil-iency Expo on May 23 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Pavilion, located at the corner of Chisholm and Llewellyn avenues.

Local, state and federal agencies and private vendors will offer a wide range of information and services through exhibitions, equipment, dem-onstrations and displayed training.

The event is open to the community. Admission is free.

Attendees can get their blood pres-sure and vision tested through the blood pressure and vision screenings.

Topics include: Motorcycle Safety Awareness, Home Fire Safety Aware-ness, Alcohol and Drug Awareness, Personal Protective Equipment infor-mation, Recreation Safety, Suicide Prevention and Resiliency - the men-tal, physical, emotional, and behav-

ioral ability to face and cope with adversity, adapt to change, recover, learn and grow from setbacks.

In addition, the expo will feature onsite demonstrations and simulations to learn a variety of safety, wellness and resilient tips that show how to stay safe, well and resilient during and after duty hours.

Safety doesn’t stop when the Expo ends. When everyone return to work, they should check for potential safe-

ty hazards within their work areas and then ensure corrective actions to address any safety deficiencies.

The Safety, Wellness, and Resiliency Expo is a great way to provide a vari-ety of information for everyone — at one time and location. Attendees can have all their safety and health ques-tions answered in one place.

For more information about this event, call the Installation Safety Office at 301-677-4231.

Safety expo promotes awareness, wellness, resiliency

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National Security AgencyPublic and Media Affairs

Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski and Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger joined lead-ers of the National Security Agency/Central Security Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on May 6 at the groundbreaking ceremony of a High Performance Computing Center-2, which will enable the NSA to fortify defenses against electronic threats and cyber adversaries.

“It’s wonderful to be here with Team USA,” said Mikulski, chairwoman of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee and a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence.

About 150 people attended the ground-breaking of the 600,000-square-foot facil-ity at NSA/CSS. HPCC2 is scheduled for completion in the fall of 2016.

“We are proud of the ‘Mothership,’ ” said Mikulski, referring to governmen-tal entities, including NSA, U.S. Cyber Command, the intelligence community and several complimentary agencies, which protect and defend the nation’s cyber networks.

But, she said, “technology advances in the HPCC2 and additional areas are necessary to stay ahead of cyber adver-saries. ...

“We protect the war fighter and the nation and the entire ‘dot mil’ [websites]. We give very important advice to protect-ing the ‘dot gov’ and ‘dot com’ networks. When people want to know how to protect in cyber, they come here to the Mothership.”

Gen. Keith B. Alexander, commander of U.S. Cyber Command, director of NSA and chief of CSS assured the audi-ence that he leads a workforce dedicated to balancing national security and indi-vidual liberties.

“We can secure this country in cyber-space and protect our civil liberties,” he said.

Alexander also praised Maryland’s congressional leaders for their legisla-tive and financial support of the NSA and national security to help make the HPCC2 facility a reality.

“This is a total government effort, working with industry and our allies. ... From all of us here at NSA, Senator Mikulski and Congressman Ruppers-berger, thanks for what you have given to the state of Maryland and to our nation to help us build this High Performance Computing Center,” Alexander said.

Ceremony hails groundbreaking on cybersecurity facility

Photo courtesy of NsA

Gen. Keith B. Alexander, commander of U.S. Cyber Command, director of the National Security Agency and chief of Central Security Service, stands between Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski and Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, along with other NSA dignitaries and Garrison Commander Col. Edward C. Rothstein (third from right) at a ceremonial groundbreaking for the NSA’s High Performance Computing Center-2 on May 6. The new facility will enable NSA to fortify defenses against electronics threats and cyber adversaries.

Alexander said the 2008 White House Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative was created by presidential directive to help the country protect and provide a frontline of defense in cyber-space.

Fortifying the nation’s electronic defenses includes building the new facili-ty. HPCC1, also known as the Utah Data Center on Camp Williams in Bluffdale, Utah, is scheduled for a ribbon cutting on May 30 and is anticipated to be fully operational in September.

The HPCC2 project is expected to cre-ate several thousand construction jobs over the next three years.

“Thank you also to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and many subcon-tractors, who will build and hire in Maryland,” Mikulski said, while also encouraging contractors to consider relo-

cating to the state.Ruppersberger remarked on recent

NSA/CSS advances.“This really is a different agency than

when I first came here 11 years ago,” he said. “We have moved from a ‘need to know’ to a ‘need to share.’ Intelligence is the best defense against terrorism.”

Ruppersberger also praised one of the state’s greatest resources.

“One of the most important issues in the state of Maryland is people,” he said. “Those who work here, we are really proud of you.”

Dr. Harvey Davis, NSA associate director for Installations and Logistics, also recognized project partners in the comprehensive effort, especially the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

“There really are a lot of stakeholders in this project,” he said. “This is about six

years in the making.”Davis pointed out that the project will

buy raw materials in the state, and the center will use an estimated 1.7 million gallons of reclaimed water per day for system cooling.

