Collaborative story Itália

Rosina draghina is lost (7) (2)

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Page 1: Rosina draghina is lost (7) (2)

Collaborative story


Page 2: Rosina draghina is lost (7) (2)

Rosina Draghina is lost…Rosina Draghina está perdida…

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It was a beautiful day. Suddenly fell to the middle of the garden a

strange being. Mr. Francisco, the gardener, startled. Was slowly

approaching itself ...

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When it arrived closer asked:

- Who are you?

And the answer I heard was:

- Where am I? How did I get here?

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Mr. Francisco asked again:

- Who are you?

- My name is Rosina Draghina, I'm an Italian monster, I'm looking for

my friend's Cossie and do not know where I am!

The Lord Francisco was very good person replied:

- Well, well, well ... you're in Portugal, in Porto de Mos. And I have not

seen nor know anyone by that name.

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- Do you know is that I am very fast and Cossie far too slow for my taste. We

were walking playing in the saw and we got lost in. Now do not know go

home ...

Mr. said Francisco unto him

- Can you send a convoy to Italy and there you can already continue to seek

your friend and continue the game ...

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 Mr Francisco wants help Rosina and brings her at the station and he

says: "You can go in Italy by train and look for Cossie in the school of

our Italian friends"

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Rosina takes the train and goes to

Italy. When she arrives at school, she

finds Juvenal, a monster friend; he

says her that Cossie stayed there, but

he has already leaved to England

because he missed his home and his


Juvenal and Rosina decide to leave

together and find their friend Cossie. 

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Together they go to Milan Central

Station, buy the ticket, take the train

and go to Cossington, where they

hope find Cossie!


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(Primo finale)

Arrivati in Inghilterra, a Cossington, trovano Cossie nel giardino della scuola

che gioca e fa merenda con i suoi amici e le maestre. Cossie invita Juvenal e

Rosina a giocare con loro. Juvenal e Rosina sono molto felici e decidono di

rimanere un po’ di tempo là, con i nuovi amici.

(First final)

Arrived in England, in Cossington, they find Cossie in the school

garden who is playing and having a break with his friends and


Cossie invites Juvenal and Rosina to play with them. They are very

happy and decide to stay there with new friends.  

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(First final)

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(Secondo finale)

Quando Juvenal e Rosina arrivano in Inghilterra, vanno a Cossington ma

a scuola non trovano Cossie: una delle maestre dice loro che Cossie è

partito per la Svezia perché tutti i mostriciattoli hanno deciso di incontrarsi

là per fare una bellissima festa. Allora decidono di andare anche loro in

Svezia per festeggiare con tutti i loro amici mostri!

(Second final)

When Juvenal and Rosina arrive in England, they go to

Cossington but they don't find Cossie in the school: a teacher

says them that Cossie has already leaved to Sweden because all

monsters decided to meet all together over there for a beautiful

party. So they decide to go in Sweden for the party. 

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the end

Ciao cari amici portoghesi . . . alla prossima avventura!

Hello, dear friends of Portugal. . . See you at the next adventure!