Styl es. Humorous Advert. Fosters Gold. This is a humorous advert and falls into the form of Realistic Narrative along with Talking Heads as it starts with a casual party scene, moves to the middle which has 2 guys talking to each other over the phone and ends with the main character of the ad talking to the party host and you mainly only see the heads to the 2 guys talking. The adverts style is humorous as they are making funny remarks as well as their facial expressions showing humor. It uses iconography which shows the difference between Australia and England, and in the advert, expressing that Australia is a better place to be. The advert also uses a variety of different camera shots and angles to show the facial expressions of the characters which add to the humorous effect, as well as mid to long shots to show the contrast in the

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Humorous Advert.Fosters Gold.

This is a humorous advert and falls into the form of Realistic Narrative along with Talking Heads as it starts with a casual party scene, moves to the middle which has 2 guys talking to each other over the phone and ends with the main character of the ad talking to the party host and you mainly only see the heads to the 2 guys talking. The adverts style is humorous as they are making funny remarks as well as their facial expressions showing humor. It uses iconography which shows the difference between Australia and England, and in the advert, expressing that Australia is a better place to be. The advert also uses a variety of different camera shots and angles to show the facial expressions of the characters which add to the humorous effect, as well as mid to long shots to show the contrast in the 2 countries and how Australia is represented in a better light than England. The product is shown at the end along with the logo which show that some computer graphics have been added into the advert as well as using a voice over.

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Surreal Advert.Jordans.

This advert uses the form of Anti-Realist Narrative and Stand Alone as as the use of talking animals show that its not real and its fantasy as well as the advert being a one off and not being a part of a series. With it adopting the style of surreal it shows that the advert isn’t real and exaggerate due to the talking animals. The use of iconography works well as you can really tell that its set on a farm due to the animals, shrubbery, crops etc. and the use of camera angles show the ‘Jordans’ sign in the background so you keep getting reminded of the product. The end of the advert uses a voice over telling you about the product and shows an image of it so that you are aware of what it looks like. No logo is shown in the advert so that signifies a lack of computer graphics.

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Dramatic Advert.Full Stop.

This is a very dramatic advert as it uses the form of a Documentary as it is showing facts and figures, quotes from famous people along with touching images. It’s a charity advert that really gets its point across by using a dramatic ad that touches the hearts of the viewers. The close ups shots really express the sadness of the children and it shows their pain which makes you want to donate and help them, as well as the iconography which shows the tough living conditions that these children have to endure. Special effects are used at the start of the advert where they are showing the globe spinning. However no computer graphics were shown in the sense of a logo etc.

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Parodic Advert.Specsavers.

The specsavers advert is a parodic advert as it is taking the mick out of the lynx adverts were the smell attracts the girls. In this advert all the girls run towards the guy but when he puts his glasses on they all leave stating that he should of gone to specsavers. It’s a Stand Alone advert as there are no sequels to this advert as this advert was designed to take the mick out of all the lynx adverts as well as helping to endorse their product. There was a good use of camera angles as you get to see the facial expressions of the girl when they see him with his glasses, and the guy when he sees all the girls walking away. However the iconography wasn’t really relevant. At the end of the advert it shows the specsavers logo which shows us that some computer graphics were used and there were a small amount of special effects used when it blurred the screen towards the end to show that the guy couldn’t see without his glasses.

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Techniques.Each advert always contains an element to it to help them to attract viewers and endorse their product to the viewers:•Hidden and overt message.•Emotional responses:o Solution to a problem.o Fear.o Concern.o Compassion.o Self-perception.o Social position.•Celebrity endorsement.

Persuasive TechniquesHermeren: distinguishes among the following kinds of power through which an advertisement may have a persuasive influence:Reward Power: the product promises some positive benefit.Coercive Power: the product is presented upon pain of threat or punishment.Referent Power: the message associated with the product.Expert Power: the product is presented by an expert.Star Power: the product is associated with a celebrity figure.

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Example 1: Gillette Fusion Advert.This advert contains a celebrity endorsement as it includes sports stars Tiger Woods, Theirry Henry and Rodger Federer. Seeing as the product is aimed at men anyway, the use of these famous figures will appeal to men even more as they are their idols, they see them competing every week so if they use the same razor as them then they will feel like they have something in common with them. It also shows star power as every time you see that product you/ll be reminded of those celebrities so the product eventually becomes associated with the celebrity.

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Example 2: Nivea For Men 'Silver Protection' Deodorant Advert.This advert shows a social response as it makes men feel more comfortable socialising as they don't feel like they have to worry about what their smelling like. Also, the advert showed 2 men competing in social event in blow up balls which suggests that they Nivea are competing to be the best out there and no matter what you do you can stay smelling good. It includes referent power as there is a clear message associated with the product that gets itself across to the viewer.

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Example 3: Anderx Advert.This advert shows compassion as you adore the puppy and find it very cute. This attracts the audience in as they like the puppy and it therefore helps to sell the product as people go out and buy the product as it is associated with the puppy. The advert has reward power as they feel that their helping out the puppy even though it was only used to help sell the product.

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Example 4: Domestos 5x Longer Advert.This advert strikes fear into mothers as they feel that the germs are going to have a negative impact and cause their children to ill. By doing this, mothers and fathers feel like they have to buy and use the product as it is helping to save their childrens health. It has reward power with it as the advert has a positive benefit with it.

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Characteristics of Products or Services.

There are 5 main characteristics of products or services and they are:

The Benefits Offered.

Advantages Over Similar Products.

Unique Selling Proposition.

Life Style Appeal.

Brand Identity.

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Benefits Offered.