The HPCC2 will be able to power the equivalent of 75,000 homes and is being designed to receive silver Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification as a green building environ-mental rating.

Data center construction is critical to developing the east campus infra-structure, including upgraded utility and power distribution, site work and anti-terrorism/force protection requirements to protect buildings and personnel from terrorist acts.

“Everybody is excited and everybody is moving forward,” Davis said.

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photo by lisa r. rhodes

a bright futurePhylesia Fralin, a senior at Meade High School, is a recipient of a National Achievement Scholarship, which is awarded to exceptional black high school students. She will receive $2,500 for each of her four years at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee.Phylesia, who is enrolled in Meade High’s International Baccalaure-ate Program, was referred to the college by the National Achievement Scholarship Program. The 17-year-old also has also been awarded a four-year scholarship of tuition, room, board and a stipend from Florida A&M, where she intends to study accounting.

Connect with Fort Meade at Facebook.com/ftmeade

By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

Since 2009, the Army has been phasing control of lodging from the military to the InterContinental Hotel group.

But recently, IHG has taken ownership of lodging at Fort Meade. The company, which now operates several facilities on post, will soon begin construction on a Candlewood Suites to replace the current lodging.

“The purpose of the partnership between the U.S. Army, IHG and Lend Lease is to improve the condition of on-post lodging facilities for service members, their families and government travelers, and to provide for the facilities’ long-term sustainability,” said Arthur Holst, vice president of operations at IHG Army Hotels.

“We are focused on delivering the same consistent, high-quality stay experiences at our on-post hotels that our guests have come to expect from the IHG family of hotel brands around the world.”

IHG officially took management con-trol of the post’s various lodging facilities on May 1. The Distinguished Visitors Quarters has been returned to the instal-lation to serve as the new Resiliency Cen-ter and the Post Library Annex.

Control of Abrams Hall, in Building 2793 on Hawkins Drive, will be returned as well, while remaining lodging facili-ties will be razed once the hotel is com-pleted.

“They’re in charge” said Scott Myers, chief of Business Operations Division at the Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation. “It is no longer Army lodging. It is InterContinental Hotel Group lodging.”

According to the Privatization of Army Lodging program’s website, more than 80

percent of the Army lodging facilities were in need of replacement or major renovation, which would cost nearly $1 billion and take 20 years of work.

“We can’t afford to update our older facilities,” Myers said. “Anybody who has stayed there will tell you they’re in dire need of renovation, and that’s true of lodging across the Army. The Army can’t afford the investment that it would take to do that, so these private companies can come in and upgrade the facilities.”

The goal of the program is to improve the quality of transient lodging facili-ties throughout the country for Soldiers and their families. Upon completion of the program, there will be a total of 76 hotels and more than 11,000 rooms on 39 installations.

“It is deemed best for the Soldiers because IHG will be building new facili-ties and they will be world-class facili-ties,” Myers said. “It will be top-notch amenities.”

Construction on the Candlewood Suites near McGlachlin Parade Field is expected to begin this summer and will take two years. Upon completion of the project, IHG will offer a total of 243 rooms at Fort Meade and new ameni-ties.

“Services and amenities available to all guests at IHG Army Hotels locations include complimentary breakfast, weekly social activities, courtesy shuttles provid-ing on-post transportation,” Holst said.

Myers said the new hotel will provide higher-quality lodging on the installa-tion.

“Upgrading the facilities is the pri-mary reason so that we can give our military members and families the kind of world-class facilities they deserve to stay in,” he said.

Privatization of army lodging begins at Meade


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You are all you’ve got.”

— Betty Ford







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By Capt. Antony E. GheeLegal Assistance Division

“If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”

We have all heard this maxim before. Yet, the North American Securities Administrators Association estimates that investors lose $40 billion annually due to investment fraud.

No matter how savvy you think you are with finances and investment, the truth is that any one of us could become a victim of investment fraud.

You should be able to identify red flags and employ the following strategies to minimize risks to you and your family:

Red flags of investment fraudResearchers have determined that per-

petrators of investment fraud target their victims with a variety of persuasion tech-niques.

While there is no formal playbook, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commis-sion and the Financial Industry Regula-tory Authority have identified certain characteristics that are commonly associ-ated with investment fraud:

• Overly pushy sales personnel• False sense of urgency to immediately

invest• Unrealistic expectations of wealth• Promises of guaranteed or overly

consistent investment returns• Highly complex or confusing invest-

ment strategies• Missing documentation or discrepan-

cies in account statementsMany of these red flags exist even

when dealing with legitimate salespersons. Therefore, it is imperative that you take steps to minimize risks and protect your-self from investment fraud.

How to protect yourselfTo protect yourself from investment

fraud, it is critical that you independently conduct research about investment oppor-tunities and confirm the credentials, expe-rience and reputation of the salesperson pitching you an idea.

Unsolicited emails and message-board postings should never be used as the sole basis for an investment decision.

