Welcome to the Musica Legacy, presented by… me, xtwilightwarrio r. You can just call me Winnie. Anyway, this legacy is about music, if you haven’t already guessed it. I will name each child after a famous composer/musici an that was alive BEFORE 1920. So there will be no Rihannas, or Justins. This is Clara, named

Prologue-Musica Legacy

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Page 1: Prologue-Musica Legacy

Welcome to the Musica Legacy, presented by…me, xtwilightwarrior. You can just call me Winnie. Anyway, this legacy is about music, if you haven’t already guessed it. I will name each child after a famous composer/musician that was alive BEFORE 1920. So there will be no Rihannas, or Justins. This is Clara, named after the famous pianist Clara Schumann.

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Sorry for the really bad graphics! I would really like to showcase my amazing graphics, but unfortunately, my program makes them look horribly fuzzy and unattractive. So please, mind the pictures.

Other rules:

-No college

-No living off the lawn

-Every heir MUST have a music LTW or a Music&Dance Freetime hobby-thing.

-This is not for points.

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This house is just a starting house, so if I feel they have enough money to buy a lot for themselves, I will make them do so and build a DECENT HOUSE. Like I said before, no living off the lawn. Also, I will probably expand this house a lot. So they will probably use this house for the first two generations.

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And now…on with the show!

“Why did Mum and Father leave me here to fend for myself in this dusty old shack? Don’t they give a care about my old life? They didn’t even leave me enough Simoleans to buy myself a piano!”

Oh shush up.

“What in Will Wright was that?!”

Me. Now go find a job in that computer Mr. Humble gifted you.

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Clara found a job as a Recruit. Ah well. No job in the music career.

(She’s a family Sim with the LTW of golden anniversary. Easy enough.)

“Ugh! I don’t want to work in the army!”

Suck it up. It pays $350 a day.



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Clara moved outside and found this fellow. His name is Waylon Menon. Not the cutest, but hey. Good husband material. (They have 2 bolts of chemistry!!)

“Oh, um, hi. I’m Clara. Clara Musica.”

“Waylon Menon.”


They went inside, and became fast acquaintances.

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Clara (well, I did) decided she would have some options for her husband. You know what that means, kids!



So Clara called her up, and asked the gypsy-lady to come over.

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So the gypsy came over, and Clara explained her need for a husband.

“Oh great, another one of those Legacy founders…”


“Nevermind. OK, gaze into my crystal ball and give me $774 Simoleans.”

“Whatever you say. Just give me a husband.”

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Much to my reluctance, I had to give the gypsy the money. And we ended up with…

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…this guy.

You would think, ‘oh yeah, he’s her husband.’ Wrong. No chemistry, bad reactions. I was disgruntled.

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So, after the date ended lamely, she went up to Waylon.

“Wanna go on a date?”

“Um, sure.”

This is good.

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After a bit of this…

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…and this, Clara asked him if he wanted to move in.




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Which led to this.

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He even brought a bouquet of flowers TO HIS OWN HOUSE! This made me laugh.

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After a couple days of working, working, and more working, they finally earned enough to expand the house a bit and buy a keyboard. (Thx to the person who made this!! I forgot the name)

“Should I propose?” Clara asked me.

Well, duh. You’re kinda a Legacy founder.

So she did, but sadly I forgot to take pictures.

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“So,” Waylon said suggestively, wanna Try for Baby?”


Yay. *waves banner*

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It took two tries, and I heard the lullaby. I almost rejoiced.

So we’ll leave off here. Stay tuned for chapter 1! Thanks for reading, and keep on Simming!