How did you attract/address your audience? Question 5

Question 5

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How did you attract/address your audience?

Question 5

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Attracting my audience

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The “SHOUT” logo attracts the audience as it uses the idea of violence as it has a strong/masculine font and cracked glass to reinforce this idea. This attracts the audience as they are interested in violence and such as it’s seen as “cool” amongst youths.

This attracts the readers to buy the magazine as they think they have a chance to win something.

This article heading attracts the target audience as they know if they read this article that they’ll be informed and be in the know. This idea of being informed (preferably before anyone else) is emphasised throughout mine, and other rock music magazines.

“Cover #1 of 3” attracts the audience as they want to seem loyal, and being a fan of the band, they may collect all 3 covers.

Firstly, the “free” posters entice the audience into buying the magazine as the target audience are usually known to decorate their rooms with posters, so they may buy this magazine in order to further adorn their rooms. Secondly, the interview with Gareth Bobby Ferguson makes fans of his want to buy the magazine in order to read said interview. Thirdly, as my magazines unique selling point is that they find new bands around Britain, hipsters people may buy this magazine in order to find out new bands, before anyone else.

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This advert here to subscribe to “SHOUT” entices the audience into buying the magazine as they can buy it and save money on future purchases of the same magazine buy subscribing to it.

This small note by ,me, the editor makes the audience want to buy the magazine as it tells them what’s inside it. They are then persuaded to buy it by the note using language to make it seem like what it is saying is exciting and new, in a way it’s something the reader can tell their friends, therefore making them “cool”. Use of exclamation marks reinforces this and the use of the actual word “exciting”.

The contents page highlights the character of Gareth Bobby Ferguson. Therefore fans of his are enticed into buying the magazine so they can read about him.

The contents page is used to tell readers what’s inside the magazine. It attracts them to buy it because it features all the different parts of the magazine that the audience may enjoy, and they then buy the magazine in order to read about these things.

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This image, taken from the double page spread, attracts the audience as it stands out on the page. Special words are highlighted in different colours and the whole title is written in capital letters, thus stressing the apparent importance of this article. It therefore attracts the audience as they feel that it’s something important that they should tell their peer group. It also satisfies them as they feel like they are well informed.

The picture of Obsidians’ lead singer, Jacob Keyes, attracts the audience as they can aspire to look like him. Indeed, these magazines are known as fashion trend setters, so we can see that the audience will see this image and will want to look like the man portrayed.

This last question as part of my article is extremely important in addressing my audience. The uses of exclamation marks make it again seem important. But the content itself inspires the reader. The audience will feel included in some sort of rock revolution, relevant to their interests as my target audience are anti-establishment.

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Addressing my audience

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In order to address my audience I used my photography prowess. All the photos I took are taken outside, they aren’t artificial (Like in a studio). This tells the audience that the artists’ featured are like them, the places I took these photos are easily accessible, therefore the audience feel a connection with the artists’ involved. To further reinforce the idea that the audience are like the artists’ involved I made them pull relaxed poses where it was necessary. This is seen most prominently in the double page spread. The artist here looks relaxed, just like the teenagers reading this magazine. And in order to address the audiences’ rebellious ideals the person in the contents page is pulling a rebellious pose.The clothing that the artists’ wear is very casual, this addresses the audience as it’s the exact same type of clothes that they will wear.

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