Diem Week 6

Silver bend week 6 diem

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Diem Week 6

Hello everyone! Lucas welcomes you to week 6 of Silver Bend! He’s the only blonde

child of simPony and Ambi.

I held my youngest and last child in my arms. Eleven was enough, despite my

wanting to have another. Poor Ambi actually was afraid of having another baby.

“Don’t worry Kayley you’re the last one for sure.”

She babbled at me playfully.

The garden need constant tending. Even though the kids did most of the work Ambi

made an effort to help out too.

I let myself have a tiny bit more elixir. I was much older than Ambi. I wasn’t ready to be an elder by any means yet. Delilah had to

get home from college first.

The girls brought Buri Clitheroe home from school with them.

“You won’t believe what he said!” Buri said excitedly.“What did he say?” Heather asked just as excitedly.I never did figure out what boy they were talking


The younger kids brought Oddmund Colourshome from school with them.

Sonya also brought Asko Philippine home too.“Asko will you be my best friend?” She asked.

“Sure, only if your mine too!”“Deal!”

I rounded up the kids that homework and put them to work.

“Mom this is stupid.” Julie complained, “We already go to school five hours a day.”

“You should have finished it at school like everyone else did.”

I sighed brining Kayley to the cake. Was it that time already? She was so little, I wished

she could stay like that forever.

It was kind of fitting that Kayley looked like Delilah. She was a very active little baby. With

a little bit of a mean streak.

Olaf Colours and Kaylynn Guevara were over too. I quickly passed Kayley off to Heather so she didn’t notice her love interest kissing another girl. Ambi asked all the guests to

home after that.

We whipped up some spaghetti and had a nice family dinner. Neither Ambi or I said anything to Heather. She was unusually

quiet. I think she realized what had happened.

Late in the night, we had a rather unexpected guest sneaking across the lawn.

“Legacy types are always loaded, I’m sure they won’t miss a few things.” Jessica mused

to herself.

My spidey senses were tingling. There was someone coming up my stairs.

“Demi! There’s someone in my house. Get over here right away.”

“We’re sending someone now.” Demi Love promised.

“What a lovely hot tub, I think it should be mine.”

The police arrived just as Jessica was making a break for it. A brawl erupted in my garage!

“There’s no hot tubs in jail!” Dorian proclaimed locking handcuff around Jessica’s

wrists.“I’ll be out in no time. The judge owes me a

favor.”“Yeah, yeah.”

Luckily the kids weren’t aware of the late night visitor. Emma was bright eyed and

busy tailed in the garden the next morning. I just loved her curly hair.

“’Becca would you swing me around?” James begged his older sister.

“No problem pipsqueak.”

The older kids went to school leaving Kayley home with me. “Say Momma!”

“Mummumumm.” My youngest giggled.“Close enough.”

“You’re the smartest girl in the whole world.” I told my Kayley.

“Whole world.” She parroted back at me.

Jonah brought home Buri Clitheroe from school.

“I love your dress.” Jonah said smoothly, “It brings out the color of your eyes.”

“Aww you’re so sweet.”

“So are you.” he replied bending her back in a deep kiss.

Upstairs it was time for Emma’s birthday.“I wish for my very own room!”

Emma grew up in a flurry of sparkles. She wanted to romance twenty sims at the same time. If would be fun to see if she could get

away with it.

His mom sent Buri home, Jonah sulked for a bit and then hit the easel. He wanted to

paint a portrait of his dad.

Ambi snuck a chance with his youngest daughter. Pony doted on the child. But now

it was his turn.

“Too bad Delilah went to college, she loved doing this.” Julie complained.

“I know. This sucks, why did Mom plant such a big garden?”

Jonah finally finished the portraits of both his parents. Not too shabby if he had to say so


The race to the school bus began every morning. It was good there was now a

second bus going to Verde Valley otherwise the kids would never get to school on time.

Later that morning Hanna passed away. She had outlived Bane by a long time. I tried not

to be sad. She was a very old dog.

I was at work, but I used my powers to move her grave beside Bane’s out by the pond. I

planted a bush for each of them.

I came home with a promotion despite being sad about Hanna. Joining the music industry

had been a good idea.