This advert is very effective as it offers a large amount of information that is very informative to us yet it gets us slightly worried as they are talking about a very important part of your teeth/mouth. It has a number of benefits attached to it as people will go out and buy this product as they feel that their product will help this problem. On top of this, it adopts the form of a documentary as there is a man in a white coat so we immediately assume that he knows what he’s talking about and he is saying is right.

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Unique Selling Proposition.

The sensodyne advert also has a unique selling proposition as it doesn’t have many competitors that are targeting their toothpaste at the same particular problem that sensodyne are. This makes their product unique as it is a one of a kind and people will therefore go out and buy it as they won’t be able to find any others like it so they will feel that this is the only product to help this problem (acid wear). Additionally, by making the advert very dramatic it grabs peoples attention as it is informing them about how serious the problem can be. It makes people worry their teeth and want the product in order to help themselves.

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Advantages Over Similar Products.

The Jacamo advert promotes themselves very well by showing that they have advantages over similar products. They do this by giving us a variety of information including high profile brands, prices, sizes appealing to all etc. so it makes us think of them rather than their competitors and we then want to go and check out their website. Even if we don’t buy anything, when we do go to buy something, they are the first name/company/brand that pops into our heads.

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Life Style Appeal.

Jacamo appeals to many people as there showing normal people to represent us in normal everyday clothes. It appeals to many people as they feel like that can see themselves in the person on screen. They feel that the clothing that they are offering/selling is the type of clothes the majority of people wear so it has a life style appeal to it and makes many more people want to check out the website and buy clothes from their website. By making the advert have a life style appeal it will attract more people to purchase their clothing as they feel that the advert and the actors used have represented them very well and the style of clothing expressed appeals to them.

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Clearcast is responsible for pre-transmission examination and clearance of all TV ads that

are seen on your televisions. They have a licensing agreement with Ofcom which is there

to ensure that all ads aren’t misleading or harmful to viewers.

ConnexCast will go through Clearcast before we put our ads on the TV to ensure that they are not misleading, inappropriate, harmful or offensive to the people watching. Once we

have be given the clearance from Clearcast we go ahead and put them on TV as they are

appropriate and legal.

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ASA – Advertising Standards Agency.ASA is an organisation recognised by the

government and Ofcom and it deals with complaints to with advertising. The aim of ASA is to ensure that

all ads are legal, decent, honest and truthful by enforcing the advertising code.

Here at ConnexCast we use ASA to ensure that our adverts are meeting the code so that they are safe and not harming anyone. If they do then complaints will be made to the ASA about one of our ads, but

the aim is to not have any complained about.An example of when an advert was placed on ASA

was the ‘Paranormal Activity 3’ advert. This received a number of complaints as viewers found it

offensive, inappropriate and had reports of personal stresses. The ASA found that it breached the codes of Harm and Offense and Inappropriate to children.

ConnexCast has to ensure that the same issues have an impact on our adverts.

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BCAP Code – Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice

This is a list of rules that all adverts must adhere too. If they don’t then there is the chance that they won’t be allowed to show/continue showing their ad on TV. The

code means that the adverts can’t be misleading, inappropriate, tasteful etc.

Here at ConnexCast, if we was to make an advert there are do’s and don'ts we must obey by so that children can

watch them.Do’s:•Include qualifications and the price of the product.•Must state if adult permission is needed.Don’ts:•Distress children.•Encourage bullying or anti-social behaviour.•Do not represent children in a sexual way.•Take advantage of a child’s inexperience.•Target directly at children.

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OfcomOfcom is the communications regulator that is in

charge of the TV and radio sectors as well as telecoms and mobiles etc. Ofcom investigate and

then deal with TV and radio complaints. They ensure that people are protected from scams and false advertising as well as stopping people from hearing/viewing harmful and offensive material.Its important for us here at ConnexCast to make

sure that all our adverts appropriate for viewing so that we don’t get complained about and lose money due to having to make chances to the adverts or paying to get rid of the advert all


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New Account - Calgon

Recommendation 1:The first recommendation that we are going to make is to advertise on ITV 1 during the daytime: 06:00 – 17:29.

We believe that this would be the ideal time for you to advertise at most people who will be using your product will be housewives. This means that whilst there doing their chores during the day they will more than likely have ITV 1 on as it contains shows such as ‘Loose Women’.

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We feel that you should show your advert 8 times within this time period. If you are to advertise in just London it will cost £10,688. And if you were to advertise all over the UK it will cost £40,160.

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Recommendation 2:We also believe that you could show your advert between 9:30 – 11:00 on ITV 1 as they have a late night drama or a movie on at this time. We believe this would be a good time to show as everyone will be home from work at this time and as proven ITV 1 is the 2nd most watch TV channel. It therefore appeals to men and women as next time they go and do their shopping they will have your product in their mind.

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We suggest that only 2 adverts are shown during this time period would be the most effective. If you are to show in just London it will cost £18,742 and to advertise to the whole of the UK it will cost £86,486. It is a lot more expensive than recommendation 1, however a larger audience will be watching.

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Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2 and Peak Times

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Social Grade

Social Status Occupation

A Upper Middle Class. Higher managerial administrative or professional.

B Middle Class. Intermediate managerial administrative or professional.

C1 Lower Middle Class. Supervisory or clerical and junior managerial administrative.

C2 Skilled Working Class. Skilled manual workers.

D Working Class. Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers.

E Lowest Level of Substance.

State pensioners, casual or lowest grade workers.

Standard Occupational Classification

The target audience that Calgon’s advert will apply to is grades C1, C2 and D. This is due to all people needing washing powder for their clothes/washing machine. Due to Calgon not being an overly expensive product it gives those in grade D (housewives) the opportunity to use the product and by advertising to those during the day.