If you are unable to find current infor-mation about the company or investment opportunity from independent sources, it may be prudent to decline the opportunity. If you are a novice investor or require a refresh-er on investing basics, visit investor.gov.

It is equally important that you know the salesperson and assess his background, training and experience.

Most investment professionals must be properly licensed, and their firms must be registered with FINRA, the SEC or a state

securities regulator.Contact the governing regulatory

authority to confirm the salesperson’s claims and inquire as to whether the license has ever been revoked or suspended, or whether the individual has ever been sub-ject to disciplinary action.

Under the most frequently used securi-ties law anti-fraud provisions, claimants are generally required to initiate their actions within two years after the fraud is discovered and not more than five or six years after the fraud has occurred.

If you believe that you are the victim of a fraudulent investment scheme, con-tact the SEC at 800-732-0330, FINRA at 866-397-3290 or your state securities regulator.

For more information, schedule an appointment with a Fort Meade Legal Assistance attorney at 301-677-9504 or 301-677-9536.

Tips to avoid fraudulent investment schemes

photo by noah scialom

appreciaTing miliTary spousesSummer Jones reads information about job opportunities at the Fort Meade Military Spouse Job Fair and Appreciation Event on May 8 at McGill Training Center. The four-hour fair featured more than 70 exhibitors with job and education opportunities for the spouses of service members. The Fort Meade Alliance also hosted a “relaxation station” with beverages and snacks. The event was held in recognition of Military Spouse Apprecia-tion Day, which was celebrated May 9.

May 9, Shoplifting: AAFES security personnel at the Exchange observed the subject via surveillance video taking clothing from the rack and walking into a dressing room. She then walked out without any items. The subject was able to leave the Exchange before she could be confronted. How-ever, she returned again and took a bag of candy by placing the candy into her purse, and exited the store without rendering proper payment.

May 3, Driving while under the influence of alco-hol, driving while impaired by alcohol, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest: An officer at the vehicle inspection point observed the subject drive to the vehicle inspection point and stop. The unit made contact with the driver and detected an odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from him. The officer attempted to administer the Standard-ized Field Sobriety Tests, for which the driver would not follow instructions and maintained an uncooperative attitude. He refused to submit a breath test.

May 11, Simple assault: The subject was involved in an altercation with his stepson. The subject grabbed his stepson around the neck, causing discoloration and scratches on the skin.

communitycommunitycrime Watch

Compiled by the Fort Meade Directorate of Emergency Services

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S.U.I.T.S for SUcceSS!

Meade High School Principal John L. Yore (far right), along with Meade High stu-dents, accept the donation of business cloth-ing and a check for $300 from the Blacks in Government’s Tri-City Chapter following the chapter’s first community service event on May 3 — S.U.I.T.S for Success!

The chapter donated more than 90 articles of clothing valued at more than $1,000.

S.U.I.T.S for Success! is a program designed to provide ready-to-wear business attire to local high school students to wear on job and college interviews.

Tri-City focused on enabling up-and-com-ing generations to make a positive impact in and around their communities by giving them that extra boost of confidence while making an outstanding first impression.

For more information about the Tri-City chapter of BIG, visit bigrxi.org/chapter.aspx.

Photo by Naomi Poe

Sgt. 1st Class Thomas Pardue, sexual assault response coordinator, 780th Military Intelligence Brigade, slices his beef brisket competition entry for the third annual Naptown barBAYq Contest and Music Festival held May 4 and 5 at the Anne Arundel County Fairgrounds in Crownsville.

Story and photo by Tina Miles780th MI BrigadePublic Affairs Office

Hailing from the Smoky Mountains of eastern Tennessee and growing up in Savannah, Ga., Sgt. 1st Class Thomas Pardue practically cut his baby teeth on barbeque ribs. He learned the basics of barbequing from his grandfather, other family members and friends.

Pardue, sexual assault response coordi-nator, 780th Military Intelligence Brigade, started adding his own touches to perfect his recipes and cooking methods.

Then he began entering barbeque competitions, most recently the third annual Naptown barBAYq Contest and Music Festival, hosted by the Parole (Annapolis) Rotary Foundation, held at the Anne Arundel County Fairgrounds, May 4 and 5.

The Parole (Annapolis) Rotary Club Foundation is a service club that seeks to significantly improve the lives of youth in the local community and around the world by meeting real needs. They organize the Naptown barBAYq Contest and Music Festival each year to raise money to benefit local nonprofits who specifically serve area youth and

seniors. “This means the money will find its

way to youth-oriented charities in our community based on our existing grants process,” said Eric Ward, Public Rela-tions, Parole (Annapolis) Rotary Club.

The two-day festival featuring local eateries and musicians drew thousands of visitors. During the festival, the Parole (Annapolis) Rotary Club award-ed more than $25,000 in community grants.

In 2005, while stationed at Fort Meade, Pardue entered his team called Three Stars Smoky Mountain BBQ and won the grand championship title in an Anne Arundel County cook-off. Later he moved to Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, where the Three Stars team competed three years consecutively in regional competitions, placing either second or third in each event.

