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Promotional package analysis

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Page 1: Promotional package analysis

Promotional Pack Analysis






Page 2: Promotional package analysis

MagazineEmpire magazine allows the audience to identify the top films that are to be released in the

upcoming months. Through appearing in the magazine the film has the ability to be recognised as

a future hit. The masthead of the magazine is located at the top of the page and is set behind Will

Smith’s head, allowing the audience to instantly recognise the topics located within the magazine.

The main image is a key selling point for the magazine, through featuring a famous actor as their

main image the magazine and film are instantly recognisable to the target audience. Additionally,

the placement of the image ensures it stands out as it overlaps the masthead and fill the centre

third of the page.

The mise-en-scene of the front cover image allows the audience to recognise the films genre. This

can be seen through the props of the gun which is used to signify danger, fear and an unclear

need for protection. This creates mystery as the readers are unaware what the character needs

protection from. The gun is also conventionally used to signify violence which would also appeal to

the predominately male target audience for the film. The clothing within the film also signifies the

genre, this is because the use of dark clothing connotes mystery and is a conventional element of

a apocalyptic thriller. Additionally, the setting of the image signifies that the film is a thriller through

the use of a dark background and the fog on the bottom of the screen. This also creates mystery

and suspense for the image of the magazine.

Finally, the colour scheme of the magazine is a key factor in relation to the genre. The black and

white connote mystery. Whereas, the red colour signifies danger and a sense of fear.

Mise-en-scene of the

Cover Story image

allows the reader to

Instantly connect it to

the key themes if

mystery and


Through having the

film’s A-list actor as

the cover image

makes the magazine

instantly recognisable

to the Target


Dark, foggy


emphasises the

genre of the film


directly relate

to the film.

Colour scheme of

red, black and white

connotes mystery

and danger which

are conventional

themes in Thrillers.

The strapline is

featured on the front

cover of the magazine

which is designed

make the magazine

look appealing to the


The cover lines on the

magazine are shown as

set back, which shows

that they are less

important than the main

cover story.

The route of

the eye layout

format is used

within the

magazine front

cover which is

used to draw

the audience’s


across the

magazine. This

is a



format that is a

house style of



Page 3: Promotional package analysis

The colour schemes of black and

yellow connotes a dark and gloomy

atmosphere which is conventional

for apocalyptic thrillers as it

represents the theme of decay.

Wide-angle shot represents the

main character is alone. This

matches the theme of isolation as

it shows that the person has

nobody to help his situation. This

is conventional in thrillers as the

protagonist conventionally has an

issue that they must resolve.

The theme of isolation is also

shown through the tagline ‘the

last man on earth’.

Decay is shown throughout the

poster. This can be specifically

seen within the background which

shows a main city destroyed. This

can lead to the theme of suspense

and mystery as other than the logo

on the building there is no signs of

what has caused the destruction of

the city.

The title is written is white serif font so

that it stands out against the

background. Additionally, the L and D

are written in a larger font in order for

the tagline to fit in the middle

effectively. Through placing the tagline

close to the title it ensures that it

catches the audiences attention.

The film’s main stars name is placed as the top of the

poster in bold serif font. This allows the film to have

instant recognition with the target audience who would

be familiar with the actors previous work.

The tagline ‘The Last Man On

Earth Is Not Alone’ emphasises

the theme of isolation and the

statement that he is not alone

creates fear and suspense as the

audience wonder what else is

hidden within the decaying city.

The second poster uses the

background of a destroyed

bridge this represent the

destruction of links to other

places and makes the city

appear even more isolated.

The character is shown to be

carrying a gun, this connotes the

conventional theme of danger. The

theme of danger is also a key

appeal for the target audience as it

keeps them on the edge of their


The low-key lighting is

used to create a dark or

sombre atmosphere. In this

case it could be used to

signify the presence of

danger at night time.

The birds in



of the poster


designed to





Images of Smoke and Decay

emphasizes the theme of

destruction and illustrates that the

film is a apocalyptic thriller. The

placement of the city within the

setting illustrates that the film’s

setting and shows the scale of the


Film Posters

Page 4: Promotional package analysis

Film Trailer

The use of extreme-wide-angle shots

throughout the trailer relates directly to

the genre. This is because they show the

character as isolated and alone in a

dangerous and decaying city. The first

image also shows the main character

with a gun hunting something to eat. This

demonstrates the unusual situation the

character is in, especially when he is

confronted by the lion in the city.

Additionally, the prop of a gun creates

fear and suspense within the trailer. This

is conventional to the thriller genre and

the young adult audience are drawn to

the suspense and fear element within the


The close-up on Will Smiths character and

the monster creates fear and tension within

the trailer.

The dog is shown in many shot with Will’s

character. This is designed to represent the last

part of home his previous life he had before the

outbreak of the virus. Therefore representing

their close connection. This can be specifically

seen when the dog saves the characters life but

in return gets hurt and starts turning into one of

the monsters. Consequentially, he has to put his

only companion out of her misery. This is shown

in the trailer when he starts to cry at the picture

of the dog with his daughter who died in the

helicopter crash.

The character is shown within a confined

space with his dog whilst clutching a gun.

This represents the fear and uncertainty of

the character at night fall. This matches the

captions which are displayed on the screen,

Captions are effective in appealing to the

target audience as it allows the film creators

to directly address the audience.

This scene within the trailer also

represents the themes of isolation and

panic. The mise-en-scene element of the

blood on the characters shoulder connotes

danger and a sense of threat.

Page 5: Promotional package analysis

The magazine feature, the poster and the film trailer each work effectively together to represent the films

genre and attract the target audience awareness towards the film. All three of the formats represent the

conventional thriller film themes of isolation, escape, fear, danger and uncertainty through the effective use

of the technical elements such as within the camera work and mise-en-scene. Additionally, the film also

effectively appeals to its mainly male young adult target audience. This can be seen through using Empire

magazine as a promotional item as they have a similar target audience and the bright colours against the

dark background allows the magazine and the film to stand-out. Furthermore, the unique selling point of the

film is featured on each of the promotional items through featuring Will Smiths image and name throughout

the items to make them instantly recognisable to the target audience.