Emma brought home Odin Colours with her. She wondered if he liked her outfit.

“The itsy bitsy spider went up the water sprout!” Ambi sang to Kayley.

“Down came the wain and washed the piderout!” Kayley sang back happily.

“Gween!” Kayley giggled coloring on the paper. She liked it when she colored.

“No more babies right?” Ambi asked me as we snuck some alone time.

“No, no more, eleven is enough.” I laughed, “That doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun.”

“Yuck, you’re stinky.” Emma told her sister as she ran the bath.

“Icky Kayley.” Kayley laughed. She was a happy natured child.

“Why did I have to kick that rock.” Heather grimaced with regret as bees chased her up

and down the sidewalk. She was never going on a hike again!

“Wait Ambi my camera is out of batteries.” I said trying to stop Kayley from blowing out

the candles.“We can’t wait, the candle are already

melting onto the icing.”“Fine, I’ll have to take a child picture of her in

the morning.”

Kayley was asleep when I replaced the batteries in my camera. So Kay will have to

do instead.

Courage stared out over the waves. I knew he must be missing his parents. I couldn’t wait until he could have his own puppies.

“Nice hair cut Kayley.” Rebecca said sipping her simfast.

“Thanks ‘Becca.” She grinned in response.

“Courage did you play in this trash, did you boy?”

“Ruff!” Courage wagged his tail and laid on his back for belly rubs.

With Pony at work Ambi had to take his turn in the garden. The tomatoes weren’t that

great this time around.

Emma brought Odin home again. He was a bit dense when it came to noticing pretty


“Stay away from him Kaylynn, he’s mine.” Emma warned.

“Relax Emma, I’m dating Olaf, let go of my hair.” Kaylynn protested.

Ambi dragged a couple of the teens to his shop. It was time to get these businesses to

level ten.

“Hi Marisa I see you looking at that bass.” Rebecca said, it was her job to be on sales

this time.“Well you know, it’s all about that bass.”

Jonah was more distract by Squirtle. Who came in for a radio and got a little more for

her troubles.

Ambi took them to College Club next. It didn’t take long for Silver Bend’s hotspot to

fill up.

A huge smustle party soon broke out.

Neil Tomyoy gave the club rank 9. Ambiclosed up shop after that. Jonah would have

to reach rank 10 on his own.

Back home, Jonah remember about the genie lamp on the lawn.

“Hey man, can I get some more money? I have a club to run.”

“As you wish.” The genie said sagely.

“Don’t get any ideas.” I warned the purple being in front of me.

“My plans lie elsewhere.”“I thought so, now I wish for money as well. I have big plans

for tomorrow.”“As you wish simself.”

“So rude.” I mumbled as he disappeared into the cosmos.

My plans were overdue. Tomorrow was Reno day, but the house I had built wasn’t working

for my large family. Though I loved the house it was time to move.

In the wee hours of the morning I herded my family to the sidewalk.

“Mom, it’s dark and cold.” Julie complained.“Can I change out my pjs?” James wanted

to know.“Shush, we’re just going for a short walk.” I

cut other complaints short.

We walked down the street to a new beach lot. On the far side of Keika’s house. Granted

there was an unbuilt park between our houses.

“Are we going to live on the grass?” Sonya asked.

“No sweetie, give momma a second.”

A little simself magic and we had a new house.

“Whoa, that’s so cool Mom.” Jonah gasped.“Too bad you’re going to college tonight

huh?” I teased.

The new house was based off Ani-Mei’s house to a degree. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with the upstairs big room. So I left it empty for now. I was running out of funds


First things were first, feeding my brood. Luckily Emma volunteered to help with the


I invited Delilah home from college. She would take Heather and Jonah back to the

dorm with her.“Mom the house is amazing.”

“Thanks dear.” I straighted her shirt, “You look so good.”

That evening was the quads birthday. The upstairs was big enough for all of them to go

at once. Aleece wanted to have a big family like her

mom. At least six kids.Lucas loved his outfit, he wanted to be a rich

scientist and make $100,000.

“This shirt simply won’t work.” Sonya groaned making a face, she wanted fame and glory as a world class ballet dancer.

