Introducing Shamil a.k.a KOTLER

Shamil B'day ppt

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Page 1: Shamil B'day ppt





Page 2: Shamil B'day ppt

Shamil, during exam

Shamil, after exam

I’ll fail in ACF, QM, MPPO. I am dumb at marketing….. !!

When results are announcedGPAACF-4.0QM- 4.0Marketing- writing a book soon!!!!

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Shamil- “ I can die after getting a Day 0 shortlist”, “Day 0 shortlists r not for

people like us”

SHAMIL gets placed

first in batch!!!!

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Shamil at ABP, coffee shop, athicas. Amul.. “Eda, didn’t take purse.. Get me tea.. “

Shamil’s total debt at any time– 2,00,000 PsSole Lender- World Bank SARAN Ps

TISSOTSamsung S4 Galaxy TabletMoto GDSLR

I am now rich….I am Poor now

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Shamil’s room: Award for NEATNESS

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Shamil & bathing

SHAMIL LOGIC: I took bath today!

Don’t have to bath for a month!!!!.

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Consulting @ roland BERGERWhat friends think he did

What Shamil ACTUALLY did What he

says he did

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Beats Pablo



Page 9: Shamil B'day ppt

U wont get a chance to hoosh KOTLER…

Try the next best thing..

Hoosh SHAMIL L-Square @ 12 AM