“I relocated back to Meade and was ready to get busy again,” Pardue stated.

But it was at the suggestion of his neighbor and new Three Stars team-mate, Chris Saunders, that Pardue entered this year’s Naptown barBAYq Contest.

“I’ve been eating his barbeque since he moved here in November 2011 and I love it,” said Saunders. “I came to the barBAYq Festival last year and sampled the cooking, and thought we could do this,” he added.

The barBAYq competition was fierce, with 56 competitors this year, some of whom use extremely expensive and intricate cooking rigs. Pardue likes to cook old-school, even making his own charcoal from oak wood.

“Nothing fancy,” he added, “I use an old recipe that I learned over time and cook the way I would at home.”

“The method of barbecuing came about because it was a way of taking inexpensive meat and cooking it tender,” said Pardue. “I slow-cook to tenderize and I use a spice rub and different cuts of wood for flavoring, not some mari-nade or injection,” he added.

The competition was broken into four categories, chicken, pork ribs, beef bris-ket and pulled shoulder. Each category was blind taste-tested by six judges.

Although Three Stars didn’t place this year, Pardue and Saunders were already preparing their strategy for next year’s competition.

Good eats for a good cause

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S.U.I.T.S for SUcceSS!

Meade High School Principal John L. Yore (far right), along with Meade High students, accept the donation of business clothing and a check for $300 from the Blacks in Government’s Tri-City Chapter following the chapter’s first community ser-vice event on May 3 - S.U.I.T.S for Success! The chapter donated more than 90 articles of clothing valued at more than $1,000.

S.U.I.T.S for Success! is a program designed to provide ready-to-wear busi-ness attire to local high school students to wear on job and college interviews. Tri-City focused on enabling up-and-coming gen-erations to make a positive impact in and around their communities by giving them that extra boost of confidence while mak-ing an outstanding first impression.

For more information about the Tri-City chapter of BIG, visit bigrxi.org/chap-ter.aspx.

Photo by Naomi Poe

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By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

Growing up as a Samoan American, Ken Niumatalolo tried to break down the stereotypes around his culture, including that Samoans were strong athletes but not smart.

So instead of playing a running back or power position, he wanted to be a quarterback.

“I wanted to be the person in charge,” he said. “I want to prove to people I can think and that I have a head on my shoulders.”

Niumatalolo would eventually lead the University of Hawai’i to the school’s first bowl game in 1989. Years later he again broke stereotypes by showing that a Samoan coach can do more than simply

recruit Polynesian players — he could be tactical and help a team win.

In 2007, Niumatalolo was named the first Samoan collegiate head coach — head coach of the U.S. Naval Academy’s football team.

As keynote speaker for the installation’s Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Observance on May 9, Niumat-alolo discussed his childhood as a Samoan in Hawaii and his current coaching posi-tion.

The 902nd Military Intelligence Group hosted the annual observance held at McGill Training Center. The 90-minute event also featured traditional Polynesian dances, music by DC Luau Entertainment and Indian food.

DC Luau Entertainment opened the

event with a Polynesian song and invited members of the audience to learn how to hula.

Marine Pfc. Luke Field of Marine Student Detachment was among several in the audience who joined the dancers on stage.

“It was fun,” he said. “I enjoyed slap-ping the [hula] sticks together.”

In her welcome, Col. Yvette C. Hop-kins, commander, 902nd MI, said the coach was a good fit for the observance because Niumatalolo is “someone who understands the military values, is in the pursuit of excellence in everything he does, understands military concepts of team-work and [is in] a profession that requires your heart and soul. I’m very excited to have Coach Niumatalolo with us today.”

Celebrating diversity

Naval Academy coach reflects on pride, opportunities as American

Service members dance at the end of last week’s Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Observance. DC Luau Entertainment led participants in several traditional dances during the event.

Niumatalolo grew up on the island of Oahu after his parents emigrated from American Samoa to find a “better way of life,” he said. “As proud as I am cultur-ally, I’m also very, very grateful to be an American. I recognize the blessings that have come to my family because of this great country. Yes, the United States of America is not perfect, but it is the greatest country in the world. So I’m so grateful I’m part of this country”

Niumatalolo’s family lived in various locations because his father was a cook in the Coast Guard for 23 years. But Niumatalolo said he learned his Samoan culture while living in Hawaii, where there was no majority in the diverse community and people learned to embrace everybody and all cultures.

“When you’re in Hawaii, you grow to love your culture but you grow to love being an American,” he said.

After playing football at the University of Hawai’i, Niumatalolo was hired as a full-time assistant at the university. Three years later, Niumatalolo left for the U.S. Naval Academy as a position coach.

In 2007, he was named head coach — making him in the first Samoan collegiate head coach and second Polynesian head coach in Football Bowl Subdivision.

Since taking over as head coach, Niu-

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ABOVE: Sheena Luaehu performs a traditional Tahitian dance with service members during the installation’s annual Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Observance on May 9 at McGill Training Center. The 90-minute event featured multiple performances from DC Luau Entertainment.

