The last exorcism part 2 trailer PROMOTIONAL PACKAGE ANALYSIS

Promotional package analysis

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Page 1: Promotional package analysis

The last exorcism part 2 trailer


Page 2: Promotional package analysis


Making a promotional package for a movie enables

an audience to easily distinguish what film it is that

they are looking at. This is often done through the

use of imagery and font style. As can be seen to the

right, the film trailer for ‘the last exorcism part 2’ has

a range of selective imagery and a consistent font

throughout that does not change. By doing this the

trailer creates a clear picture of what the film is about

through the use of connotations and a diverse array

of camera shots and images. These can then be

taken and used to create posters and advertising

using other resources whilst keeping both a

consistent house style and feel to the film. Trailers

also offer advertisement to a range of target markets

but this however is limited as not everyone would be

able to view it, for this reason posters are used to

branch out to a wider audience.

Page 3: Promotional package analysis


By using imagery such as this, the posters follow

on from what can be found in the film trailer whilst

often elaborating more on a single character from

the film. In this case the posters have singled out a

young girl that appears to be possessed by a

demonic spirit. The text that can be seen on the

posters also uses the same font style that can be

found throughout the trailer (as can be seen on the

right). By using posters the film is able to be

advertise to a much wider audience whilst still

sharing some of the films story, as well as link

directly to the film trailer through the use of

imagery and font connecting the two and showing

that they are for the same film.

Page 4: Promotional package analysis


Another form of promoting the film was through the use of the

social media website Twitter. By using this site they would be able

to reach out to their target market and keep them updated with

everything to do with the film. The audience would also be able to

follow the page and receive regular updates on what is going on.

As can be seen the page also provides imagery in line with what

is show in the trailer as well as the style of font that can be seen

in the images. By doing this the connection between everything is

still met and provides a consistent feel for the product despite it

being a different form of advertising/promoting the film.