“No complaints here.” James shrugged. He want to be Silver Bend’s first architect.

Aleece decided she needed a new look. She pulled her hair into a new do.

“This should work.” She smiled into the mirror.

“Emma do you like goldfish?” Kayley asked her favorite sister.

“Yeah, sure I guess.” Emma shrugged, “Why?”

“Momma said she get me one if I made all A’s in school.”

“That’s cool.”

Heather booked her and Jonah’s cab to the dorms. Delilah hitched a ride with them.

“Bye Heather!” Kayley waved.“Bye peanut.” Heather smiled fondly.

Emma was still hungry at the end of the night. Her mom was upstairs tucking Kayley into bed. So she snuck a drink out of the milk


“I know you drank out of the milk carton.” I told Emma the next morning, “You get to

garden by yourself tomorrow.”“Rats.” Emma swore.

“Frammit!” My whole family had a pottymouth this morning. Poor Ambi was just

looking for pretty shells when a crab grabbed his fingers.

I invited Bulbasaur’s family over for Family Sunday. Kaylynn was friends with Julie and

Rebecca. It would be good for Emma and the quads to make friends with her too.

“You look great Bulba.” I complimented her.“Really? I’m so covered in dog hair.”

“How are those puppies doing, I’ll love to see them all grown up.”

“Me too, I can’t wait.”

Emma and Ambi made lunch for everyone which was a great way to make friends.

“Why don’t you brush your teeth? Your breathe smells like a sewer.” Emma said

waving her hand in front of her face.“Why don’t you brush your hair, you look like

a mop.” James countered.

The argument escaladed into a full blown fight. No one says raising kids was easy. Looks like two of mine were going to be

chained to the chess table until they could play nice next season.


1 Founder point

1 2nd Gen


No current points

Family Friends

6 (24 Family Friend .25 each)

Impossible wants

1 10 kid want (Pony)

1 10 kid want (Ambi)

Platinum Graves

No current points


No current points


No current points

Family Breed

.5 Pet created in CAS

.25 Mate created in CAS

.25 Mate breed in household


No current points

Bon voyage

No current points

Free Time

No current points


No current points


No current points


No current points


No current points


-3 Maxmotives

-1 Spouse made in CAS

-5 Maxmotives on Community Lots

Rotation: Week 6Households: 1 of 14Playable Sims: 84# Of Total Residents(PS + Gravestones): 84

Community Lots: 17Business Districts: 1Universities: 1Downtown: No

SM: 16

Population: 1,344

CAS Available: -8

University Funds: $18,602(+$13,849)(10% taken of available funds taken daily)# of Fires: 3# of Burglaries: 3 # of Electrocutions: 2# of Graves: 0

Businesses:Diem Digs – Pony Diem – 6Ambian Sounds – Ambi Diem - 8College Club – Jonah Diem – 9Silver Bend Shops – Delilah Diem - 5Colouriffic – Thai Colours – 10iRobot – Amanda Colours – 5Dreamweaver – Thai Colours – 2Colour Café – Thai Colours - 3Goddess Spa – Keika Clitheroe – 0Sugar Sugar –Gabie Sugar – 3The Flower Garden – Clarence Phillippine – 8Star Gazing Park – Neil Cameron - 3 Cat Café – Ani-Mei Starr – 4Fire it Up! – Charmander Pokemon –5Verde Valley Library – Ivy Elm – 0Diem Library –Community Owned-

Careers:Slacker: 1 of 2(Thai Colours)Business: unlocked!Architecture: 0 of 1 Music: unlocked!Criminal: 1 of 1Education: 0 of 5Law Enforcement: 0 of 2Culinary: 0 of 1Pet Service: unlocked!Medical: 0 of 1Politics: unlocked!Journalism: 0 of 1Gamer: special 0 of 1

Service calls unlocked.

Yay another update done and it’s not even the end of March. I don’t know what happened with Emma and James, but they sure are mad

at each other. I decided to move them rather

than keep working on the beach house. It’s still in the hood and maybe one of Pony’s kids will

settle in it soon. I tried to give all the kids face time with mixed

success. There’s just so many of them.

The Colours are up next ->