LEFT: Soldiers join NuiNani Makaha from DC Luau Entertainment to learn how to hula during the Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Observance. The 902nd MI sponsored the annual event.Photo by Derrick Shine

PhotoS by noah Scialom

Ken Niumatalolo, head coach of the U.S. Naval Academy’s football team, speaks during last week’s Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Observance. Niumatalolo, the first Samoan collegiate head football coach, discussed his childhood in Hawaii and previous and current coaching positions.

matalolo has become just the second coach since World War II to lead the Navy to a winning record in each of this first three seasons, and was the first coach to lead the team to a bowl game in each of his first three season. He currently holds a 40-26 record.

Niumatalolo’s office is now located in the same building where Filipino cooks from the academy used to live.

“It humbles me to realize that there are people that have come before, not only from a cultural standpoint but from a military standpoint, who allow me to do the things that I do,” he said. “So I’m so very grateful for that.”

After the event, Field said he was impressed with Niumatalolo’s background and accomplishments.

“He was very inspiring,” he said.Following Niumatalolo’s presentation,

DC Luau Entertainment demonstrated more traditional dances and invited the audience to participate in a Tahitian dance.

“They were really good,” Fields said of the performers. “I’ve never seen dances like that before.”

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photo by navy Lt. Cmdr. Karen eifert

A GOOD READDefense Information School Command Sgt. Maj. Emma Krouser reads to Pershing Hill Elementary School students as part of the school’s annual Celebrity Reading Day on May 9. Krouser participated in the event with three other members of the DINFOS staff. Throughout the year, DINFOS staff members also participate in tutoring and mentorship programs at the school as part of the Adopt-A-School program.

By Jason HelferSpecial to Soundoff!

On a rainy Wednesday night in early May, Fort Meade and the Naval Col-lege’s Distance Education Program parted ways.

Inside a small classroom at McGill Training Center, students of the Naval War College delivered their final presen-tations before a panel of distinguished judges.

The panel included state Del. Barbara A. Frush, for Anne Arundel and Prince George’s counties; retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Richard M. McGill; John E. Flynn of the Office of the Under Sec-retary of Defense; and Air Force Col. William Bograkos.

But the presentation would be the last for the satellite school.

“Budget constraints and funding issues are the major reason why the Naval War College will end its satellite program at Fort Meade’s McGill Training Center,” said C. Philip Nichols, a retired Naval Reserve captain who teaches “Theater Strategy” at the college. [Garrison Com-mander] Colonel [Edward C.] Rothstein and the rest of the Army have been very accommodating to us.”

Unforeseen events such as a court-martial on post have forced the students to relocate a few times.

But Nichols, a judge for the Prince George’s County Circuit Court, described the mid-level officers and civilian students as “good troopers ... These are extremely intelligent men and women who will progress further in their professions.”

The Naval War College was estab-lished in 1884 when Secretary of the Navy William E. Chandler signed Gen-eral Order 325 stating: “A college is hereby established for an advanced course of professional study for naval officers, to be known as the Naval War College.”

The war college has five missions: educate and develop leaders, support defining the future Navy and associ-ated roles and missions, support combat readiness and strengthen global mari-time partnerships.

Since 1884, the college has grown in both size and scope. There are 20 satel-lite campuses, and until May 8, Fort Meade was included.

This career-enhancing school, which grants a Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies, is highly selective. Students must pass a board and a one-year school to be admitted to the program.

After completing their course of study, graduates will be able to better analyze, plan and prepare for maritime threats.

Inside the muggy classroom last week, Navy, Coast Guard and one Marine Corps officer sat alongside a Royal Canadian Air Force captain as well as agents from various federal agencies.

Their presentation addressed the next big challenge to America’s Pacific Com-mand within the next eight years. Topics included China’s growing economy and its military spending as well as America’s relationships with its Pacific allies.

Each of the student teams were grad-ed for content, structure, support, style and how they responded during the question and answer session.

Many officers and agents could not speak on record about their two years in the Masters Level program because of the sensitivity of their work.

One Navy officer said the lessons taught in Nichols’ class are directly applicable to the day-to-day operations of his assignment.

Capt. BJ Hahn, a 12-year veteran of the Canadian Air Force, said the train-ing he received at the Naval War College will prepare him as he progresses in his career.

“I really liked the diverse group of people that we have in our class,” he said.

As the evening went on, the judges — a few of them Naval War College graduates themselves — peppered the students with questions about their pre-sentations. The soon-to-be graduates answered with confidence.

By the end of the evening, America’s next generation of top military leaders were finished with the academic portion of the Naval War College.

All that is left is graduation.And with that, the Naval War Col-

lege wrapped up its final class at Fort Meade.

Editor’s note: Jason Helfer is a staff sergeant with the Maryland Recruiting Battalion.

Naval War College conducts final class at Fort Meade

Kuhn Hall to host library annexBy Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

In anticipation of the opening of Fort Meade’s new Army Wellness Center, sections of the Medal of Honor Memorial Library are relocating to Kuhn Hall.

