Secondary Research Rahul Chaudhary

Rahul chaudhary secondary research

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Rahul Chaudhary

Page 2: Rahul chaudhary secondary research

Describe the reasons why at least 5 of the top 15 films in this chart would have been successful in attracting audiences (you should consider what interests audiences might have, consider what age groups would be interested in this film and what institution distributed the film- how would this contribute to the film’s success).

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The Dark Knight

• The dark knight is a film distributed by Warner Brothers (WB) by being associated with such a big distribution company this film would have already been a bit of a hit as it would have the budgets ($185 million), actors any sort of budgeted requirements in the bag, all counting for a good film.

• Another thing that would of attracted audiences was the fact that this film was a sequel to the previous Batman films (Batman begins) so by being the second of a film must mean that this film was anticipated and was expected to be a good film as it was.

• The fact that this film was a 12a makes it set for a teenage audience. This would have meant that more people would have gone to watch it as teenagers make a lot of the population of cinema goers also the fact that this film is a high action packed film and violent makes it that little more appealing to teenagers. So by making it a 12a meant that the sales of this film would have risen along with the popularity as teenagers are more likely to talk about the film (word of mouth).

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• This film would have been an automatic success as a lot of people know about spider-man through the comics and TV. series, and by these being a success meant that the film would have been anticipated by many.

• Spider-Man is known for its high flying, action packed sequences and by this being such a big part in the film also meant that it would have appealed to its target audience(12a).

• Columbia Pictures was the distribution company to distribute this film. By being distributed by such a big company made for spider-Man being recognised in the film industry as the money was there because of Columbia Pictures was such a big company.

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Spider-Man 2

• Spider-Man 2 is the second film in a trilogy. This film would have been expected to live up to the expectations of the first film, which it did. With the introduction of new characters from the comics meant that this film had drawn in a new audience and also a new cast. Which may have enticed new people to watch making for more profits and sales.

• This film was also age rated at 12a meaning for that teenage audience barrier, this would have been good marketing strategy because if the audience would have gone to watch the first then they must want to watch the second to see what happens this sort of like hooking the audience to make them want to know more.

• This film again was distributed and produced by Columbia Pictures again making it big in the film world.

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Spider-Man 3

• This film is the last in the trilogy making it supposedly the most anticipated. This film with its new plot of spider-man having a sort of alter ego made it the hit it is.

• The plot may have been the factor of bringing in the audience as it was new to the past viewers of the pre sequels, but if the viewer is new then the film might have made them watch the previous 2 films to help them know what’s happening in the third film.

• One more factor that might have aided the film to success is that it is the third film of an amazing trilogy. This would have made audiences come all by itself due to the simple factor of it being the last film so people want to see what is going to happen to the spider- man industry.

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Iron Man • Iron man is the film produced and distributed by

Paramount pictures. This would have meant that the film would have been known by many because of the size of the distribution company.

• This film again is a 12a like the other 4. which makes it again more of a teenage film, more enticing to the age and more appealing to the audience members.

• The film was made accordingly to the comics which were read and collected by many. So when the film was produced then many would have gone to watch it to see if it lives up to the standards of the comics.

• When this film was made in 2008 it was the newest superhero movie thus making for new technology which would of helped towards bringing in the audiences who haven't seen anything like it before.

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Discuss who you believe the target audience to be for 2 or 3 of the films listed under the ‘Upcoming Releases' column- your answer should address demographic factors as well as psychographic.

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The Avengers

• I believe the target audience for this film would be teenagers (12a) preferably male as it is a superhero movie with superheroes we all know that come together.

• The simple fact of this film having all these superheroes make it more enticing for the audience as it links in to people childhood superheroes so by seeing them almost be resurrected and to be put in a film makes people want to go watch it to see the childhood hero again if you like.

• Also the fact that this film is to be released in may makes it more appealing to teenage audience because many would be in that stage to look forward to the summer holidays so if this film plays during them times it would be watched by the more teenage audience as they tend to go to places like cinemas in the free time.

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The Wolverine

• I believe that the target audience for this film would again be 12a. This is due to the fact of this film having the link with x-men.

• The character wolverine who was crucial role in the x-men franchise has also seen a film about himself (X-men origins) so this film would have already an audience because of that, so people would come to see how it matches and differs from the x-men films.

• This film would also be linked to peoples childhood as they grew up with x-men and the cartoon series so by having another film with characters from x-men makes it exciting for them as it brings back memorise.

• Also by this film being release in July 2013 makes it more appealing to the teenage audience as this is the “summer holiday” period for them so it would be easier for them to go watch it.

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Discuss the reasons why this article believe ‘The Dark Knight Rises’, ’The Avengers’ and ‘The Amazing Spiderman’ will be successful in finding audiences.

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• The dark knight rises- they believe that it has an advantage because of the fact that it is the sequel to the $533 million grossing movie.

• Another factor they believe that would make this film a success is the actor Christian Bale the fan favourite who plays batman in the films they believe that his roll in the first films make this one that little bit more appealing.

• Also the introduction of the new characters such as bane which was in the original batman and robin also brings in the success rate as many people know of the character.

The Dark knight rises

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The Avengers • The article believes that by combining six characters from previous summer

blockbusters into one large scale movie makes it that little bit more appealing and exciting.

• Also the actors are a big feature in the success rate as it has Robert Downey Jr, as Tony Stark from the iron man films also Thor and Captain America. It also has new characters as Samuel L. Jackson who is obviously known through out the filming industry. Also the film shows the return of The Incredible Hulk who was last seen in 2008.

The article also says that by being released before the other two makes it the first movie of the summer which means it can explode out of the gate and get everyone excites about summer and the other two films.

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The Amazing


• The main success of this film would be the big global event made by Sony. This got the word out and gave the audience an insight to what the film will be like and what they can expect from it.

The film is to be released a day before the release date as Sony is hoping to get a bump from the holiday. So more people would come to watch the film.

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How important are star actors/star directors in helping superhero films to be successful.

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Star actors/Star directors • In this article it is saying that the bigger

the actor to play the role in the film then the more people would come to watch it. as the actor will known and the work they have done will be wanted to see more of. So if the character of the dark knight rises would to be changed then the sales could be effected as it is proven that Christian bale is a fan favourite making the film more money. So having star actors in a film is very important for making profits and for the viewing of a film.

• It is also saying that if a big director is involved then the film would be better because more ideas and a better outcome would be achieved. This is because the director would have the knowledge to make the film better through previous films and experiences that's how they become good directors in the first place.