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Smashmouth Magazine & University Theatre present: Fletch, I Hate Kate, The Cab

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Smashmouth Magazine presented a mini concert series of local bands at University Theatre in Las Vegas

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University Theatre presents Fletch, The Cab and I Hate Kate


I Hate Kate

I had a chance to check out Fletch, The Cab, and I Hate Kate, this past Friday. Doors open at 6pm, and included opening acts Jr. Anti-Sex League, and Slam Dunk. When I pulled up in the parking lot, I could tell this was going to be teen night. I saw a row of mini vans lined up right next to each other, with passed out moms in the drivers seats, like they were at a truck stop. Before I entered the concert hall I could tell that seeing teenagers in action before their curfew was going to be a sight. Hyperactive hormones and attention getting gear is the best way to describe the sugar-munching bunch. I could see that the bands must have been in between sets because a lot of people were standing outside for some welcomed fresh air. Even though, I've never heard of the bands that bands before that were performing , I was impressed with their loyal following. From the looks of the recycled gear, it was obvious this was an underground Indie Rock night. I saw so many Flock of Seagulls haircuts, I could have sworn I saw a cloud of aqua net hairspray in the air. These teens wouldn't support the bands if they didn't love what they do. Each group was branded with it's own image splattered on cutesy tee shirts, and other swag used as a marketing tool to get their bands names out to the public. While inside the actual concert hall I could hear the teenagers chanting the name I Hate Kate riot style, before the lead singer took the stage.

Getting the band pumped for a screaming frenzy. I Hate Kate has a new album coming out in March entitled “ Embrace the Curse” named after their new single. I'm not sure if the lead singer could see the audience members that well, or maybe he was blinded by the bright lights on stage, because he kept blurting out the 'F Bomb', and sexual comments, like he was performing at a 21 and over event. Even if he was blinded, he could at least see outlines of 3 foot silhouettes in the audience, and put two and two together.

The band performed their single “ I'm in Love with a Sociopath”, and

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asked the audience; “Who's the best lover you've ever had? Yeah the Crazy Person”. Half the kids there haven't even seen this word on a vocabulary list. I have to admit the song stood out, and I can honestly say I can relate.

The next group, The Cab, started in Las Vegas, with Alex De Leon (current lead singer), and Cash Colligan (lead guitarist). I can say that this band has a lot of potential, however, they needed a lot more practice in the vocal department and their on stage presence. Their sound was a bit different and you can hear theinfluence of R&B, and other fusion rock bands like; Fall Out Boy, and Linkoln Park (without the DJ). The Cab was a young bunch. They gave a shout out to their parents upstairs in VIP, and let their classmates know how much they loved them (how sweet). Alex DeLeon's demeanor was very similar to early David Bowie's - androgynous?- stage persona Ziggy Stardust. The kid really had a beautiful voice but a lot of times he simply was off key. I could tell he was unsure of how to draw in the crowd with his vocal performance. But, all in all, the band had plenty of charisma, and enough support from soccer moms to start a new working eruption with Moms around Vegas saying - “You should check out Phylis's son. He's a very talented young boy.”

Fletch was the main attraction, and from the quick sound check and the drummers glitter blue drums, this band has been around the performance block before. Based out of Sin City Las Vegas, they've opened for alternative rock bands such as Panic at the Disco and Social Distortion. Fletch recently signed with Iflymm Record label with a new EP entitled “Rhetoric” which was mixed by music professionals who have worked with Ted Nugent, Fleetwood Mac, and Sebastian Bach.