The library is moving from Building 4418 on Llewellyn Avenue to Building 4415. Kuhn Hall is the former Distinguished Visitors Quarters.

“It’s kind of like when you buy a new house — everybody’s helping us out,” said Karen Hayward, supervisory librarian.

The library at Kuhn Hall will be called the Post Library Annex.The library’s children’s and young adult’s collections are being moved, in addi-

tion to two study rooms and administrative offices for four library technicians.The adult collection of fiction and nonfiction works, as well as the reference

section and books on CD, will remain in Building 4418. The computers also will remain there, along with Hayward’s office.

The library move, which began about three weeks ago, is scheduled to be com-pleted by Tuesday.

The new Army Wellness Center is scheduled to open at the end of July. Jamie Valis, director of the center, is in the process of hiring staff.

Maintenance workers from Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation have removed several of the library’s bookshelves, which were reconfigured at the wood shop at the Fort Meade Arts and Crafts Center. The workers then reassembled the bookshelves at Kuhn Hall.

Soldiers from the Defense Information School and 55th Signal Company (Com-bat Camera) are helping to move the book collections and other materials.

Editor’s note: For more information, call 301-677-5522.

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Sports ShortsPatriot Pride 5K

The installation’s annual Run Series continues with the Patriot Pride 5K on Saturday at 8 a.m. at Murphy Field House.

Cost on the day of the run is $25.On the day of the event, the cost is $60 per family of three to six people.For more information, call 301-677-7916.

Gaffney poolThe swimming pool at Gaffney Fitness Center is closed for maintenance.

Dollar DaysThe Lanes offers Dollar Days every Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.Bowlers receive a game of bowling, shoe rental, a hot dog, hamburger,

small fries, pizza slice or small soda for $1 each.For more information, call 301-677-5541.

Texas Hold ‘emTexas Hold ‘em no buy-in games are played Mondays at 7 p.m. at the Lanes.Games are free and open to the public.For more information, call 301-677-5541.

For more Fort Meade sports, visit quickscores.com/ftmeadesports.

Jibber Jabber will return next week.

As always, if you have any comments about Jibber Jabber or anything to do with the world of sports, e-mail [email protected].



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Find schedules, scores, standings and upcoming seasons for

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Community news & notes

The deadline for Soundoff! community “News and Notes” is Friday at noon. All submissions are posted at the editor’s discretion and may be edited for space and grammar. Look for additional community events on the Fort Meade website at www.ftmeade.army.mil and the Fort Meade Facebook page at facebook.com/ftmeade.

For more information or to submit an announcement, email Philip Jones at [email protected] or call 301-677-5602.

Bagger licensesApplications for potential baggers

at the Fort Meade Commissary will be processed through the Fort Meade Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation’s Business Operations Division’s Office located on the second floor at 4216 Roberts Ave.

After the paperwork has been processed, applicants must go to Gaffney Fitness Center, 6330 Broadfoot Road, to have their bagger’s badge issued.

For more information, call 301-677-3831.

Tech ExpoThe Fort Meade Technology Expo

will be held today from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Club Meade.

The expo is a showcase of the latest in multimedia, communication systems and surveillance.

The expo is open to the Fort Meade community. Refreshments will be provided.

Registration is encouraged. To register or for more information, visit fedpage.com.

Massing of the ColorsFort Meade’s Memorial Day

Remembrance and 27th Annual Massing of the Colors Ceremony will be held Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the Pavilion.

The event is sponsored by Fort Meade and the Military Order of World Wars.

The grand marshal and keynote speaker is Maj. Gen. Michael S. Linnington, commander, Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region and Military District of Washington.

The event will feature the Armed Forces Color Guard and the U.S. Army’s Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps. The U.S. Army Field Band will perform a concert of patriotic music.

This venue is a tribute to veterans from all wars who made the ultimate sacrifice in their service. It combines the colors and color guards of active and Reserve component and National Guard military units, veterans service organizations, and various civic and patriotic organizations.

The public is invited. Refreshments will be served following the ceremony.

Open house, concert The National Cryptologic Museum is

sponsoring an open house in celebration of Armed Forces Day on Saturday at 8290 Colony Seven Road.

The Volunteers will perform an outdoor concert from 1:30 to 3:25 p.m.

The Soldier-musician members of the U.S. Army Field Band tell the Army story through pop, rock, country and patriotic music.

Activities start at 10 a.m. and will include tours every 30 minutes, presentations on the National Security Agency and a peak at rarely seen cryptologic artifacts.

The National Cryptologic Museum Foundation also will present its plans on the new museum. Tours and presentations will take a break during the concert.

For more information, call 301-688-5849 or visit Facebook.com/NationalCryptologicMuseum.

Army Emergency Relief Fund

As of Wednesday, Fort Meade’s annual Army Emergency Relief fundraising campaign has collected $90,038.24, or 100.5 percent of its $90,000 goal.

