Q5- How did you attract/address your audience?


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Q5- How did you attract/address your audience?

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The mise en scene used in my video attracts the audience because they enjoy thriller films and the themes involved. My audience profile shows me that they enjoy films with suspense and action. My audience feedback showed me that they do in fact think the film is full of suspense and appears mysterious due to the use of the dark lighting and setting. It fits with the genre and the target audience because it is an everyday road that they would walk down due to their income and lifestyle. For example, the audience wouldn’t live on a private road that is very posh, they would live in a neighbourhood near a school or a park etc. This is effective because the audience can feel like they relate to the sequence as it’s the same type of setting they would usually see. One of the themes in horror is to scare the audience, so by relating the settings to the ones around the character, it creates a sense of verisimilitude, almost scaring the audience because they remember the film when they are walking down a street similar to the one featured in the opening sequence.

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The character used in my opening sequence attracts my audience because they like to read about celebrities in magazines, watch reality shows such as Keeping up with the Kardashians, and films with famous celebrities in them. I learnt this through the use of my audience profile. I then developed this interest and made the main character in my film an upcoming actress that dabbles in the limelight of the celebrity world, which is exactly what my target audience wish they could do. It touches on the issues of fame that the audience do not see when watching these reality TV programmes- they only see the positive side of fame and not the negative side which comes with it, so I included this in the film to get them thinking. My audience feedback showed me that they understand the narrative of the film and it is effective because even though she is an actress they can still relate, because she has been taken advantage of as she is new to fame so she doesn’t understand it.

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The use of titles addresses the audience because the fade in and out introduces the characters and the narrative. These titles are used to show the music creators and the people who edited the sequence. This will attract the audience as they can then find out who the music is from and can contact the people who edited it if they want to find out how to do it or to get any ideas or help if they have to create their own at school (because they are still of school age 15+). They will also attract the audience because the titles make the sequence look professional and effective, and they do not obstruct the view of any action going on in the scenes. My audience feedback showed me that the titles are successful, because they are placed in the correct place and are easy to follow. They work successfully because they fade in and out of the scene, adding some continuity and making them look more interesting.

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The themes presented in the opening sequence will also attract the audience. The sequence presents themes of crime, where she is being followed and then killed. Another theme portrayed by the character Chloe is about the dark side of fame that isn't covered by the media. This attracts the audience because they are surrounded by media about celebrities, and some may even aspire to be celebrities, but they do not know the darker side of it when Chloe is underpaid and unappreciated for her work by the director. This is a new representation of fame, so the audience will be attracted to it because they have never really seen it before, and are intrigued to find out more. The theme of crime may also attract the audience because they live in a urban town where they a susceptible to crime because they do not have the money (like celebrities would) to protect themselves. Crime isn't always covered by the media honestly, so this film will attract them because they want to know what really goes on and how the police go about stopping it, which would be presented later on in our film when they try to find out who killed Chloe and why.

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Our media product attracts the audience by presenting themes that the audience would be interested in due to their lifestyle, education and job position. The titles help address the audience in a professional and sophisticated way, making it look like a good film to go a watch because time has been taken during the editing stage.