The campaign raises money and awareness for the AER fund that helps active-duty Soldiers, National Guardsmen, Army Reservists, retirees and their families in financial emergencies by providing interest-free loans or grants.

For more information, call Wallace Turner, Army Emergency Relief officer at 301-677-5768.

Jummah prayers Individuals interested in praying

Jummah prayers on Fort Meade should call 301-677-1301.

Fort Meade has a room available at Argonne Hills Chapel Center, 7100 Rockenbach Road.

The community also is seeking individuals who would like to pray a morning prayer on Fridays.


file photo

CHAMBER MUSIC SERIESThe U.S. Army Field Band Chamber Music Series will present a variety of

free concerts:• The U.S. Army Field Band Tuba Quartet in Recital: Today, 6 p.m., St. Anne’s

Church, 199 Duke of Gloucester St., AnnapolisThe performance, part of the St. Anne’s Concert Series, features Master Sgt.

Scott Cameron, tuba; Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Nelson, tuba; Sgt. 1st Class Chris-topher Sarangoulis, euphonium; and Staff Sgt. Lauren Curran, euphonium.

• “A Night of Opera Scenes and Music by Gilbert & Sullivan”: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Christ Episcopal Church, 6800 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia

The performance features members of the Soldiers’ Chorus.• Trio Recital: June 2, 2 p.m., Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 1315

8th Street NW, Washington, D.C.The concert will feature Staff Sgt. Teresa Alzadon, soprano; Adrienne

Sommerville-Kiamie, viola; and Sophia Kim Cook, piano and will include works for voice, viola and piano by Charles Loeffler and Frank Bridge.

For more information, visit armyfieldband.com.

Karaoke NightThe next Karaoke Night is tonight

from 7 to 10 p.m. in the 11th Frame Lounge at the Lanes.

The event is held the third Thursday of the month.

For more information, call 301-677-5541 or visit ftmeademwr.com.

Right Arm NightBring your right arm Soldier, co-

worker or employee to Club Meade for Right Army Night, a fun evening of free food, music, dancing, prizes and camaraderie on May 31 from 4 to 6 p.m.

The event is open to all ranks and services, military or civilian.

Reserve your table at 301-677-4333.

Bible studyThe Protestant Women of the Chapel

is offering two evening Bible study classes at Argonne Hills Chapel Center:

• Couples marriage Bible study: Wednesdays, 7 p.m.

• Evening women’s study of the Book of Jonah: Thursdays, 7 p.m.

All are invited. For more information, email [email protected].

Common Ground veterans scholarships

Common Ground on the Hill’s Veterans Initiative provides full scholarships for 10 veterans to attend the Traditions Weeks summer workshops at


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Community news & notes

McDaniel College in Westminster.The “common ground” of the

traditional arts is celebrated as master musicians, artists, craftsmen and creative thinkers provide a quality learning experience.

Traditions Weeks is from June 30 to July 5 and from July 7 to 12.

Interested candidates must contact Jose Flores by May 30 at [email protected].

For more information, visit commongroundonthehill.org/11reggateway.html.

Story TimeThe Medal of Honor Memorial

Library offers pre-kindergarten Story Time on Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

• Today: “Our Fine, Feathered Friends,” stories, songs and finger plays about birds.

For more information, call 301-677-5522.

Girl Scouts Camp ChicaGirl Scouts of Central Maryland is

offering a day camp from June 24 to 28 for girls in kindergarten to grade five at Camp Woodlands in Annapolis.

Cost is $25. Transportation from Fort Meade to Camp Woodlands as well as breakfast and lunch each day are included.

Girls do not have to be current Scouts to attend

To register, call Jessica Pryor at the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland at 410-358-9711, ext. 214 or email [email protected].

Out & About• “Springing Up Healthy,” a free

family health event promoting health, fitness and safety sponsored by Howard County General Hospital, will be held Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Center Court of The Mall in Columbia.

Sample healthy food from Panera Bread and Williams-Sonoma, and enter drawings for a bicycle and helmet, a gift certificate and a 32GB iPad.

For more information, call 410-740-7601.

• Leisure Travel Services is offering a trip to the Linganore Wine Festival in Mount Airy on May 25 at 9 a.m. Enjoy live music, crafts, fine art, winery tour, wine tasting and food from more than 30 vendors. Cost is $50 and includes transportation and admission. For more information, call 301-677-7354.

• Wine in the Woods will be held Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Symphony Woods in Columbia.

Sample Maryland’s finest wines from a souvenir glass; purchase food from distinctive restaurants and caterers; and attend wine education seminars. The annual event also features live entertainment and the works of invited artists and crafts persons.

Wine Taster tickets cost $30 in advance and $35 at the gate. Admission cost for designated driver is $20, which includes up to four complimentary beverages. Tickets for ages 3 to 20 is $20.

The taster ticket for Saturday includes lawn admission to an evening concert featuring “The Band Perry” at Merriweather Post Pavillion. Tickets are first-come, first-served.

For more information, call 410-313-4700 or 410-313-7275 or visit wineinthewoods.com.

• Leisure Travel Services is offering its next monthly bus trip to New York City on Saturday with discounts to attractions. Bus cost is $55. For more information, call 301-677-7354 or visit ftmeademwr.com.

• The Bowie Baysox will celebrate Bowie’s horse racing history during “A Night at the Races” on May 25 during a game against the Trenton Thunder at 6:35 p.m. at Prince George’s Stadium.

At post time, Baysox players and coaches will be outfitted with scarlet “STUD” jerseys, modeled after the rac-ing silks of the historic Belair Stud Farm in Bowie. The jerseys will be autographed and auctioned off during the game, with proceeds benefiting the Friends of Belair Estate.

Fans are urged to come out in their most ostentatious horse-racing outfit or burliest, sleeveless muscle shirt.

The night will also feature horse rac-ing-themed promotions, information from horse groups on the main con-course, and the first pre-game Bud Light 1K Beer Run of the season, post time at 5:45. Fans can register for the beer run at baysoxshop.com.

Game tickets are available at baysox.com or by calling the box office at 301-464-4865.

• Families Dealing with Deployment meets the first and third Monday of every month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Meuse Forest Neighborhood Center. The next meeting is Monday. For more information, call Kimberly McKay at 301-677-5590 or email [email protected].

• Retired Enlisted Association meets the third Tuesday of the month from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Perry’s Restaurant, 1210 Annapolis Road, Odenton. The next meeting is Tuesday. For more information, visit trea.org or call Elliott Phillips, the local president, at 443-790-3805 or Arthur R. Cooper, past national president, at 443-336-1230.

• Air Force Sergeants Association Chapter 254 meets the fourth Wednesday of the month from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room of Building 9801 at the National Security Agency. The next meeting is Wednesday. For more information, call 443-534-5170 or visit afsa254.org.

• Society of Military Widows meets for brunch the fourth Sunday of the month at 1 p.m. at the Lanes. The next meeting is May 26. For more information, call Betty Jones at 410-730-0127.

• Walter Reed Bethesda Prostate Cancer Support Group’s Quarterly Speaker Program meets May 30 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Amer-ica Building, River Conference Room (next to the Prostate Center), third floor. Catherine Gray, continence nurse for the Urology Clinic, will speak on “Urinary Incontinence”.

Spouse/partners invited. Men attending the Walter Reed program without a military ID should call the Prostate Center at 301-319-2900 for base access.

For more information, call retired Col. Jane Hudak at 301-319-2918 or email [email protected] or call Vin McDonald at 703-643-2658 or email [email protected].

• Women’s Empowerment Group meets every Wednesday from 2 to 3:30 p.m. to provide a safe, confidential arena for the support, educa-tion and empowerment of women who have experienced past or present family violence.

Location is only disclosed to participants. To register, call Tina Gauth, victim advocate, at 301-677-4117 or Samantha Herring, victim advocate, at 301-677-4124.

• Military Council for Catholic Women is open to all women ages 18 and older for prayer, faith, fellowship and service at the Main Post Chapel. Mother’s Prayer & Apologetics meets Tuesdays from 9:45 a.m. to noon when Anne Arundel County schools are in session. Monthly programs are held Mondays from 6:30 to 9 p.m.

For more information, email Beth Wright, president, at [email protected] or call 305-240-1559.


The movie schedule is subject to change. For a recorded announcement of showings, call 301-677-5324. Further listings are available on the Army and Air Force Exchange Service website at www.aafes.com.

Movies start Wednesdays to Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. NEW PRIC-ES: Tickets are $5 for adults (12 and older) and $2.50 for children. 3D Movies: $7 adults, $4.50 children.

Today through June 5

Today, Saturday & Sunday: “The Croods” (PG). A prehistoric family embarks on a journey into the world when their cave is destroyed. With Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds. (3D)

Friday: “The Host” (PG-13). When an unseen enemy threatens mankind, a woman risks every-thing to protect those she loves. With Saoirse Ronan, Jake Abel, Max Irons, William Hurt.

Wednesday & May 25, 29: “42” (PG-13). Story depicting how Jackie Robinson and Brook-lyn Dodgers General Manager Branch Rickey changed the game of baseball by breaking the color barrier. With Chadwick Boseman, Har-rison Ford, Nicole Beharie.

May 23, 26, 30: “Jurassic Park 3D” (PG-13). In this 3D release, cloned dinosaurs run amok at an island-jungle theme park. With Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum. (3D)

May 24: “Evil Dead” (R). A remake of the 1981 cult-hit horror film. With Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss, Betsy Baker.

May 31: “Scary Movie 5” (PG-13). Parents need help to rid their family of a demon in this horror spoof. With Ashley Tisdale, Simon Rex, Charlie Sheen.

June 1, 2, 5: “Oblivion” (PG-13). In a future world, a stranger triggers a battle to save man-kind. With Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Olga Kurylenko.